Christopher Shahrazade

Waiting for Better Times: Last Latin Mass at Melbourne Cathedral

Closing the traditional LAtin Mass from these churches is laughable, because next to no one goes to the Vatican II Mass. In my area, 1 parish is dropping down to 2 Masses on Sundays ( our older neighbors said that in the 1950;s they had 6!!) because they only have 1 priest, and the Archdiocese said they have no spare priests to replace the 2nd priest who had been assigned at the parish and now has …More
Closing the traditional LAtin Mass from these churches is laughable, because next to no one goes to the Vatican II Mass. In my area, 1 parish is dropping down to 2 Masses on Sundays ( our older neighbors said that in the 1950;s they had 6!!) because they only have 1 priest, and the Archdiocese said they have no spare priests to replace the 2nd priest who had been assigned at the parish and now has another assignment. Twelve parishes in the Archdiocese have no resident pastors. Only 3 new priests were made this year (from the 1930's to early 1960's they had sometimes 50+ per year). In this parish that is dropping to 2 Masses, the church is 75% empty for any Mass. HAHAHAHA!! Yet, at the one parish which has the TLM, it is filled every Sunday.
One parish near me has a magnificent marble altar, built in the 1890's. In front of it is the typical crap "presbyterian" style wooden table. No wonder no one goes to the Vatican II Protestant Mass.
Christopher Shahrazade

Waiting for Better Times: Last Latin Mass at Melbourne Cathedral

THey won't have to wait for long!!
Christopher Shahrazade

Bishops Request USCCB Study After Transgender Hermit Announcement

I think this "trans" hermit would be more at home in the Episcopal "church". They allow for anything/everything.
Christopher Shahrazade

US Bishops: Francis Is Authoritarian, Ruthless Divider

In my area we just had a "convent" if you can call it that, of Lutheran "deaconesses" closed after 120 years, and it was purchased by a new group of Italian nuns called the Ancelle dell'Immacolata.THey are opening a chapel for Mass and a day care/pre-school. It's the first time in my life I've seen nuns wearing real, old-time habits. Most of the 8 sisters are below 45 I would guess. Perhaps there …More
In my area we just had a "convent" if you can call it that, of Lutheran "deaconesses" closed after 120 years, and it was purchased by a new group of Italian nuns called the Ancelle dell'Immacolata.THey are opening a chapel for Mass and a day care/pre-school. It's the first time in my life I've seen nuns wearing real, old-time habits. Most of the 8 sisters are below 45 I would guess. Perhaps there is hope for the Catholic nuns after all.
I saw the Lutheran deaconesses for years...they wore either street clothes, or grey skirts and a vest. A picture in their lobby showed their original "habits", alot like real nuns but with white caps not veils. They always reminded me of the standard Catholic nuns, women in their 70's or more, wearing street clothes and looking mad.
Christopher Shahrazade

Papa Frociesco "Knows Many Good Holy Homosexual Seminarians and Priests”

Thank you, Irishpol for your comment. I should qualify my comment and say that although I don't go to Mass much, I do go infrequently, which is better than some of my siblings, or neighbors who are CAtholic and don't go. I have heard of, but have not atteded the LAtin Mass, but I have watched it on Sundays on Youtube broadcast by what is known as the SSPX site. THeir MAsses are beautiful. I love …More
Thank you, Irishpol for your comment. I should qualify my comment and say that although I don't go to Mass much, I do go infrequently, which is better than some of my siblings, or neighbors who are CAtholic and don't go. I have heard of, but have not atteded the LAtin Mass, but I have watched it on Sundays on Youtube broadcast by what is known as the SSPX site. THeir MAsses are beautiful. I love the Gregorian chant, which I researched and know some of which is 1,000+ years old. The hymns and chants in my other relatives EAstern Orthodox Church go back even further. Even though I am not an older CAtholic, or even middle aged, I have come to not understand how in the world the CAtholic Church could ever allow its entire tradition (liturgy,music,art,religious life, seminary life and disipline) to be thrown out years ago and replaced with trash...literally. Same goes for the Papacy. I looked on YouTube not long ago and types in "Pope Pius XII" and saw clips of ceremonies and MAsses conducted by this holy man. I'm just starting to investigate the Church deeply, because I took a class in college 18 1/2 months ago on CAtholic Church history which was fascinating, but the period after 1960's was boring as H--- with the topics discussed that we still hear today..women priests.
I came to the conclusion that this good Pope Pius XII was a true, real Pope who looked and acted like a real Pope. John XXIII was a well meaning buffoon, Paul VI reminded me of a "cry-baby" too weak to change course after he saw the disaster the Church was turning into,, and JPII as an "showman" or actor who liked to be the center of attention, while Francis isn't a Catholic at all but rather an instrument of the radical leftist/homosexualist agenda that has infiltrated many governments in Europe. He is the worst, as are his appointees. He is not a true Pope, but is just like all the worst and most progressive of the apparatchiks of the European Union
Christopher Shahrazade

Papa Frociesco "Knows Many Good Holy Homosexual Seminarians and Priests”

MOst of my family on my Dad's side are not CAtholic, but are EAstern Orthodox Christians, but those who are, msot no longer go to MAss regularly (only occasionally), since Bergoglio became Pope because of his agenda like this. Unfortunatly, nearly half of my life has been lived under the rot of Francis, and I don't go to Mass very much either because of this emphasis on homos. Every week, there …More
MOst of my family on my Dad's side are not CAtholic, but are EAstern Orthodox Christians, but those who are, msot no longer go to MAss regularly (only occasionally), since Bergoglio became Pope because of his agenda like this. Unfortunatly, nearly half of my life has been lived under the rot of Francis, and I don't go to Mass very much either because of this emphasis on homos. Every week, there seems to be yet another push in the Church for homosexuality, despite Francis' comments against homo sems and priests.
I do know that in my other relatives Eastern Orthodox church, which has big populations in Iraq, Iran, Syria,Lebanon, some in Israel, Turkey, and Cyprus as well as parts of India, homos are considered almost like lepers in some countries, and are not even talked about.
Christopher Shahrazade

Pope Frociesco Smells "Homosexual Air" in the Vatican

I'm probably way to young (or uneducated about the Church), but I don't think it was always this way. I don't thing that the Vatican was stinking with faggots running around the halls and corridors 70-80-100+ years ago. It had to start more recently, after an earth shatering event that threw the Church into maddness as everything held sacred went into the trash heap. I think thats when the doors …More
I'm probably way to young (or uneducated about the Church), but I don't think it was always this way. I don't thing that the Vatican was stinking with faggots running around the halls and corridors 70-80-100+ years ago. It had to start more recently, after an earth shatering event that threw the Church into maddness as everything held sacred went into the trash heap. I think thats when the doors opened up to all these people, ushered in by the top man who himself, was the object of strong rumors of faggotry and was exiled to Milan before assuming the top job. I only say this because I had to read a book on his life in theology class in college three years ago, and remember beging shock by rumors of this guy having a relationship in the VAtican with a second rate Italian actor.
Christopher Shahrazade

Pope Frociesco Smells "Homosexual Air" in the Vatican

"Pope Frociesco also said that "traditionalists" were "not good". This is a false statement, and has been proven so over the last 50+ years. The radical progressive/liberal squad in the Church who have destroyed the religious life, liturgy, etc. are the ones in the Church who are "not good". But their day of reckoning is coming soon, with Bergoglio finally gone, and a Pope who is a CAtholic in office.
Christopher Shahrazade

False Comedian Tells Children in Francis' Presence that "There Is Only Heaven"

And none of the cardinals or bishops stand up to him to refute him. Cowards. They're probably all gay. Like Bergoglio.
Christopher Shahrazade


That's what plagiarism is, you dope. In college 2 years ago, I know of a top flight member of our basketball team who had aspiration for the pros who got thrown out of school because he plagiarized (lifted, copied) full texts from books for his term papers/reports. He was too stupid not to know to change the wording to make it sound like it was his thoughts. Word for word from an author who wrote …More
That's what plagiarism is, you dope. In college 2 years ago, I know of a top flight member of our basketball team who had aspiration for the pros who got thrown out of school because he plagiarized (lifted, copied) full texts from books for his term papers/reports. He was too stupid not to know to change the wording to make it sound like it was his thoughts. Word for word from an author who wrote volumns on ancient Egypt and Imperial Rome. Naturally, his history professor knew where it all came from. HAHAHAHA!! Big loss for our basketball squad, but worse for the plagiarist!! Good-bye career in the pros!
Christopher Shahrazade

Vandalism? Polish Chapel Smeared with Blood

If the splattered paint made to look like blood was vandalism, then it's a crime. If it was intentional and part of the chapel, then it's just plain sick. SICK!!
Christopher Shahrazade

False Comedian Tells Children in Francis' Presence that "There Is Only Heaven"

Isn't what Begnini said in front of the children just exactly nearly word for word what heretic Pope Francis stated or strongly implied in speeches more than once? I think so. And the cowardly cardinals and bishops cowered in the shadows saying nothing.
Christopher Shahrazade

Another Document: Does Pope Francis Feel Lonely?

"In Ut Unum Sint (1995), John Paul II invited leaders and theologians of schismatic and heretical communities to dialogue on how the papal office, exercised in a new way, could serve the cause of unity with schismatics and heretics." Maybe I'm too young to understand everything, because I was born 3 years after this rag by JPII, but to me at least, this quote ain't something a "saint" would think …More
"In Ut Unum Sint (1995), John Paul II invited leaders and theologians of schismatic and heretical communities to dialogue on how the papal office, exercised in a new way, could serve the cause of unity with schismatics and heretics." Maybe I'm too young to understand everything, because I was born 3 years after this rag by JPII, but to me at least, this quote ain't something a "saint" would think to implement, or even just a Pope.
Christopher Shahrazade

From Tragedy to Farce: Francis Meets Anti-Christian Clowns

Pope Francis won't be alive for long I say not as a nasty comment by a young Catholic who doesn't like him, but as a reality, He's going to be 88 I think. Is there a good cardinal electable who can clean up this mess, or are we going to be stuck with either a "do-nothing" Pope, or a "Francis II"? I wasn't even alive for a good part of JPII's term, but he didn't seem to do anything except travel. …More
Pope Francis won't be alive for long I say not as a nasty comment by a young Catholic who doesn't like him, but as a reality, He's going to be 88 I think. Is there a good cardinal electable who can clean up this mess, or are we going to be stuck with either a "do-nothing" Pope, or a "Francis II"? I wasn't even alive for a good part of JPII's term, but he didn't seem to do anything except travel. Benedict XVI was the only Pope of my lifetime I was old enough to recognize as a real Pope......he looked, dressed, acted like the classical Pope. Now that I'm out of college and alittle older, I respect him so much more for all that, especially considering the radical liberal idiot who we have now, and ann the homos he's appointed to high Vatican and other offices. THis meeting with entertainment people his his attempt to trivialize the Papacy more.........but he really degraded the Papacy/Church when he hosted TRANS prostitutes to lunch at the Vatican. My question-----IS THERE A GOOD CARDINAL who can be elected to try to clean up this......or maybe they have to start looking for a good Archbishop,Bishop, or even a holy Abbot of a solid monastery to replace this person Francis when he finally has his invitation to the Lord.
Christopher Shahrazade

From Tragedy to Farce: Francis Meets Anti-Christian Clowns

I never bothered thinking about the Church most of my life. I went to Mass as a child with my parents but stopped in college. Now that I graduated, I started thinking about going back occasionally to Church, but then came along all this garbage nearly every week about Pope Francis and homosexuals, Pope Francis and TRANS guests at the Vatican, news about all the Cardinals and Bishop who are pro-homo …More
I never bothered thinking about the Church most of my life. I went to Mass as a child with my parents but stopped in college. Now that I graduated, I started thinking about going back occasionally to Church, but then came along all this garbage nearly every week about Pope Francis and homosexuals, Pope Francis and TRANS guests at the Vatican, news about all the Cardinals and Bishop who are pro-homo or are gay themselves. And then migrants. THats another big topic with Francis. Benedict XVI I know kept his papacy centered on Jesus.....Francis on homosexuals. I think if more and more the Vatican is governed by homos from top on down, good Catholic people should ignore their teachings/rulings and do the opposite to what they want. Bishop Schneider and Archbishop Vigano are good examples of who to follow.
I think Francis is a clown himself, and turning the Church into a joke the world is laughing at.
Christopher Shahrazade

Buenos Aires Cathedral: Supper Theology Leads to Snack Bar Cathedral

Maybe next week they will be serving pizza.
Christopher Shahrazade

Reception of the habit on the Feast of the Sacred Heart in Naples/Sister adorers of the Royal Heart …

On the other hand, the 4 liberal groups of nuns who have their headquarters in my diocese have not had professions in 30+ years. I often wonder how an Order of nuns which went from 5,500+ members or more before VAtican II (and there probably were dozens at that time) and now are down to maybe 500-900 members with median age of 81+ never have realized that they have done everything wrong over the …More
On the other hand, the 4 liberal groups of nuns who have their headquarters in my diocese have not had professions in 30+ years. I often wonder how an Order of nuns which went from 5,500+ members or more before VAtican II (and there probably were dozens at that time) and now are down to maybe 500-900 members with median age of 81+ never have realized that they have done everything wrong over the last 60 yrs. THey will be gone soon. Collective, deliberate suicide of their orders. Don't mourn for them as they are, they deserve it. But mourn for what they once were, and should still be.
Christopher Shahrazade

Monsignor Agüer: Tucho Is Behind the Removal of the Archbishop of La Plata

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew recieved Francis before the pro-homo document of December. I doubt he would welcome this Pope now.
Christopher Shahrazade

Another Homosexual Friend of Francis knows: "He likes to Use Swear Words"

Are all of Francis friends, associates, appointees homosexual? What a horrible "church".