
Francis Exaggerates: Our Lady Is "Not" A Co-Redeemer

During the March 24 general audience, Francis joined the theological debate whether Our Lady is the Coredemptrix. He insisted that Christ entrusted Our Lady to us as a Mother but "not" as co-redeemer …More
During the March 24 general audience, Francis joined the theological debate whether Our Lady is the Coredemptrix.
He insisted that Christ entrusted Our Lady to us as a Mother but "not" as co-redeemer [because Mary is a Co-Redeemer not by entrustment].
Francis explained that the "wonderful titles" which the saints and the Church confer to Mary "never take anything away" from Jesus' unique mediatory role. This is is also true for the title Co-Redemptrix.
Only for Francis, this title is over the top, "Sometimes when we love someone, it makes us exaggerate,” he psychologised.
Tony M
Our Blessed Mother is Co-Redemptrix ........and Bergoglio is not Catholic.
Francis has spoken three times against Our Lady as Co-Redemptrix In 2020 he criticized all 'functional' titles honoring Our Lady. He is waging a campaign against Catholic Marian doctrine
la verdad prevalece
What I also see here is that the same Bergoglio who worshiped the goddess Pachamama cannot speak without insulting the Blessed Virgin Mary. He, like Protestant heretics, maliciously hints that there are idolatrous Catholics who treat her like a goddess. 😡 Jorge Mario Bergoglio “From that moment on, we have all been gathered under her mantle, as depicted in certain medieval frescoes or paintings …More
What I also see here is that the same Bergoglio who worshiped the goddess Pachamama cannot speak without insulting the Blessed Virgin Mary. He, like Protestant heretics, maliciously hints that there are idolatrous Catholics who treat her like a goddess. 😡 Jorge Mario Bergoglio “From that moment on, we have all been gathered under her mantle, as depicted in certain medieval frescoes or paintings. Even the first Latin antiphon — sub tuum praesidium confugimus, sancta Dei Genitrix: the Madonna who ‘covers,’ like a Mother, to whom Jesus entrusted us, all of us; but as a Mother, not as a goddess, not as co-redeemer: as Mother.
“It is true that Christian piety has always given her beautiful titles, as a child gives his or her mamma: how many beautiful things children say about their mamma whom they love so much! How many beautiful things.”

“But we need to be careful: the things the Church, the saints, say about her, beautiful things, about Mary, subtract nothing from Christ’s sole Redemption. He is the only Redeemer. They are expressions of love like a child for his or her mamma — some are exaggerated. But love, as we know, always makes us exaggerate things, but out of love.”
Live Mike
A future dogmatic Council will solemnly define Our Lady as Advocating Queen, Co-Redemptrix, and Mediatrix of All Graces
Louis IX
It took a 1 minute Duck search to find Pope Pius XI referring to her as co-Redemptrix in a document.
Our Blessed Lady is the Ark of Alliance ,she is not just the Mother of our Lord and our adopted Mother ,i believe she is more than that in the plans and eyes of God , She said YES to God ,and for that and much more she can be Co-redeemer
Francis wants to limit the role played by Our Blessed Lady in Salvation History (before she crushes the Serpent under her heel again, and, most likely, him with it).
It is Christ's love for His mother that leads to the so called "exaggeration not ours! She decided that He was to come into the world ( the fiat) ,she decided that He would not be going it alone( the finding in the temple) she decided when the ministry would start( Cana) and she stood at the Cross and united herself with Him. She could not truly be Mother to us unless she had also participated in …More
It is Christ's love for His mother that leads to the so called "exaggeration not ours! She decided that He was to come into the world ( the fiat) ,she decided that He would not be going it alone( the finding in the temple) she decided when the ministry would start( Cana) and she stood at the Cross and united herself with Him. She could not truly be Mother to us unless she had also participated in the birth pangs which brought our redemption. Christ declared her mother from the Cross because it was through her also hanging there that the motherhood became possible . It was the last thing He did before all was completed. Motherhood is not an honorary title it is something earned.