...about that man dressed in white ( cloudy white, however)
Opera 369 shares from Michi Gini
The Lord seems to not want the man dressed in white on Holy Ground... the 'holy' wind is doing its part. 😤
"Durante la messa presieduta stamane da papa Francesco sul sagrato vaticano per la Domenica di Pasqua, il forte vento che soffiava su Piazza San Pietro a un certo punto ha fatto cadere pesantemente a …More
"Durante la messa presieduta stamane da papa Francesco sul sagrato vaticano per la Domenica di Pasqua, il forte vento che soffiava su Piazza San Pietro a un certo punto ha fatto cadere pesantemente a terra l'icona del 'Resurrexit', situata proprio vicino alla postazione del Pontefice."
Il vento rovescia l'icona 'Resurrexit' durante la messa a San Pietro - Primopiano - Ansa.it
Papa Francesco non si scompone minimamente...
I guarantee Bergoglio won't blow away in the wind. He is so obese can't even climb in the pope mobile.
Ann Smith
Maybe the winds are trying to blow away all the evil
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...... the man that 'suffers' from; 'selective manipulation of (anti-papal) presence'; meaning he has not 'celebrated a Mass in over 2 years'...he just seats on every throne he can usurp: first the …More
...... the man that 'suffers' from; 'selective manipulation of (anti-papal) presence'; meaning he has not 'celebrated a Mass in over 2 years'...he just seats on every throne he can usurp: first the Chair of Peter.. the Popemobile, the wheelchair,... now he's eyeing the "Sedia Gestatoria", but never will he 'genuflect' for Jesus or Mary.
Great viewpoints....
Part 2...
Putin parla alla Russia dopo l'attacco terroristico In seguito ad un tragico attacco terroristico, il presidente Vladimir Putin ha rivolto un discorso alla nazione, esprimendo il suo cordoglio per le …More
Putin parla alla Russia dopo l'attacco terroristico
In seguito ad un tragico attacco terroristico, il presidente Vladimir Putin ha rivolto un discorso alla nazione, esprimendo il suo cordoglio per le vittime e annunciando misure di sicurezza rafforzate.
Nel suo discorso alla nazione, il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha descritto l'attacco terroristico come un atto "barbaro" che ha colpito numerosi civili innocenti, tra cui donne e bambini. Ha lodato gli sforzi degli operatori sanitari, dei servizi di emergenza e dei cittadini comuni per il loro coraggio e impegno nel prestare soccorso immediato alle vittime. Putin ha annunciato il 24 marzo come giorno di lutto nazionale in memoria delle vittime.
Il presidente ha sottolineato che tutte le famiglie colpite riceveranno il supporto necessario e che sono state implementate misure di sicurezza aggiuntive a Mosca, nella regione circostante e in tutto il paese per prevenire ulteriori attacchi.
Putin ha rivelato che gli autori diretti dell'attacco …More
Nicola D.B. shares this
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Second part (video)
Per capirne di piu'....
For those who still don't know the ..real story - listen and ponder.
Per quelli che hanno ancora un po' di cervello...
When culture and tradition meet: = Beauty!
Opera 369
...imagine, the littlest part of flesh shows, and yet they are so alluring in telling .. the 'story'!! Light years from the likes of notorious ' gah …More
...imagine, the littlest part of flesh shows, and yet they are so alluring in telling .. the 'story'!! Light years from the likes of notorious ' gah gah' , 'mad honna'....and so forth.
Listen, listen.....(from someone who just discovered the Faith, through his wife).
He needs to practise what he preaches. If he believed it he would convert to Catholicism.
Brilliant - Dr. Peterson sums it up so well! The Great Adventure, is to take up our cross and follow Christ. That is the mission the Church needs to be …More
Brilliant - Dr. Peterson sums it up so well! The Great Adventure, is to take up our cross and follow Christ. That is the mission the Church needs to be preaching; right now the Church has put saving the environment above saving souls.
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L'ascolto e' offerto soltanto alle persone 'oneste e integre' nel cuore e nella mente.
“PAPA FRANCESCO” È LA VERA BUFALA! Al giornalista Riccardo Maccioni di Avvenire San Paolo dice in 2 Cor 5,21: “Colui che non aveva conosciuto peccato, Dio lo fece peccato in nostro favore, perché in …More
“PAPA FRANCESCO” È LA VERA BUFALA! Al giornalista Riccardo Maccioni di Avvenire
San Paolo dice in 2 Cor 5,21: “Colui che non aveva conosciuto peccato, Dio lo fece peccato in nostro favore, perché in lui noi potessimo diventare giustizia di Dio”.
Ma non dice che Dio si è CONTAMINATO con il peccato!

Exploring the thesis of the 'Ratzinger Code': Did Pope Benedict fake his resignation? - LifeSite

Prof. Erik Thaddeus Walters joins me on this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show to unpack why he believes …
Here explained so accurately: the "schismatic operation" of Vigano'. Those of you still ...slumbering - wake up - already!
Opera 369
@spinmeister (or spin-master)? You judge a book by its cover?? You go ahead and stay with the new Vigano'. Just the fact that Vigano' acted quite …More
@spinmeister (or spin-master)? You judge a book by its cover?? You go ahead and stay with the new Vigano'. Just the fact that Vigano' acted quite hypocritically with 3 popes...should be a huge alarm-sign. Maybe one of these days, he will loudly admit that all 'traditionalists - SSPX should be in total "loving relationship" with Bergoglio..; even though right now, Vigano has all negative things to say about him! What will you say then Mr. spinmeister?
First, it is difficult to listen to this person who looks so much like a younger Bergolio. The speed with which he speaks and his continual pinching of …More
First, it is difficult to listen to this person who looks so much like a younger Bergolio. The speed with which he speaks and his continual pinching of his nose is also jangling and off putting. His appearance and mannerisms were probably the reason he was chosen for this role. I got to the point where he said that there is no trace of modernism anywhere in the Church, which occurs in the first 2 minutes, and knew this couldn't be anything but a provocation.
His main point, which he repeats maddeningly, is that Vigano was a high ranking member and benefited in every way from the Church that he has now turned against and criticizes; therefore, he is immoral and not to be trusted. But how many Traditionalist Catholics also were confirmed and sincere members of the counter church, which over time they gradually came to realize was not the true Faith of their youth? Reconversion is like conversion sometimes. It takes time and circumstances and the grace of God to fully realize what is Truth …More
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Great Italian 'real journalists' discussing the 'controlled health system'. This is incredible reporting on the HMO wanting to take over the world's health system. (Try using the 'translate tool' in …More
Great Italian 'real journalists' discussing the 'controlled health system'. This is incredible reporting on the HMO wanting to take over the world's health system. (Try using the 'translate tool' in case you're interested)
A great article, that reveals and proves facts which some high 'prelates' (very popular for "speaking out") ignore (to keep their pension, their house and their comfort).

Andrea Cionci: Posters Pop up in Teramo: "Bergoglio is not the pope"

Heads are exploding throughout the Italian peninsula as “Bergoglio is not the Pope” posters are popping up across the country. Andrea …
"Thus a compact bloc has been created. This is a group made of commentators, vaticanists and bloggers who are generally close to an Archbishop whom we …More
"Thus a compact bloc has been created. This is a group made of commentators, vaticanists and bloggers who are generally close to an Archbishop whom we must now consider as schismatic. Carlo Maria Viganò, in fact, has not denied the news published by national newspapers about a reconsecration of him by the schismatic Bishop Williamson"

Funny guys. Rejecting the election of the man whom almost all bishops (perhaps except sedevacantist ones and eastern real schismatics) recognised as the pope in 2013 and at the same time lightheartedly calling other people (declaring the Catholic faith) schismatics.
Niente altro che la VERITA'...! Il Mons. che non lo e' piu' da quando ha rinnegato... se stesso..Vigano'!!
Dr Bobus
Vigano' is an archbishop. In Italy bishops are often called monsignor. Orders are permanent, so will always be a bishop.
@Opera 369 A very good surprise your appreciation for this wise man (that I didn't know at all). Just a little note: in my opinion, the main question …More
@Opera 369 A very good surprise your appreciation for this wise man (that I didn't know at all).
Just a little note: in my opinion, the main question in Vigano's personal story isn't his self-repudiation, but his intolerable fight towards REAL and saintly Popes.
This topic alone, sadly, dooms his whole action to irrelevancy.
That is a major damage, since Monsignor (or "former Monsignor") Viganò really knows what he's speaking about.
He was Nuncio in the United States, that are totally dominated by the Deep State and widely occupied by the Deep Church
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The more we know, the better we can overthrow - the enemy; whoever or whatever and however (satanist) might manifest itself - in human form or in object form! We (Catholics) must strengthen ourselves …More
The more we know, the better we can overthrow - the enemy; whoever or whatever and however (satanist) might manifest itself - in human form or in object form! We (Catholics) must strengthen ourselves in every way!