
Francis: Children Would Love to See Their Run-Away Fathers Receiving Communion

Francis believes that a “new sacramental union” following an annulled marriage will "certainly" be a "source of peace for the spouse."

Talking in a chair to the notoriously corrupt Highest Court of the Vatican on January 29, he added that his Amoris Laetitia could be a useful "pastoral tool” if one of the spouses refuses to accept a declaration of nullity.

He asked the manipulative question, “How can one explain to children that - for example - their mother, abandoned by their father and often not willing to establish another marriage bond, receives the Sunday Eucharist with them, while their father, cohabiting or awaiting the declaration of the nullity of the marriage, cannot participate in the Eucharistic table?”.

Outside the Francis bubble, real children would ask the question why the Church allows their father who betrayed them to receive Communion as if nothing had happened.

Picture: Vatican Media, #newsLqqfrhpztf

One can and "should" explain to children in these situations that Church fathers have abandoned the flock much like the natural father who has flown to curvier pastures.
Children aren't dumb.
So, please, stop doubling down on the childish behavior, Pope Francis. It's disturbing. Truly disturbing and bespeaks of a man in serious need of time out. That's enforced contemplation in your room with no …More
One can and "should" explain to children in these situations that Church fathers have abandoned the flock much like the natural father who has flown to curvier pastures.

Children aren't dumb.

So, please, stop doubling down on the childish behavior, Pope Francis. It's disturbing. Truly disturbing and bespeaks of a man in serious need of time out. That's enforced contemplation in your room with no snacks. (A child could tell you that.)
This reminds me of the hell children have suffered being fed lies about homosexuality.
Anyway, the cohabitating father will likely wait less time than those hiding in their houses in fear of germs. It is not certain whether they will ever come out.
One more comment from Jungerheld
Francis's question makes no sense. He sounds like a little boy who had broken a window playing baseball and is at about his tenth level of lies still trying to cover up the first one.
Pope Francis' question is more manipularive than it seems. Statistically, mothers are the ones who most often initiate divorce -not fathers.
Hugh N. Cry
Wish our Holy Father BXVI wouldn’t have run away from us and leaving us.
In 2021, men who who walk out on their wives and move in with their girlfriends give a thought to the Eucharist. Give me a break.