
Lapsed Priest Now Living as Transvestite

So if he was a woman this whole time his Orders were invalid to begin with and he never was a priest, and every absolution he granted in confession and every mass he offered were invalid. Right?
Of course not. He's not a woman. He's never been a woman. He'll never be a woman. What he needs is competent mental health care, which doesn't exist because that branch of what was formerly known as "science …More
So if he was a woman this whole time his Orders were invalid to begin with and he never was a priest, and every absolution he granted in confession and every mass he offered were invalid. Right?

Of course not. He's not a woman. He's never been a woman. He'll never be a woman. What he needs is competent mental health care, which doesn't exist because that branch of what was formerly known as "science" has been compromised. What was once a tool to pursue the truth of the temporal realm, has been co-opted as a tool to validate lies.

More important than that, how does this not point to an either scandalously derelict failure of screening of seminarians, or more likely, an out and out desire on the part of the sodomite infiltration of the priesthood to admit and ordain more and more of the near hopelessly confused like this poor sap.

It's an attack on the holy priesthood and thereby the flock, and on Holy Mother Church. And we all know who is behind that.

What if a Catholic Priest Did This? Oregon Library Allows Drag Queen to Roll Around on the Ground with …

Their parents actually brought them to this abomination knowing good and well what was going to transpire and either left them there or stayed and looked on.

Priest EXCOMMUNICATED For Preaching About Truisms

That's right, Herz. As I wrote elsewhere, the "mercy" "dialogue" "who am I to judge" business is all a rhetorical ruse intended to elevate and legitimize all manner of error. But utter one word against the revolution? Straight to the gulag.

Bravo! Cineplex on the decision to screen Unplanned

Thanks for posting and I hate to be negative but the modern world, such as it is, has bred cynicism in me.
He says they are going to screen the film in 14 out of their 1,700 theaters for one week. Not 14 cities, 14 theaters. That's it. That's less than 1% of their theaters for nothing more than a week.
I'd bet dollars to donuts that not one of those theaters is near a population center. I could be …More
Thanks for posting and I hate to be negative but the modern world, such as it is, has bred cynicism in me.

He says they are going to screen the film in 14 out of their 1,700 theaters for one week. Not 14 cities, 14 theaters. That's it. That's less than 1% of their theaters for nothing more than a week.

I'd bet dollars to donuts that not one of those theaters is near a population center. I could be wrong but I doubt it.

See what he's doing here? He pens some letter as a sop to the pro life audience. Screens the movie on an extremely limited basis as far as saturation of market and time screened, and that's that. Then he can strut around pretending he's done a service to "freedom of expression" when he has done nothing of the sort. It's strictly a subterfuge.

It reminds me of clergy who, after Summorim Pontificum when they still felt the need to pretend to be paying attention to a papal motu proprio that they hated, would schedule a TLM at some obscure time on a Saturday which didn't fulfill the obligation so that attendance would be sparse. Then they could claim, "See, we tried it. Nobody showed up. So we cancelled it." Slimy.

Which religion do these people belong to?

These particular protestant imposters pretending to be Christian are episcopals.

Francis Gone Crazy? Dumps Saint Peter's Relics to Schismatics

I was trying to be charitable in assuming you're a novus ordite. At least they're not technnically schismatic like the orthodox, or heathens like your "christian" muslim friends. I was obviously wrong.
And here's a Christian tip for you. If you're going to hurl around slander, at least have the integrity and fortitude to do so without hiding behind a pseudonym.More
I was trying to be charitable in assuming you're a novus ordite. At least they're not technnically schismatic like the orthodox, or heathens like your "christian" muslim friends. I was obviously wrong.

And here's a Christian tip for you. If you're going to hurl around slander, at least have the integrity and fortitude to do so without hiding behind a pseudonym.

Francis Gone Crazy? Dumps Saint Peter's Relics to Schismatics

@Ultraviolet "in the hands of Catholics who, despite their Schism, still remain true to the essential teachings of our Holy Mother Church?"
That's a hoot. By "essential teachings" do you mean, I don't know, say Petrine primacy for starters? If they "remain true to the essential teachings of our Holy Mother Church," then why oh why are they in schism? Can't have it both ways.
Honestly you novus …More
@Ultraviolet "in the hands of Catholics who, despite their Schism, still remain true to the essential teachings of our Holy Mother Church?"

That's a hoot. By "essential teachings" do you mean, I don't know, say Petrine primacy for starters? If they "remain true to the essential teachings of our Holy Mother Church," then why oh why are they in schism? Can't have it both ways.

Honestly you novus ordites are de facto protestants and you don't even know it. Mission accomplished modernists.

The Russian Church to construct the “Orthodox Vatican”

And, of course, JPII "the great" (eyeroll) consecrated Russia to Mary's Immaculate Heart back in the 80's, right? When she said Russia will be converted, I suppose she meant converted to schismatic orthodoxy.
Nothing, and I mean nothing good will happen, and the global deterioration will continue until our Lady's instructions (and thereby our Lord's) are obeyed to the letter and Russia is consecrated …More
And, of course, JPII "the great" (eyeroll) consecrated Russia to Mary's Immaculate Heart back in the 80's, right? When she said Russia will be converted, I suppose she meant converted to schismatic orthodoxy.

Nothing, and I mean nothing good will happen, and the global deterioration will continue until our Lady's instructions (and thereby our Lord's) are obeyed to the letter and Russia is consecrated to her Immaculate Heart.

An Incredible Event 2019 An incredible event will happen on July 2nd, 2019

The things you have posted over and over reveal that you are a complete lunatic. Get a grip on yourself.

Francis Gone Crazy? Dumps Saint Peter's Relics to Schismatics

Give the relics of St. Peter to schismatics who reject Petrine primacy? These relics point to the very papacy itself. Think maybe Jorge is sending a message? Not unlike that scoundrel Paul VI relinquishing the triregnum?
The vile masons are squealing with delight.
As Ann Barnhardt has correctly put forth, they're out to destroy the Papacy. And Benedict is an accomplice, whether willingly or out of …More
Give the relics of St. Peter to schismatics who reject Petrine primacy? These relics point to the very papacy itself. Think maybe Jorge is sending a message? Not unlike that scoundrel Paul VI relinquishing the triregnum?

The vile masons are squealing with delight.

As Ann Barnhardt has correctly put forth, they're out to destroy the Papacy. And Benedict is an accomplice, whether willingly or out of ignorance or cowardice.

Francis Gone Crazy? Dumps Saint Peter's Relics to Schismatics

As I said below, Matthew 7:6 "Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you."
He gives the Blessed Sacrament to unrepentant adulterers. If he can do that, this atrocity is easy.More
As I said below, Matthew 7:6 "Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you."

He gives the Blessed Sacrament to unrepentant adulterers. If he can do that, this atrocity is easy.

"After I left that clinic, it was the beginning of my nightmare"

What a crock. She killed her child. Now she's claiming ignorance? "What happened to my baby's body?" Really? Where was the concern for her baby BEFORE she had it killed?
She knew exactly what she was doing.
She made an awful mistake, committed a heinous sin, that cost the life of her own child. There is forgiveness available and I hope this woman seeks it. But first is required genuine contrition.…More
What a crock. She killed her child. Now she's claiming ignorance? "What happened to my baby's body?" Really? Where was the concern for her baby BEFORE she had it killed?

She knew exactly what she was doing.

She made an awful mistake, committed a heinous sin, that cost the life of her own child. There is forgiveness available and I hope this woman seeks it. But first is required genuine contrition. "I really didn't know what I was doing and wasn't informed" is baloney and is not contrition at all, but in fact a declaration of innocence, a deflection of blame.

Perhaps at this stage it's the only way she has to deal with the shocking reality that she had her own child killed. I hope she moves past that denial of culpability so that she can receive genuine absolution.

This is what the abortion regime is doing not only to innocent babies, but to their mothers.

Parish-Priest Play Rabbi, Imitates Pesach

This is exactly right, Dr. Bobus. We often have visitors at our TLM as our parish is downtown. Many of the visitors are novus ordites which is good as it allows them, perhaps for the first time in their lives, to see great liturgy, actual worship. This past Sunday during Communion, when everyone was going back to their pew to kneel in prayer and contemplate the awe and mystery of the Blessed Lord …More
This is exactly right, Dr. Bobus. We often have visitors at our TLM as our parish is downtown. Many of the visitors are novus ordites which is good as it allows them, perhaps for the first time in their lives, to see great liturgy, actual worship. This past Sunday during Communion, when everyone was going back to their pew to kneel in prayer and contemplate the awe and mystery of the Blessed Lord actually physically being present inside our very body, there was a novus ordite couple that stood the whole time.

I wondered what they were doing (it was quite a distraction), and then remembered that I read an article somewhere that pointed out this odd new practice at new order masses whereby everybody stands after Communion as a show of "unity," or some such rubbish. As if belief in the Real Presence hadn't yet been destroyed enough by the novus ordo.

What occurred to me is something along the lines of what you said: it is an endless, non-stop parade of changes and novelties. Today it's standing the whole time during Communion. Tomorrow it will be something else. The day after it will be something else yet again, and on and on.

That sorry excuse for liturgy is lifeless. It is dead. It was born dead. The endless novelty is nothing more than a distraction from the obvious lifelessness, and a phony and futile attempt to animate what is, in effect, a corpse.

The new order mass and the endless innovation and shock treatment is like "Weekend at Bernie's."

United States: Dramatic Decline in Birthrate

This chart shows a decline in teen birth rate, and an uptick in birth rate of women 40-44 over the same period. For whatever reason, women 20-39 are not included.

Catholic Bishop Escorts Migrants over Border to Protest U.S. Immigrat…

The US government contracts with the bishops to provide "social services" to the "migrants." So this worthless bishop is doing nothing more than escorting his next big fat payday across the border. Send the illegal alien back home and send the bishop to jail.

The Consecration Of Russia To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary

Thierry you are wrong. Russia has not been consecrated. Has Russia converted? To what? Schismatic orthodoxy? Has communism collapsed? Not even close. It just changed it's outfit. Where is the period of peace promised? Is rampant glorification of sodomy part of the plan? Is a resurgent and aggressive islam also part of the great bounty of peace we were promised? Is Our Lady a liar? You are fooling …More
Thierry you are wrong. Russia has not been consecrated. Has Russia converted? To what? Schismatic orthodoxy? Has communism collapsed? Not even close. It just changed it's outfit. Where is the period of peace promised? Is rampant glorification of sodomy part of the plan? Is a resurgent and aggressive islam also part of the great bounty of peace we were promised? Is Our Lady a liar? You are fooling yourself.

Your hero JPII IGNORED the Mother of God. He did not obey her instructions (and neither did his predecessors). Totus tuus my foot.

The deterioration will continue until the consecration is done. You can't get away with ignoring the Mother of God, and thereby her Son.

German bishop says only a new theology can save the Church

Germans get more credit than they deserve for being smart. When it comes to gadgets, they're pretty good. They should stick to that. When it comes to everything else, particularly religion and politics, they are a disaster.

Nun appointed by Pope Francis to advise bishops praises ‘small steps’ toward women’s ordination

Nope. Nuns exist in cloister. I think the world would be better off if "Sister" FeltBanner were cloistered. She's not even Catholic. If she were she would know that it is ontologically impossible for a woman to receive Holy Orders.

Topsy-Turvy Church: Bishop Standing Out By Wearing Cassock

"Are you sending a message, Tom?" Ya think? I don't know who made that remark and, since there's already a Captain Obvious, I guess we now have a Bishop Obvious.

Nun appointed by Pope Francis to advise bishops praises ‘small steps’ toward women’s ordination

Because nothing embodies the beauty of consecrated women religious more than a cropped haired 60's generation dyke in a pant suit.