
Francis Met US Nuncio to Dicuss Resignation of Bishop Strickland

Francis met (September 9) with US Nuncio, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, and the Prefect of Bishops, Archbishop Robert Prevost, both Neo-Cardinals, to discuss the resignation of the outspoken Catholic Bishop Joseph Strickland, 64, of Tyler, Texas.

PillarCatholic.com reports that Strickland was “the agenda.”

The two prelates presented Francis with the results of an Apostolic Visitation in June and some of Strickland's public actions criticing of Francis and his Synod.

The expectation is that Francis will be requesting Strickland’s resignation.

PillarCatholic.com adds that depending on how Strickland responds, the strength of the encouragement to resign could be increased, referring to the case of weird Bishop Richard Stika.

Already during the Visitation, clergy was asked about suitable successors.


Ann Smith
Francis is as instrumental in the Church as Biden is in the gov't. God help us all 🙏
The good and faithful Bishop isn’t the first Prelate of the Church to be persecuted unjustly by the Vatican, and sadly, he won’t be the last. He joins many pious and holy Saints and Martyrs who, throughout the ages, were innocent targets of unspeakable misjudgment and unfair attacks by those who governed Holy Mother Church, all because of their unrelenting and uncompromising devotion to the Faith …More
The good and faithful Bishop isn’t the first Prelate of the Church to be persecuted unjustly by the Vatican, and sadly, he won’t be the last. He joins many pious and holy Saints and Martyrs who, throughout the ages, were innocent targets of unspeakable misjudgment and unfair attacks by those who governed Holy Mother Church, all because of their unrelenting and uncompromising devotion to the Faith. May the Armies of Heaven guard and defend him from his diabolical enemies, and may the Lord of Hosts, whose Servant he is, fight victoriously on his behalf.
Sandy Barrett shares this
Some sources in the diocese have told The Pillar that Strickland claims he has been directed by the Blessed Virgin Mary to continue his outspoken engagement on global Church affairs.
Sell all that you have(the whole diocese) to the SSPX and come follow Me there!
Malki Tzedek
This may well be a 'Rubicon moment' for Bishop Strickland and the Church. It must be an ordeal fraught with sadness for him. We must pray for him and the Church.
Credo .
When Francis wants you to resign, you know you must be Catholic.
So true and so sad.
Malki Tzedek
Resign from what the church of Vatican II and of Assisi, the Church of modernism ,the novus oder mass. Where do you sign 🤔
Opera 369
Dear Bishop Strickland, this means that the 'man dressed in white (off white)"...will not invite you to attend the synod on synodality? That is something to be truly PROUD of and we thank the Lord! We remain the Catholic Church, 'they' are the 'usurpers' of the Chair which will never be Blessed with/by the Holy Spirit! Christus Vincit, Christus Regnat!
J G Tasan
As expected...
Blessed Mother Mary, pray and intercede for us.
Lord Jesus Christ, hear our prayers!
As expected...

Blessed Mother Mary, pray and intercede for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, hear our prayers!

True Mass
Need guidance. Cardinal Burke please stand up. Archbishop Vigano please guide. Faithful Catholic Cardinals and Bishops across the world please stand up. Something is horribly wrong in Mother Church, you all know it, it's terrible and it's time for you all to speak out.
True Mass
There are good strong lay men like myself who over the past 5 years have discovered the truth. But we need leadership. How do we respond?. As faithful VII Catholics we were brainwashed to follow and not question. All good faithful Cardinals and Bishops LEAD! Take your heads out of the sand. You are complicit through your silence. Call the wolves out. Only Archbishop Vigano will do it? Step up. You're …More
There are good strong lay men like myself who over the past 5 years have discovered the truth. But we need leadership. How do we respond?. As faithful VII Catholics we were brainwashed to follow and not question. All good faithful Cardinals and Bishops LEAD! Take your heads out of the sand. You are complicit through your silence. Call the wolves out. Only Archbishop Vigano will do it? Step up. You're ongoing silence is not acceptable.
Hi Tony Dee - Thanks for your excellent post. I suspect they have left their run too late.
Jeffrey Ade
@Tony Dee Our Lady of Fatima, and numerous apparitions have warned us about these times. You will find the guidance you and your family needs if you follow Our Lady of Fatima's requests. As for the V2 church it seems they have become lukewarm, let us beware lest that happens to us! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Opera 369
For those waiting for Arcbp Vigano' to "do something": don't be too disappointed or surprised if you find out, in the near future, that he's 'working out a deal' ... in the manner of: 'they all lived synodally ever after"...in hypocrisy!