
“Most Indian Seminaries And Convents Perform Hindu Rituals”

Three Indian nuns performed an Arati Hindu ritual with Indian music during a Eucharist presided by Chicago Cardinal Blaise Cupich in Rome, Gregoriana University (February 14, video below).

The rite was "approved" by the Vatican as part of an 1969 Indian Rite Mass. It consists in offering a ceremonial dish to a deity, joss sticks, flowers and oil lamps included.
An Indian priest told ChurchMilitant.com that such syncretistic practices have become “de rigueur in almost all Indian seminaries, convents and religious houses of formation.”

A similar ritual was performed at Sister Alphonse-Marie Eppinger's September 2018 beatification in Strasbourg, France.


Ok, if you think that only happened in the past you are wrong, look at these links about mass with candonble. For those who don't know what is candomble is dance in honer of "gods", which means demons. This inside a church with the priest and with his full consent and participation. This and many other types of mass occurs in Brazil with the consent and incentive of the so called Pope Bergolio. …More
Ok, if you think that only happened in the past you are wrong, look at these links about mass with candonble. For those who don't know what is candomble is dance in honer of "gods", which means demons. This inside a church with the priest and with his full consent and participation. This and many other types of mass occurs in Brazil with the consent and incentive of the so called Pope Bergolio.
youtu.be/6aSUISYNIxk this is one, a bit more?
youtu.be/Vz6FVlaTaiA This another one the priest went to the place where candomble is practiced and demons are called to do the mass.
I cry over these heresies and all these and do constant reparation. This is the Bergolio's ecumenism where he insists and encourage diversification and interculturalism.
Oh, the pagan Catholic. How nice.
What a great offense to God!
Let's remember the date 1969 because it says it ALL!
De Profundis
In Connecticut there is a group of Nuns who worship the rising sun.
The apostles would never have allowed any Greco-Roman paganistic rituals to stand in a Christian's life at all, much less a liturgy.
Ludovic Denim
In Chartres, in France, there are some Indians coming into our cathedral and they perform a gnostic cult mixed with our Catholic faith. I asked them in order to be sure, it's crazy. All these peoples that one would believe that they would be pious in fact are just gnostics...
Apparently, it's the same with a lot of Filipinos too.
"Apparently, it's the same with a lot of Filipinos too." Sadly true. Liturgical abuse is a regular topic on Filipino Catholic sites. It's unfortunate but some ethnic groups seem compelled to impose their pagan culture on the Church's liturgy and her teachings.
These are not only "liturgical abuses" this is the ecumenism the Vatican is asking priest to commit in name of the one church, the world church, the church that will have all the elements of all cultures into the church found by our Lord Jesus Christ. This is what Bergolio's ecumenism is doing.
Ludovic Denim
Thanks for your information and links @renatawbk
"Cupid is not a cardinal" @Thors Catholic Hammer For once I agree with you, Thor. When you're right, you're right. Cupid is not a cardinal, he's the Roman god of love. Blase J. Cupich, however, IS a Cardinal and your brainless squawking doesn't change that.
Nice edit, btw. Thor. :D Took you long enough.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Cupich is not a cardinal as all appointments made by antipope francis are illicit.
The Indian Rite Mass was approved under the papacy of Paul VI, just in case anyone's curious. ;-)