
Strickland: Homosexual Sin Prohibits from Receiving Communion

Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland, 64, whom Francis wants to eliminate, published on September 12 his third pastoral letter within weeks to rectify the upcoming Synod’s agenda. He writes that Holy …More
Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland, 64, whom Francis wants to eliminate, published on September 12 his third pastoral letter within weeks to rectify the upcoming Synod’s agenda.
He writes that Holy Communion brings spiritual destruction if received without repentance of mortal sin. Therefore, the Church cannot offer Holy Communion to a person who lives in a homosex relationship, or to a person who does not live according to his birth gender, Strickland writes.
Those who experience homosex attraction or gender confusion don't sin as long as they don't act on those feelings, he explains.
To a real Catholic, that's like saying the sun shines. Good for him for saying that but it's not courageous of him. Courage would be if he condemned Vatican II.
Rare "common" sense.
I hope he understands how encouraging his Faith is!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Pope Francis mouthing off about American CAtholics on his little plane trip back from Mongolia made alot of USA CAtholics his enemies, but I would not be surprised, that if Francis was insane enough (and he is), to remove BIshop Strickland, he will have stirred up a hornets nest of angry USA CAtholics, even those not necessarilly "conservative or traditionaL' He will have opened millions of CAtholics …More
Pope Francis mouthing off about American CAtholics on his little plane trip back from Mongolia made alot of USA CAtholics his enemies, but I would not be surprised, that if Francis was insane enough (and he is), to remove BIshop Strickland, he will have stirred up a hornets nest of angry USA CAtholics, even those not necessarilly "conservative or traditionaL' He will have opened millions of CAtholics eyes as to who and what he and his people are.....servants of Satan. I would not be surprised if more than just a few new "Bishop Stricklands" among the USA CAtholic bishops suddenly stand up to oppose Bergoglio and his homo goons in the VAtican, and those among their fellow USA bishops.
One last comment----Do you notice practically none of the USA bishops with the exception of the usuall homo squad (Cupich, McElroy, Tobin, Gregory, Kicanas, etc.) have stood up in favor of Francis? I hope they all stand up in favor of Bishop Strickland and defy Francis 100%
Wilma Lopez shares this
Tyler Bishop Strickland reiterates Church teaching that individuals engaging in homosexuality cannot receive the Blessed Sacrament because they are in a state of sin
ALL mortal sin, including contraception:
“A mortal sin is any sin whose matter is grave and which has been committed willfully and with full knowledge of its seriousness. These grave matters include (but are not limited to): murder, receiving or participating in abortion, homosexual acts, sexual intercourse outside marriage or in an invalid marriage, deliberately engaging in impure thoughts, the …More
ALL mortal sin, including contraception:
“A mortal sin is any sin whose matter is grave and which has been committed willfully and with full knowledge of its seriousness. These grave matters include (but are not limited to): murder, receiving or participating in abortion, homosexual acts, sexual intercourse outside marriage or in an invalid marriage, deliberately engaging in impure thoughts, the use of contraception, etc. If you have questions regarding sins or the need for sacramental confession, I urge you to talk to your parish priest; and if you have committed a mortal sin, I implore you to go to confession before receiving the Eucharist.“
What a shepherd!!!