
Society of St Pius X: April Letter Accusing Francis of Heresy Is "Waste of Time"

In an unsigned, in no way brilliant May 17 statement the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) slammed the April Letter which accuses Pope Francis of heresy and was signed until now by 85 priests and scholars. …More
In an unsigned, in no way brilliant May 17 statement the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) slammed the April Letter which accuses Pope Francis of heresy and was signed until now by 85 priests and scholars.
The statement, published on FSSPX.news, attributes to the letter an [allegedly] too narrowed perspective and calls it a “radical approach" that is "doomed to failure.”
After having operated for decades outside official Church jurisdiction the SSPX even claims that the letter lacks “respect due to legitimate authority.”
It points out that "the troubles did not start yesterday," a fact nobody disputes, calling the current papacy the “ripening of the fruit” which is "poisoned."
Surprisingly the statement avoids a confrontation with the letter's content, speculating instead about its possible "results," on whether it is "prudent" or has "a chance to succeed." It even claims that its "failure might ridicule the authors and their cause."
The letter is even called a "waste of time" which begs the …More
Lisi Sterndorfer
The Vigano stuff has also been washed away, down the memory hole
So, FSSPX goes to Francis help. Yes.
Let's just do nothing and just all go into hell. Wake up people. Many clergy are spitting on our Holy Mother the Church. The Spiritual Work of Mercy is to CORRECT a sinner....or heretic as the case may be.
All confusion about Francis is rooted in the false base premise which is that pope Benedict XVI resigned as such and Francis is pope. Its main advocates are secular theologians Robert Siscoe and John Salza. Based on their opinion FSSPX and other remnants ignore pope Benedict XVI and protect Francis as valid & licit pope. Although they identify Francis' material heresies they logically conclude not …More
All confusion about Francis is rooted in the false base premise which is that pope Benedict XVI resigned as such and Francis is pope. Its main advocates are secular theologians Robert Siscoe and John Salza. Based on their opinion FSSPX and other remnants ignore pope Benedict XVI and protect Francis as valid & licit pope. Although they identify Francis' material heresies they logically conclude not to depose him "pro bono Ecclesiae". Since in canonic history no pope has ever been declared and deposed from Petrine Office for his material heresies while administering of Office and peaceful universal acceptance. Moreover, Francis' remnant surrogates all realize that public declaration of munus to Benedict XVI will automatically lead to schism, a small Church with BXVI as Head. Such reality would also undermine their narrative of Francis victim being the continuity of heretical JPII instead of BXVI being the more traditional right hand of Saint JPII, real victim forced -out to abdicate by Saint Gallen mafia. Finally, in order for Society to declare loyalty to another pope they would greatly risk compromise of their own authority as the infallible champion of Catholic tradition. Consequentially, admitting to error of adherence to the anti-pope is difficult and overwhelming.

p.s. advanced readers in theology can read on the position of FSSPX affirming Francis to be pope in which there are logical contradictions www.trueorfalsepope.com/p/is-francis-or-b… and challenge nonvenipacem.com/…/guest-post-a-fr…
I've lost count how many times I've taken advoluntas@aol.com good advice and corrected Rafal's heretical claims that Benedict XVI's resignation was invalid.
Rafal, no matter how many times you repeat a falsehood, it doesn't become true.
The "main advocate" that Pope Benedict XVI "resigned as such" is Benedict himself! He resigned, he's publicly defended and justified his resignation. Why? All of …More
I've lost count how many times I've taken advoluntas@aol.com good advice and corrected Rafal's heretical claims that Benedict XVI's resignation was invalid.

Rafal, no matter how many times you repeat a falsehood, it doesn't become true.

The "main advocate" that Pope Benedict XVI "resigned as such" is Benedict himself! He resigned, he's publicly defended and justified his resignation. Why? All of that because he knew there were people who conflate what they like with what is true. They don't like Francis, ergo he isn't the true Pope.

Wrong. He is..

Guess what? I'm not a fan of the current Pontiff, either. But unlike you, I have the good sense to recognize there's nothing new about a "bad pope" They've happened before and, God help us all, if Francis manages to pick is successor you ain't seen nothing yet. The next Pope will make Francis look normal by comparison.

But that's beside the point. Benedict XVI resigned. He said so. Repeatedly.

All the rest of your badly-translated word-porridge simply can't refute that fact. If you spent half as much time learning English as you do repeating your falsehoods about invalid resignations, you'd be a second Shakespeare by now.
Stuart, please learn basic mathematics and heresy definition, material & formal distinction. Your false judgements are based on profonud ignorance of the subject matter. I am very proud you read my comments and joyful you come back here. However, please think (you may find plenty of facts on my account) before you write. Otherwise, you'll not only contradict pope Benedict XVI but also Francis...
This is so typical of you, Rafal. "Basic mathematics"??? Nobody is discussing maths, including you! Idiot. Oh, I -know- what the definition of heresy is. I see it routinely in your posts and not only here. You haven't posted any "facts" here. All you have done is repeat your same old falsehoods. You seem to believe, as many stupid people do, that repeating a lie makes it true.
Let us discuss some …More
This is so typical of you, Rafal. "Basic mathematics"??? Nobody is discussing maths, including you! Idiot. Oh, I -know- what the definition of heresy is. I see it routinely in your posts and not only here. You haven't posted any "facts" here. All you have done is repeat your same old falsehoods. You seem to believe, as many stupid people do, that repeating a lie makes it true.

Let us discuss some facts right now.
a.) It is a fact, Benedict XVI publicly resigned.
b.) It is a fact Benedict XVI filed all the papers necessary for this to be valid.
c.) It is a fact Benedict XVI's resignation is on record and publicly available.
d.) It is a fact Benedict XVI has defended his resignation in media interviews
e.) It is a fact Benedict XVI doing d.) supports a.) and the fact he did so voluntarily.
f.) It is a fact Benedict XVI is still giving public interviews similar to d.) so he is not being held captive or incommunicado..

These are facts. I defy you to disprove them with something other than your own tortured logic and opinions.

"Your false judgements are based on profonud ignorance..."

...said the man who can't even spell "profound" without making a mistake.
again a case of timewasting
No wonder Remnant Michael Matt said the same thing.