An Open Letter to Pope Francis

An Open Letter to Pope Francis His Holiness, Pope Francis Vatican City January, 2016 Dear Holy Father I am 74-years-old. I converted to the Roman Catholic Church at the age of 17 in the last year of …More
An Open Letter to Pope Francis
His Holiness, Pope Francis
Vatican City
January, 2016

Dear Holy Father
I am 74-years-old. I converted to the Roman Catholic Church at the age of 17 in the last year of the pontificate of Pope Pius XII. I did so because I was under the conviction that I had to accept and have faith that Jesus Christ was my savior, and I believed it. And I believed that I had to be a baptized member of his Church to have a chance of salvation. So I converted and was baptized in the Catholic Church, and then I was confirmed.
Over the years I have contributed tens of thousands of dollars to both Peters’ Pence (the pope’s own treasury about which you of course must be very familiar), and my local parish and diocese.
During that time I attended thousands of Masses, hundreds of holy hours and novenas, said thousands of rosaries, and made hundreds of trips to the Confessional. Now in 2015 and 2016 I have read your words and those of your “Pontifical Commission.” You now teach that …More
Our Holy Church is 2000+ old and few heretical popes in its history will not bring it down. We have Cathecism and the Magisterium and Unchangeable Dogmas to follow.
Charles E Formaggio
This is satire. “ 2617646 Ocean View Av” is not real address.
Eric M
A true Jew calling out Bergoglio-the-fraud for who he is. Why aren't Catholics filing suit against Bergoglio for posing as a pope when in fact he is not a legitimate pope according to Canon Law? Another big fraud right there. So what if the Vatican Bank is broke as a joke?? 😀
"according to Canon Law" Eric M? Which Canon law? ;-)
Jews the puppet masters, Francis the puppet, what are you? Follow Francis and lose your soul.
Fifteen hours and Matty hasn't shown up yet? He'd never miss a post like this. Gee.. I hope the guy's alright. Why's the Jewish dude telling Pope Francis to leave?
@Ultraviolet, @pmfji Francis is a puppet. They are the puppet masters.
What does that make the followers of Francis? God forbid that I follow an ungodly man!
I don't care what it makes the followers of Francis since I don't follow Francis. Hey, where IS Matty, anyway? You're like his "Mini-Me" but a mainstream GTV post about Jews without Matty's own special blend of stupid just doesn't seem right.
@Ultraviolet but @pmfji thinks you follow Francis the puppet of the puppet masters. No infiltration, Rome has not lost the faith: all is alright.
Pattfm - no I don't.
I hope Pinchus is a great satirist!
Country Papist
Oy Vey!
The Goyim are knowing!
That's HIS opinion of you "Francis"
Just wait until you hear Christ's!
Novella Nurney
All compelling and good points.
J G Tasan
I agree; but the writer is a bit selfish... 😀
Novella Nurney
Right? The sheer audacity! The Pontifical Commissions didn't think things through very well did they?