
Lourdes: Novus Ordo Priest with Mohawk Hairstyle

The Irish Pilgrimage Trust has posted pictures on the internet of its April 14 Eucharist in the Grotto of Lourdes, France. The laughing stock in front of the bishop with the mohawk is Father Michael …More
The Irish Pilgrimage Trust has posted pictures on the internet of its April 14 Eucharist in the Grotto of Lourdes, France.
The laughing stock in front of the bishop with the mohawk is Father Michael Murphy of Immaculate Conception in Roundfort, Ireland. He is said to wear it at home, but not habitually.
It takes up to 30 minutes every morning to fix this kind of bird's nest on his head. Had Murphy been wearing a biretta, the priestly headgear, the bishop would have ordered him to remove it while a mohawk priest is the perfect expression of the Novus Ordo.
Sandy Barrett shares this
So, we TLMers are still being punished, but people like this go about mocking the mass and get a slap on the wrist IF ANYTHING?
But You oh Lord how long?
Hound of Heaven
Some say 'Prayerful pilgrimage', this fellow's 'get-up' screams 'Party time!' The very definition of a nincompoop.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The Irish Catholic Church, before Vatican II among the most vibrant and faithful, has become a Pope Francis style circus. A desert of disbelief....except in small places like Silver Stream Benedictine Priory, and a handful of other traditional places which will still be standing and growing when all this Pope Francis homo loving Irish Church is dead.
Jason l
Satan is mocking the Mass.
The Church has become a laughing stock to the world
They shut down during 'covid'....tells you all you need to know. And no, we won't be forgetting about any of you bishop frauds that went along with the scam.
Boanerges Boanerges
Don't forget, Rupnik's "art" covers Lourdes now...
Is it any weirder than a woman in jeans and windbreaker on the altar?
What a weirdo! You never see this stuff in the Eastern Rites.
Jason l
Nope. That's why I'm a Byzantine Catholic.
Modernist are desecrating all the Marian shrines.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Clown, idiot, moron priest and Bishop. Probably both are gay. No wonder the Irish Church is dead, and that there's only 20 seminarians for the whole country, and less than 10% go to the NOvus Ordo Mass. Before VAtican II, nearly 100% in Ireland went to Mass, and 100% Catholic.
Good riddance. Down with the Novus Ordo Church, Mass, and Francis.More
Clown, idiot, moron priest and Bishop. Probably both are gay. No wonder the Irish Church is dead, and that there's only 20 seminarians for the whole country, and less than 10% go to the NOvus Ordo Mass. Before VAtican II, nearly 100% in Ireland went to Mass, and 100% Catholic.

Good riddance. Down with the Novus Ordo Church, Mass, and Francis.
Arthur McGowan
To be fair, it's not a Mohawk haircut. It's a clown wig or hat. The good news: the novus ordo ape church is collapsing under the weight of its demon-worship, hatred of the Catholic Mass, and collaboration in the Death Shot Genocide.