
Already Years Ago: Munich Cardinal Blessed Homosex Liaison

When asked by Stern.de (30 March) whether he had ever blessed a homosexual liaison, Cardinal Marx answered in the affirmative: "A few years ago in Los Angeles, after a service in which I had preached …More
When asked by Stern.de (30 March) whether he had ever blessed a homosexual liaison, Cardinal Marx answered in the affirmative:
"A few years ago in Los Angeles, after a service in which I had preached on unity and diversity, two people approached me and asked for my blessing. I did it."
Informed by Stern.de that practised homosexuality is a sin, Marx snapped, "What are you always talking about sin? This is about the quality of relationships."
Marx pontificates that sin is "turning away from God and from the Gospel," "You [=the Bible] cannot imply that for all people who live homosex love, and on top of that say: away with them."
He has taken this position already at the 2015 Family Synod, Marx said. He romanticises that there are people in an "intimate love [= homosex] relationship" that also has "a [homo]sexual form of expression," adding, "And we want to say it's not worth anything?"
The Bible teaches Marx that homosex acts are not only not worth anything, but also cry out to heaven …More
Tony M
The scandalous supposed blessing of a profoundly sinful relationship would have the effect of a curse....not a blessing!!!
Jan Joseph
Wie verjaagt kardinaal Marx?
Solution to the Marx problem- End the Church tax.
J G Tasan
€11,500 per month!?
Wow... he's such the luckiest guy...
Would he contribute all his earnings to Peter's Pence or help feed the hungry?!
€11,500 per month!?

Wow... he's such the luckiest guy...

Would he contribute all his earnings to Peter's Pence or help feed the hungry?!

Roberto 55
Do you think that this balcony can support his eminence when he step in?... 🤪
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Marx is a real fatboy 🤪
Lord give us good catholic clergy
Likely not an April Fools. I wish the German homo heretical church (deliberate lower case) was that.
Katja Metzger
We do not need another Church of our own design. Rather, what is required first and foremost is the renewal of the Faith in the Reality of Jesus Christ given to us in the Blessed Sacrament. — Benedict XVI
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
While it is traditional for the Cardinal Archbishop to live in this palace, they personally lived simply. If we had a true Catholic Pope, which we do not, and have not since at least 2013, (but technically, since 1958), Marx would have been excommunicated, as well as most German bishops, years ago! Maybe he will be in 6 months, when by then hopefully we have a Catholic new Pope who likes, or at …More
While it is traditional for the Cardinal Archbishop to live in this palace, they personally lived simply. If we had a true Catholic Pope, which we do not, and have not since at least 2013, (but technically, since 1958), Marx would have been excommunicated, as well as most German bishops, years ago! Maybe he will be in 6 months, when by then hopefully we have a Catholic new Pope who likes, or at least is very open, to Catholic tradition and the TLM.
J G Tasan
Lord Jesus Christ, graciously hear our prayer...
Lord Jesus Christ, graciously hear our prayer...

Worst April Fools’ ever …
Sancte Teotónio
Nowadays, everyday is fool's day.