
Worldwide: Bishops Sign Statement Against German Prelates

More than seventy (!) Cardinals and Bishops around the globe published an April 12 Fraternal Open Letter to Germany's bishops warning them that sweeping changes to Church teaching may lead to schism.

For these bishops the German "Synodal Path” isn’t inspired by Scripture and Tradition but “by sociological analysis and contemporary political, including gender, ideologies.”

The German prelates "look at the Church and her mission through the lens of the world rather than through the lens of the truths revealed in Scripture and the Church’s authoritative Tradition,” the bishops write. 49 of them are from the US, 19 from Africa (full list below).

Among them are the Cardinals Arinze, Burke, Napier (South Africa) and Pell as well as the bishops Cordileone (San Francisco), Aquila (Denver), Paprocki (Springfield, Illinois), Sample (Portland), Naumann (Kansas City), Olmsted (Phoenix, Arizona) and Strickland (Tyler, Texas).

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsJrgogqmwmu

Francis Arinze (Nigeria)
Raymond Burke (USA)
Wilfred Napier (South Africa)
George Pell (Australia)
Samuel Aquila (Denver, Colorado, USA)
Charles Chaput (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
Paul Coakley (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA)
Salvatore Cordileone (San Francisco, California, USA)
Damian Dallu (Songea, Tanzania)
Emeritus Joseph Kurtz (Louisville, Kentucky, USA)
J. Michael Miller (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
Joseph Naumann (Kansas City, Kansas, USA)
Andrew Nkea (Bamenda, Cameroon)
Renatus Nkwande (Mwanza, Tanzania)
Gervas Nyaisonga (Mbeya, Tanzania)
Gabriel Palmer-Buckle (Cape Coast, Ghana)
Terrence Prendergast (Ottawa-Cornwall, Ontario, Canada)
Jude Thaddaeus Ruwaichi (Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania)
Alexander Sample (Portland, Oregon, USA)
Joseph Afrifah-Agyekum (Koforidua, Ghana)
Michael Barber (Oakland, California, USA)
Herbert Bevard (St. Thomas, American Virgin Islands)
Earl Boyea (Lansing, Michigan, USA)
Neal Buckon (Auxiliary, Military Services, USA)
William Callahan (La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA)
Emeritus Massimo Camisasca (Reggio Emilia-Guastalla, Italy)
Liam Cary (Baker, Oregon, USA)
Peter Christensen (Boise, Idaho, USA)
Joseph Coffey (Auxiliary, Military Services, USA)
James Conley (Lincoln, Nebraska, USA)
Thomas Daly (Spokane, Washington, USA)
John Doerfler (Marquette, Michigan, USA)
Timothy Freyer (Auxiliary, Orange, California, USA)
Donald Hying (Madison, Wisconsin, USA)
Emeritus Daniel Jenky (Peoria, Illinois, USA)
Stephen Jensen (Prince George, British Columbia, Canada)
William Joensen (Des Moines, Iowa, USA)
James Johnston (Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri, USA)
David Kagan (Bismarck, North Dakota, USA)
Flavian Kassala (Geita, Tanzania)
Carl Kemme (Wichita, Kansas, USA)
Rogatus Kimaryo (Same, Tanzania)
Anthony Lagwen (Mbulu, Tanzania)
David Malloy (Rockford, Illinois, USA)
Gregory Mansour (Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn, New York, USA)
Simon Masondole (Bunda, Tanzania)
Robert McManus (Worcester, Massachusetts, USA)
Bernadin Mfumbusa (Kondoa, Tanzania)
Filbert Mhasi (Tunduru-Masasi, Tanzania)
Lazarus Msimbe (Morogoro, Tanzania)
Daniel Mueggenborg (Reno, Nevada, USA)
William Muhm (Auxiliary, Military Services, USA)
Thanh Thai Nguyen (Auxiliary, Orange, California, USA)
Walker Nickless (Sioux City, Iowa, USA)
Eusebius Nzigilwa (Mpanda, Tanzania)
Thomas Olmsted (Phoenix, Arizona, USA)
Thomas Paprocki (Springfield, Illinois, USA)
Kevin Rhoades (Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, USA)
David Ricken (Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA)
Almachius Rweyongeza (Kayanga, Tanzania)
James Scheuerman (Auxiliary, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA)
Augustine Shao (Zanzibar, Tanzania)
Joseph Siegel (Evansville, Indiana, USA)
Frank Spencer (Auxiliary, Military Services, USA)
Joseph Strickland (Tyler, Texas, USA)
Paul Terrio (St. Paul in Alberta, Canada)
Thomas Tobin (Providence, Rhode Island, USA)
Kevin Vann (Orange, California, USA)
Robert Vasa (Santa Rosa, California, USA)
David Walkowiak (Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA)
James Wall (Gallup, New Mexico, USA)
William Waltersheid (Auxiliary, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA)
Michael Warfel (Great Falls-Billings, Montana, USA)
Chad Zielinski (Fairbanks, Alaska, USA)
GJA Taylor
Not one from Scotland ( or any part of the boys club of England and wales) pray that Our Lord grants us fathers in the faith.
Archbishop Sample: I decided to sign on to this open letter to my brother bishops in Germany out of a deep concern and love for our Holy Mother, the Church. In this age of rapid and widespread global communication, what happens in one part of the Church dramatically affects the rest of the Church. I am disappointed that the process taking place in Germany is undermining our Holy Father Pope Francis …More
Archbishop Sample: I decided to sign on to this open letter to my brother bishops in Germany out of a deep concern and love for our Holy Mother, the Church. In this age of rapid and widespread global communication, what happens in one part of the Church dramatically affects the rest of the Church. I am disappointed that the process taking place in Germany is undermining our Holy Father Pope Francis’ vision for synodality in the universal Church. What is happening in Germany is straying far from the apostolic faith and resembles more a parliamentary process than true synodality, in which we prayerfully seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is a fraternal, loving, but clear exhortation to my brother bishops in Germany to re-examine the troubling path they have taken.
Jan Joseph
Gelukkig komt de zaak eindelijk in beweging, nu nog een nieuwe Paus.
atreverse pensar
No one from Spain.
Sedevakantistický kanál
Apocalypse now in the Vatican (must see video!): Apocalypse Now In The Vatican - EndTimes.Video
Its about time .i believe its fraternal love telling those bishops in Germany and other countries in the world that teaching and proposing these idiologies are not from God ,it might be from the deceived world ,They should repent or resign for the good of the church
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope this spreads, and more Bishops sign on against the Germans and Francis' "Synod on Synodality". I hope it grows to the point where it not only forced the mass resignations of the German bishops, but also cancels out Bergoglios' plans to re-create the Roman Catholic Church along "synodality" lines.
And what is Pope Francis doing to put and end to the heretical teaching of the German ‘Synodal Path’?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Nothing of course. Bergoglio and his people by their silence are supporting it.
Fernanda Dellucci
Excellent initiative, but too bad no Latin American or Italian bishops have been included.