
Censored: Accusers of Martyr Cardinal Pell Are “Wicked”

Dr David Daintree, the director of Hobart's Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies, has called the accusers of Marty Cardinal George Pell “wicked”. Daintree wrote this in the March edition of the …More
Dr David Daintree, the director of Hobart's Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies, has called the accusers of Marty Cardinal George Pell “wicked”.
Daintree wrote this in the March edition of the Catholic Standard, published by Hobart Archdiocese, Tasmania.
The newspaper was supposed to be distributed this weekend. But the archdiocese was pressured into pulling it from circulation and Daintree to “apologize”.
He wrote, “Pell is a tough man and he will, by the grace of God, survive the wickedness of his accusers and the silence of many who should defend him but won't.”
Picture: George Pell, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA, #newsUatgkamzjz
Lion IRC
...many false witnesses came forward.
Matthew 26.
Don Reto Nay
@paul grech: But the Kangaroo courters need to choose a proper moment otherwise Europe will be sleeping when they broadcast their lies.
paul grech
They are so wicked and full of hate that after holding a secret trial the Kangaroo Court that convicted him plans a direct transmission to all the world of the sentence to be handed down on Wednesday.
Don Reto Nay
@Andrew3186: There is no evidence that Fr Pell had anything in common with the Risdale abuses. "You should be ashamed" is no argument. It is likewise evident from facts that Cardinal Pell's trial was unjust. This has long time ago stopped being about "child victims" (who cares about child victims of abortion?). It is about smearing the Church.
George Pell, Gerald Risdale and Robert Best. All three priests convicted of child sex offences. All working in the epicentre of peadophilia in Victoria, Australia which was St. Alipius' School in Ballarat in the 70's.
David Daintree, you and others like you should be ashamed casting doubt on the child victims.
Your superiors know that this despicable act runs contrary to common sense and public …More
George Pell, Gerald Risdale and Robert Best. All three priests convicted of child sex offences. All working in the epicentre of peadophilia in Victoria, Australia which was St. Alipius' School in Ballarat in the 70's.

David Daintree, you and others like you should be ashamed casting doubt on the child victims.
Your superiors know that this despicable act runs contrary to common sense and public opinion. That's why your article was pulled. Nothing at all to do with censorship - just damage control.
2 horrible wrongs don't make a right, Andrew 3186. The journey of +Pell is the journey of a Christ-embracing "I'm sticking with Jesus" priest/Cardinal who, while being as humanly foibled as the rest or best of us, is making a Christ-like 'via dolorosa' ransom for the sins of wicked churchmen in 'Holy Ecclesia' of our time, in unity with the sufferings of Christ in His time. Thinking about Sr Lucia's …More
2 horrible wrongs don't make a right, Andrew 3186. The journey of +Pell is the journey of a Christ-embracing "I'm sticking with Jesus" priest/Cardinal who, while being as humanly foibled as the rest or best of us, is making a Christ-like 'via dolorosa' ransom for the sins of wicked churchmen in 'Holy Ecclesia' of our time, in unity with the sufferings of Christ in His time. Thinking about Sr Lucia's dream of the destruction of Rome and thinking it might be imminent if things go badly for +Pell though I'm praying earnestly for his ultimate vindication and for the healing of all precious victims of sexual abuse, who are beloved children of God.
Apologize for telling the truth???
Who, besides the wicked, would not agree? Let's follow Cardinal Pell's excellent example while he suffers prison this Lent and Easter and hope that a just and common sense ruling comes in his appeal.
Lion IRC
Yes, Cardinal Pell is another suffering servant.
I'm so sad for him :(
Lent always draws me back to the book of Job.
"...My adversary pierces me with His eyes.
They open their mouths against me
and strike my cheeks with contempt;
they join together against me.
...My spirit is broken; my days are extinguished;
the grave awaits me.
Surely mockers surround me
and my eyes must gaze at their rebellion. …More
Yes, Cardinal Pell is another suffering servant.
I'm so sad for him :(

Lent always draws me back to the book of Job.

"...My adversary pierces me with His eyes.
They open their mouths against me
and strike my cheeks with contempt;
they join together against me.
...My spirit is broken; my days are extinguished;
the grave awaits me.
Surely mockers surround me
and my eyes must gaze at their rebellion.
...Even now my witness is in heaven,
and my advocate is on high!
My friends are my scoffers
as my eyes pour out tears to God.
...But I know that my Redeemer lives,
and that at the last He will stand upon the earth. Even after my skin has been destroyed,
yet in my flesh I will see God.
I will see Him for myself;
my eyes will behold Him,
and not as a stranger.
How my heart yearns within me!"
Sheila MC
Can anyone explain why Cardinal Pell was the one Cardinal thrown back into a secular country with a corrupt judicial system to be tried when the Vatican shields many others with proven crimes of greater magnitude. Where is the justice and mercy in the hierarchy of a once great Church
Their behaviour is wicked indeed. I pray that their hearts be pierced with a ray of God's grace and that they admit their lies.