
Rigidity and Legalism: Panama’s Bishops Warn Against PiusX

The Bishops of Panama issued a legalistic and rigid anathema on September 14, warning their “faithful” against attending Mass at the Society PiusX. The condemnation is signed by the presiding Miranda …More
The Bishops of Panama issued a legalistic and rigid anathema on September 14, warning their “faithful” against attending Mass at the Society PiusX.
The condemnation is signed by the presiding Miranda (of Chitré), Lacunza (David), Hernandéz (Darién), Ochogavía (Colón), Ulloa (Panamá).
Their pretext is to "defend the unity of the Church" and therefore to "demand the observance of all ecclesiastical laws". The Council Church despises canon law and uses it only to persecute Catholics.
The bishops lie outright when they claim that Vatican II "demanded" the use of the vernacular in the liturgy.
On the contrary, Sacrosanctum Concilium 36.1 commands that "the use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the Latin rites", which means that it is the bishops of Panama, not PiusX, who are not obeying Vatican II.
Michael Matthew Speyrer
It’s funny when schismatics call the Church’s judgment on a dissident schismatic organization that excommunicated its entire leadership, “modernist.”
It’s like they aren’t listening and aren’t obedient to the Magisterium Christ established, but still think that’s Catholic and not Protestant.More
It’s funny when schismatics call the Church’s judgment on a dissident schismatic organization that excommunicated its entire leadership, “modernist.”

It’s like they aren’t listening and aren’t obedient to the Magisterium Christ established, but still think that’s Catholic and not Protestant.
Tony Smith
Funny how modernists want to point to the observance of Church laws only when it comes to attacking Traditional Catholics. let's face it, outside of that, they have no regard for any Church laws, dogmas, morals etc.
I would spit upon their warnings.
Jan Joseph
Het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie is een volledige mislukking geworden. De Pius X broederschap verkondigt het enige ware Rooms Katholieke geloof.
Een van de volgende Pausen zit nu op een traditioneel seminarie van de Pius X broederschap.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
These Pope Francis clowns are jealous of the SSPX. It's easy for anyone to see. SSPX churches are full, the usuall Novus Ordo parishes are not. SSPX are building beautiful new churches, some of the size of basilicas. The Novus Ordo church is closing down thousands of churches for lack of faithful. The SSPX in many countries have many vocations, the Novus Ordo Church has none.
So jealousy and envy …More
These Pope Francis clowns are jealous of the SSPX. It's easy for anyone to see. SSPX churches are full, the usuall Novus Ordo parishes are not. SSPX are building beautiful new churches, some of the size of basilicas. The Novus Ordo church is closing down thousands of churches for lack of faithful. The SSPX in many countries have many vocations, the Novus Ordo Church has none.
So jealousy and envy are a driving force with these hacks who claim to be "bishops". They are desperate to keep the faithful in the Francis church....a church and a Pope millions upon millions of faithful Catholics hate.
Fear and jealousy are behind this BS document. And also, they secretly behind closed doors, even in the Vatican, fear that the Vatican II Novus Ordo church is a failure which is in its last dying days. But they have to keep up a brave face and come out with these condemnations.
But it's a waste of time for them. Francis isn't going to be around for much longer, and neither is his version of the Catholic Church.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro!! how are you?? long time no see...even though we don't have many talking..but I always thinking our great memories....always really hope Lord always protect to you and all your family, lovely people....I can't believe it....horrible man appoint to leader of Doctrine of Faith...Bergoglio and this horrible man want destroying to our Orthodox teaching....ah....I …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro!! how are you?? long time no see...even though we don't have many talking..but I always thinking our great memories....always really hope Lord always protect to you and all your family, lovely people....I can't believe it....horrible man appoint to leader of Doctrine of Faith...Bergoglio and this horrible man want destroying to our Orthodox teaching....ah....I can't explain my feeling...make me so angry....I am sure...this horrible man will punish to all Orthodox Area..specially many area of Africa, some area of Asia, Latin America...all orthodox area.....and I heard...Bergoglio will remove to Excellency Bishop Strickland...great Orthodox Bishop....it's make me so angry too....he want to all Orthodox Bishops....he dose not have actions to all wrong Bishops..like support to LGBT, Indisicrmition Abortion Bishops....it's make me so angry too....Bergoglio looks not so bad...ah....all Orthodox Catholic People don't have anything...maybe can't anything...Sauron and all his members got to Vatican....but now..we don't have The Fellowship of the Ring...it's make me much sad...I think if, if Lord don't send to us real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time...I think we are must going to Underground Church...many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!! have a great day....talk to someday!!! my great online friend, great Brother!!
J G Tasan
Remembering Luke 6:46