"Vatican Sellout to Big Pharma"

30 pieces of silver for Christ: how many billions for mankind? The lead stories from Church Militant's Evening News on Jan. 17 are deeply disturbing. They describe a Vatican sellout to China and Big …More
30 pieces of silver for Christ: how many billions for mankind?
The lead stories from Church Militant's Evening News on Jan. 17 are deeply disturbing. They describe a Vatican sellout to China and Big Pharma.
Just some of the headlines are:
- Pope Francis pushes the jab as part of the great global reset
- The Vatican receives $1.6 billion in bribes every year from China
- Pfizer CEO meets privately with Pope Francis
The Catholic Church, over its long history, has been sold out before by some of its prelates. But never on this scale (or to this depth of depravity). This unfolding scandal eclipses anything that transpired during the time of the Borgias in the 14th century. The Borgias, to their credit, did not attempt to undermine the health of the entire world by the inoculation of every living being.
The jabs, touted as a sure fix for COVID, are not vaccines (properly understood), nor are they a COVID cure. Rather, they're akin to gene therapy, and they're now being forced on humans …More
geruben meza and one more user link to this post
Awaiting the Lord's wrath on this Pachamama Judas.
Miles - Christi - English
Me too!
Miles - Christi
Miles - Christi
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