
Revealing: Vatican Speaks the Language of the Abortionists

Cardinal Luis Ladaria, the feckless Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith uses in his May 7 letter to the US Bishops in which he insinuates that abortion politicians should receive …More
Cardinal Luis Ladaria, the feckless Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith uses in his May 7 letter to the US Bishops in which he insinuates that abortion politicians should receive Communion, the deceptive term “pro-choice.”
"Pro choice" insinuates that murdering a little human being in the womb of the mother is an "option." This is the first time that the Vatican uses this deceptive expression which was made up in order to hide the fact that abortion kills a beating heart.
Ladaria uses the term repeatedly, referring twice to “pro-choice politicians” and then to a “pro-choice legislation,” and a “pro-choice position,” which proves that the use of the term was no accident.
Even the Second Vatican Council called abortion not a "choice" but a "abominable crime." Francis' Vatican, is afraid to touch abortion because it is a holy cow of the oligarchs.
Picture: Luis Ladaria © Mazur, CC BY-SA, #newsMjanmqihfw
Catholic School Board in Canada declares June as “Pride Month” and approves rainbow flags at all schools

Please click here to oppose this act of apostasy
Dear Thomas Kile,
I have no words to describe this offense against God.
News reports explain that...
On May 6, 2021, the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) declared June to be “Pride Month.” In other words, the month once …More

Catholic School Board in Canada declares June as “Pride Month” and approves rainbow flags at all schools

Please click here to oppose this act of apostasy

Dear Thomas Kile,

I have no words to describe this offense against God.

News reports explain that...
On May 6, 2021, the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) declared June to be “Pride Month.” In other words, the month once dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was usurped. (LifeSiteNews, May 7, 2021)

For the entire month of June, the Catholic school district voted to fly pro-homosexual rainbow “Pride” flags at all schools in the district. (CBC, May 7, 2021)
Instead of honoring God, the school board is serving the homosexual revolution and exposing children to its lies.

Remember what Our Lord said about those who harm children?

"It were better for him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should scandalize one of these little ones" (Luke 17:2).

Can you please be a loud voice for the innocent?

>Click here to tell the Toronto Catholic District School Board to stop scandalizing the little ones.

After you sign your peaceful protest, please share it with others.

What will your petition achieve?

1. Your signature represents a small act of love for God and His Law. It is a formal prayer of reparation to Him for the blatant promotion of sin within the Toronto Catholic school district.

2. Your signature sends a clear message that legions of Catholics are standing up for the innocence of our children. We will never give up the TRUTH, but continue to oppose the pro-homosexual revolution in the Church and in society.

3. Your signature is a sincere cry to Heaven, begging God and His Blessed Mother to intercede and intervene on our behalf and put an end to so much corruption in our culture.

God bless you for signing this peaceful protest.

And thank you for fighting the good fight.

John Ritchie

TFP Student Action, Director
Medieval Christian iconography depicts Moses with horns, @Franek99
I can see the horns coming out from under his hat
The sheep they know now which ones are the good sheppards ,because the wolfs they dont bother to put the sheep,s skin anymore and they are exposing themselves .Stand for Truth and Jesus Doctrine
Do the Will of God not of the World ,its the only way for salvation