
Cardinal Elect Disputes Francis' Words: "Mistranslated" Or "Invented"

A Pope cannot say anything which is against the teaching of the Church, Neo-Cardinal Antoine Kambanda of Kigali, Rwanda, told KNA.de, commenting on Francis' support of homosex partnerships (28 October). …More
A Pope cannot say anything which is against the teaching of the Church, Neo-Cardinal Antoine Kambanda of Kigali, Rwanda, told KNA.de, commenting on Francis' support of homosex partnerships (28 October).
Kambanda's explanation: "Either this was mistranslated or invented."
He stressed that marriage between a man and a woman is not a human invention but a divine institution that cannot be changed.
Picture: Antoine Kambanda, #newsSqlrnbwkhx
After four years of refusing to answer the dubia, why does anyone think that Francis would now retract/larify his latest dirty remarks?
...and so far what he's done most often, Gesu, is make a fool of himself nearly as badly as his latest appointment to Cardinal. Anybody want to discuss all the Catholic Doctrine JP II and BXVI publicly contradicted? No? Too bad they didn't have Leonardo Boff hopping up 'n down waving pom-poms for 'em. They promoted their errrs for decades with only scholars and theologians (plus a few really technical …More
...and so far what he's done most often, Gesu, is make a fool of himself nearly as badly as his latest appointment to Cardinal. Anybody want to discuss all the Catholic Doctrine JP II and BXVI publicly contradicted? No? Too bad they didn't have Leonardo Boff hopping up 'n down waving pom-poms for 'em. They promoted their errrs for decades with only scholars and theologians (plus a few really technical minded laity and cleric) rolling their eyes heavenward before doing an double-face-palm

Now that we have a crass Latin doing it, it's obvious enough even to the Latins and they're shocked! :D
Gesù è con noi
The apostate Marxist Leonardo Boff after describing that Bergoglio was a liberal radical who dared to publicly contradict the Catholic doctrine "Pope Francis is much more liberal than what is supposed." "A couple of months ago, for instance, he expressly approved that a homosexual couple adopt a child" made it clear that Bergoglio will leave many surprised by using the papacy to perform his own …More
The apostate Marxist Leonardo Boff after describing that Bergoglio was a liberal radical who dared to publicly contradict the Catholic doctrine "Pope Francis is much more liberal than what is supposed." "A couple of months ago, for instance, he expressly approved that a homosexual couple adopt a child" made it clear that Bergoglio will leave many surprised by using the papacy to perform his own autonomous and arbitrary acts: "He now is the pope and he can do whatever he wants. Many will be surprised with what Francis will do.
"Where do they get these people?" -F M Shyanguya They get them from Africa. Since you asked.:D For every Cardinal Sarah, there's a Kambanda. Cardinal K. doesn't understand Papal infallibility . Charity would argue that he should be forgiven this considering how many on GTV are equally ignorant of how the concept works. They, however, are not Princes of the Church and this dude will be.
F M Shyanguya
Where do they get these people?
Beyond Naïveté!
Cardinal-elect Antoine Kambanda: Being a Cardinal is a joy, a great burden, and a challenge - Vatican
“[...] and Pope’s encyclical “Fratelli tutti” has been warmly welcomed in Rwanda. We will continue to meditate and deepen our reflection. The encyclical will reinforce and facilitate our pastoral work of reconciliation.”
Excellent at least one of the named cardinals defends our Church
Alex A
Give him a chance. Experience and truth searching, might enlighten him.
However, we can see and hear Francis himself
Francis' own words on homosexual unions: