Pope Frociesco Smells "Homosexual Air" in the Vatican

There is a "danger of ideologies" in the Church, Francis, himself highly ideological, said on 11th June during a meeting with 200 Roman priests at the Salesian University in Rome. According to an …More
There is a "danger of ideologies" in the Church, Francis, himself highly ideological, said on 11th June during a meeting with 200 Roman priests at the Salesian University in Rome.
According to an earlier announcement, 500 priests were expected. But it is no secret that the Roman clergy is tired of Francis' nonsense.
Ansa.it reports that Bergoglio returned several times to the subject of homosexuality, which is very close to his heart.
He trumpeted that "there is an air of faggotry in the Vatican", again using the Italian term "frociaggine" [=faggotry], an expression not used among normal people.
At the same time, he said that "if a boy has a homosexual tendency, it is better not to let him enter the seminary: they are good boys, but with this tendency, better not". Why, then, does the stench of homosexual sin ("frociaggine") permeate the Vatican, from which Francis kicks out anyone he doesn't like?
As he has done before, Francis recommended the Rev Lorenzo Milani, a left-wing homosexual …More
Sandy Barrett shares this
He did it again! Round 2 of the madness...
Christopher Shahrazade
"Pope Frociesco also said that "traditionalists" were "not good". This is a false statement, and has been proven so over the last 50+ years. The radical progressive/liberal squad in the Church who have destroyed the religious life, liturgy, etc. are the ones in the Church who are "not good". But their day of reckoning is coming soon, with Bergoglio finally gone, and a Pope who is a CAtholic in office.
Though it pains me excruciatingly to say it, I’m not so certain you can count on the man next elected as his successor and Supreme Pontiff of the Church being any better, or even any different than Pope Francis. As it stands now, most of the Cardinal-Electors who will be voting in the next Papal Conclave agree firmly and fervently with his heretically modernest agenda, especially those to whom he …More
Though it pains me excruciatingly to say it, I’m not so certain you can count on the man next elected as his successor and Supreme Pontiff of the Church being any better, or even any different than Pope Francis. As it stands now, most of the Cardinal-Electors who will be voting in the next Papal Conclave agree firmly and fervently with his heretically modernest agenda, especially those to whom he himself has conferred the Red Hat. As he’s so fond of eloquently proclaiming these days: “The Vatican stinks of faggots and faggotry.”
Christopher Shahrazade
I'm probably way to young (or uneducated about the Church), but I don't think it was always this way. I don't thing that the Vatican was stinking with faggots running around the halls and corridors 70-80-100+ years ago. It had to start more recently, after an earth shatering event that threw the Church into maddness as everything held sacred went into the trash heap. I think thats when the doors …More
I'm probably way to young (or uneducated about the Church), but I don't think it was always this way. I don't thing that the Vatican was stinking with faggots running around the halls and corridors 70-80-100+ years ago. It had to start more recently, after an earth shatering event that threw the Church into maddness as everything held sacred went into the trash heap. I think thats when the doors opened up to all these people, ushered in by the top man who himself, was the object of strong rumors of faggotry and was exiled to Milan before assuming the top job. I only say this because I had to read a book on his life in theology class in college three years ago, and remember beging shock by rumors of this guy having a relationship in the VAtican with a second rate Italian actor.
Billy F
CCC 2285!
Sandy Barrett
Scandal takes on a particular gravity by reason of the authority of those who cause it or the weakness of those who are scandalized. It prompted our Lord to utter this curse: "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."
Make up your mind, already.
James Manning
Peronism at its finest.
Wilma Lopez
500 priests in Rome invited to meet with Francis, only 200 show up
John A Cassani
From the picture, it looks as though it was mostly balding gray-hairs who did show, which is not too surprising.
300 who were Fr. James Martin types didn't want to hear it.
Wilma Lopez shares this
“Behind closed doors , Pope Francis talks again about faggotry: ‘It’s inside the Vatican.’ Gay boys are good people, but better not to have them in seminaries.”