
Old Latin Mass Grows Fast Around the World: “Standing Room Only”

Hilary White has published (Twitter, February 17) information obtained from two friends who attended Traditional Latin Masses celebrated in parishes in small US cities. The first found a place only …More
Hilary White has published (Twitter, February 17) information obtained from two friends who attended Traditional Latin Masses celebrated in parishes in small US cities.
The first found a place only in the "overflow room" where Mass was broadcast on a live-feed TV. The other was "super lucky" to find a seat in the front row, while people were standing in the back.
Twitter-User “René Albert” writes in a response to White's tweet that most Novus Ordo parishes in rural Canada are becoming empty, “Either people are complacent in nominalism leaving the faith altogether, or they travel the 1.5 hours to the nearest TLM” (Traditional Latin Mass), he adds.
The old rite group "Juventutem” in Washington DC confirms the trend, “The growth in a lot of TLM communities in just the last 18-24 months has surprised even us.”
“We had about 60-70 last February at our Sunday Mass. Right now, we're at about 140-150 despite there are thirteen other TLM's in the DC area.”
Maurice Joseph Almadrones y Maglaquí …More
From now on, let all priests throughout the world celebrate the Vetus Ordo without taking care of their bishops, for they have the right to do so, and what is called the crisis of the Church will be resolved in the blink of an eye. The pusillanimity of Catholics gives strength to the enemies of the Church: if we understood this, we would have understood everything.
L'ancienne Messe en latin se développe rapidement dans le monde entier
Hilary White a publié (Twitter, 17 février) des informations obtenues de deux amis qui ont assisté à des Messes traditionnelles en latin célébrées dans des paroisses de petites villes américaines.
La première a trouvé une place uniquement dans la « salle annexe » où la …More
L'ancienne Messe en latin se développe rapidement dans le monde entier
Hilary White a publié (Twitter, 17 février) des informations obtenues de deux amis qui ont assisté à des Messes traditionnelles en latin célébrées dans des paroisses de petites villes américaines.

La première a trouvé une place uniquement dans la « salle annexe » où la messe était diffusée sur une télévision à flux continu. L'autre a eu la « super chance » de trouver une place au premier rang, alors que les gens étaient debout à l'arrière.

L'utilisateur de Twitter "René Albert" écrit dans une réponse au tweet de White que la plupart des paroisses du Novus Ordo dans le Canada rural se vident : « Soit les gens se complaisent dans le nominalisme en abandonnant complètement la foi, soit ils font le trajet d'une heure et demie jusqu'à la Messe tridentine la plus proche », ajoute-t-il.

Le groupe de l'ancien Rite "Juventutem" à Washington DC confirme la tendance, « La croissance de nombreuses communautés de Messe tridentine au cours des 18-24 derniers mois nous a même surpris. »

« Nous avons eu environ 60-70 personnes en février dernier lors de notre messe dominicale. En ce moment, nous sommes à environ 140-150 malgré qu'il y ait treize autres centres de Messes tridentines dans la région de Washington DC. »

Maurice Joseph Almadrones y Maglaquí rapporte depuis les Philippines que « le centre de Messes tridentines diocésain chez nous à Manille fait le plein tous les dimanches. Les jours de fête, nous devons ouvrir les portes et les fenêtres pour permettre aux gens de l'extérieur d'entendre. »

[Que désormais tous les prêtres du monde entier célèbrent le Vetus Ordo sans s'occuper de leurs évêques, car ils en ont le droit, et ce qu'on appelle la crise de l’Église se réglera en un clin d’œil. La pusillanimité des catholiques donne de la force aux ennemis de l’Église : si on comprenait cela, on aurait tout compris.]
"Had I known I was responding to a hissing and hysterical female religious maniac like you..."
Strange. I haven't made any reference to my gender. Makin' a big assumption there, Crackers. ;-)
Given your posts and obsessions with imposing your opinion on whatever strikes your fancy, you're the last one to start snapping your beak about a "religious maniac".
That sort of nasty remark sit too well …More
"Had I known I was responding to a hissing and hysterical female religious maniac like you..."

Strange. I haven't made any reference to my gender. Makin' a big assumption there, Crackers. ;-)

Given your posts and obsessions with imposing your opinion on whatever strikes your fancy, you're the last one to start snapping your beak about a "religious maniac".

That sort of nasty remark sit too well with your hypocritical "victim" ploy. You'll practically soak your posts with crocodile tears over how you, poor you, are being harrassed and bullied and intimidated. *sniff, sob, boo-hoo-hoo...* Poor Crackers!

As always, Thors Catholic Hammer you have no problem running your big dumb mouth without the slightest concern for what falls out of it. But woe to anyone who gives as good as they get! :D

Hey, what happened to "howling"? Now it's "hissing"? That's the mark of a bad liar, Crackers. Can't get your stories straight. :D

"Benedict XVI is the only possible true pope if the See of St Peter is not to be deemed vacant."

...and as usual, you lay on excessive adjectives and obtuse passive-voice whenever you're wrong. Or lying.

"A publicly manifest formal heretic like francis who whilst allegedly in office promulgates doctrine in Amoris Laetitia..."

Cardinal Burke disagrees with your interpretation. ;-)


As usual, you hijack the discussion on to your own personal mania over Pope Francis, Benedict's resignation and so on.

Neither the post nor any of the comments addressed that until you decided to park your tail-feathers here and start squawking your usual... RAWWWK!
Thors Catholic Hammer
"Strange. I haven't made any reference to my gender"
It was not necessary as I said your deeply emotive and irrational mode of argumentation and lack of objective analytical skills combined with shrill abuse all point to you being as I said an hysterical most likely female religious maniac .
The grave issues surrounding the flawed resignations of Pope Benedict and the formal heresies …More
"Strange. I haven't made any reference to my gender"

It was not necessary as I said your deeply emotive and irrational mode of argumentation and lack of objective analytical skills combined with shrill abuse all point to you being as I said an hysterical most likely female religious maniac .
The grave issues surrounding the flawed resignations of Pope Benedict and the formal heresies of Bergolio [stage name Francis the alleged "pope"} are not going to go away

By the way the sky is blue.
That of course according to you must be a lie since I said it .
Now clear off and stop polluting the site with your screams and hisses.
"It was not necessary as I said..." and everything that follows is sexist rot. And a lie.
You're doing what you do, Crackers. Making accusations/ allegations up out of thin air and then pretending that saying them is proof.
Case in point: "The grave issues surrounding the flawed resignations of Pope Benedict and the formal heresies of Bergolio..".
Neither proven by you, only claimed. particularly …More
"It was not necessary as I said..." and everything that follows is sexist rot. And a lie.

You're doing what you do, Crackers. Making accusations/ allegations up out of thin air and then pretending that saying them is proof.

Case in point: "The grave issues surrounding the flawed resignations of Pope Benedict and the formal heresies of Bergolio..".

Neither proven by you, only claimed. particularly the former. Benedict XVI's resignation wasn't flawed. Your claims of the latter have been refuted by Cardinal Burke. Which I've told you before, which you've ignored again, and repeated your falsehood unproven again.

This is why I accuse you of being a liar. This right here, Thors Catholic Hammer

"That of course according to you must be a lie since I said it ."

Great example of the irrational non-logic you attribute to me.

And the lies you tell daily. I made no such claim. When I call you a liar, I show where you lied. You, by contrast, just lie and go right on as though it's true when because you said it.

So c'mon, Crackers. Prove your claim here! Right here! Quote and link where I said something is a lie because you said it.

Put up or shut up, silly parrot! :D If you don't, you've just shown why I call you a liar. ;-)
Thors Catholic Hammer
Had I known I was responding to a hissing and hysterical female religious maniac like you incapable of being objective concerning religious truth I would have been more guarded.
Benedict XVI is the only possible true pope if the See of St Peter is not to be deemed vacant.
A publicly manifest formal heretic like francis who whilst allegedly in office promulgates doctrine in Amoris …More

Had I known I was responding to a hissing and hysterical female religious maniac like you incapable of being objective concerning religious truth I would have been more guarded.
Benedict XVI is the only possible true pope if the See of St Peter is not to be deemed vacant.
A publicly manifest formal heretic like francis who whilst allegedly in office promulgates doctrine in Amoris Laetitia that subverts and destroys the Catholic sacramental system is not and can not be a pope.
It’s quite simple .

(Cue the usual hissing and accusations that everything I write is a lie.)
"The numbers attending a TLM or NO liturgical rite are utterly IRRELEVANT."
This is the sound of a Novus Ordo attendee who's jealous his parish is mostly empty while the TLM one is packed.
...and, yes, the numbers ARE relevant. They show that, given a choice, Catholics prefer the TLM, probably becauses a.) they recognize the NO is watered down and b.) you're attending it. :DMore
"The numbers attending a TLM or NO liturgical rite are utterly IRRELEVANT."

This is the sound of a Novus Ordo attendee who's jealous his parish is mostly empty while the TLM one is packed.

...and, yes, the numbers ARE relevant. They show that, given a choice, Catholics prefer the TLM, probably becauses a.) they recognize the NO is watered down and b.) you're attending it. :D
J G Tasan
How I wish that I could attend it someday...
God willing; Amen!More
How I wish that I could attend it someday...

God willing; Amen!
Thors Catholic Hammer
The numbers attending a TLM or NO liturgical rite are utterly IRRELEVANT.
This continual pitting of two valid catholic rites against each other is the very true height of spiritual rubbish..
Yes, the NO may be valid......barely. But one of the problems with the NO comes in whereas the celebrant is able to do just about anything he wants to do. Thus setting up for a free for all. Out of that you have 'Liturgical Dance', 'Puppet Masses' and the like. In the TLM the Mass is the Mass with NO VARIATION.....no wiggle room whatsoever for the Celebrant. The NO Mass the Mass is the Celebrant's …More
Yes, the NO may be valid......barely. But one of the problems with the NO comes in whereas the celebrant is able to do just about anything he wants to do. Thus setting up for a free for all. Out of that you have 'Liturgical Dance', 'Puppet Masses' and the like. In the TLM the Mass is the Mass with NO VARIATION.....no wiggle room whatsoever for the Celebrant. The NO Mass the Mass is the Celebrant's oyster. And that's just for starters. They cut so much out of the NO that it's not even the same animal. Yes, I attend the NO out of necessity, but you can bet if I could I would be at the TLM in a New York second. And I'm a senior that has had to put up with it for 40 years now, watching it 'evolve' with priests that have put their own little 'innovations' in place for entertainment purposes. Consecrating totally invalid 'bread', and even grape juice for the precious blood, putting on 'skits' inside of the Mass etc, etc, etc. It's high time we at least cut out the shenanigans in the NO and stop slapping Our Lord in the face.