
Pro-Gay Vienna Archdiocese Presents the Resurrection as Topless Woman and a Lesbian Kiss (Video)

An ongoing photo exhibition in the presbytery of Vienna Cathedral shows an x-rated photo of a topless model holding a cloth in front of her undraped abdomen. The pornography is accessible for children …More
An ongoing photo exhibition in the presbytery of Vienna Cathedral shows an x-rated photo of a topless model holding a cloth in front of her undraped abdomen.
The pornography is accessible for children. Its name: "Pietà, the first light in the rock tomb: a human being!". A caption reads, "Explosive images are needed in order to communicate the unprecedented message of the resurrection."
The presbytery is a big historical building in the immediate proximity of the Cathedral. It includes a chapel, a library, banquet halls, offices for Catholic organisations and several flats for priests.
A second x-rated item of the exhibition is called "Occident meets the Orient - Guardian Angel kisses sphinx". It shows homosexual fornication between to female models.
The photo was awarded by the diocese of Graz, Austria, and displayed for more than a month in front of Graz Cathedral.
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Joseph a' Christian
@CarolineA03 - Almighty God bless you Caroline! Your main point is essential, extremely important that these false bishops be identified as enemies.
Because satanists must be distinguished from a bishop who drinks too much alcohol, or has some other fault, or is in error of a specific Church Law. We can obviously pray for a bishop who makes an error.
Yet malicious, rebellious creatures such as the …More
@CarolineA03 - Almighty God bless you Caroline! Your main point is essential, extremely important that these false bishops be identified as enemies.
Because satanists must be distinguished from a bishop who drinks too much alcohol, or has some other fault, or is in error of a specific Church Law. We can obviously pray for a bishop who makes an error.
Yet malicious, rebellious creatures such as the false priest James Martin, who willfully promote the most vile sins, can not be called “fathers” of our Church.
Your statement correctly shows that a satanist should not be vainly honored with the titles: vicar, shephard, pastor, bishop... of Christ. As you reveal, it is much worse than absurd for us Christians to do so, a Catholic assists evil creatures, with their deceit and destruction, by going along with false titles, and accompanying authority.
Your statement here is so well explained, i strongly suggest that you reprint it often. To help break the habit of Catholics calling McCarrick, Wuerl, Bergoglio and others, Holy Father, Cardinal and so on.
Your statement here is an honor of love for our true Holy Lord.
To refer to filthy perverts who are clearly Satanists as Christ's "Cardinals"when such clear evidence is available that they are immoral, base, lecherous wretches, is a moral offense against Christ and a sin against the Honour due to His Church. (It is also a sin against the Holy Spirit which is the only sin that cannot be pardonned) We can not serve Christ and the Devil. These damned souls will be …More
To refer to filthy perverts who are clearly Satanists as Christ's "Cardinals"when such clear evidence is available that they are immoral, base, lecherous wretches, is a moral offense against Christ and a sin against the Honour due to His Church. (It is also a sin against the Holy Spirit which is the only sin that cannot be pardonned) We can not serve Christ and the Devil. These damned souls will be thrown into hell and burnt for all eternity - with the poor, blind, topless wretches who posed for these pictures. Be careful we are not condemned WITH them.

If we continue to dishonour the Sacred Priesthood of Christ by calling such as these "Christ's" Cardinals KNOWING them to be Satanists - we are assisting the Devil by enabling him to be successful in his mission to be mistaken for "Christ." He is vain enough already with his success, so don't pander to his colossal vanity any longer or Christ will say we assisted him in his diabolical mission. A few hundred years ago, vile wretches masquerading as Christ's Pastors, would have been rooted out as evil and condemned. To pity them, is joy to the Devil's ears, as it is proof of adherance to a Narcisistic vain spirituality that is not of Christ - Root out evil, stop it's freedom to operate under false pretences or face damnation for allowing it to flourish with the support that it needs to multiply and damn millions of souls.

In the Sinai Desert, God commanded the idolotrous blasphemers & the immoral to be purged from His midst. The Tribe of Levi did so, (as the Old Testament documents) they remained faithful to Yahweh, and were rewarded with honour of being called ""His Priesthood". To be called "righteous" in God's eyes, we must unite with him in moral indignation and stop the Devil operating under Christ's Banner. If we do not publicly excommunicate these incessant vultures and remove their authority to corrupt the faithful in the name of "Christ"we are doing the Devil a favour. If we do not FIGHT for the honor of Christ's Church against these Devils we will be called unworthy to inherit the Kingdom.
Vienna will be destroyed by an invading Russian army, look out the time in night!
Lisi Sterndorfer
Does the resopnsible Vienna Cardinal Schönborn look like a man [or eventually like a fool] to you. Up-to-date Pictures from the Youth Synod - by Mazur.
Don Reto Nay
Let's face it, in our days, being a "modern Catholic" is synonymous with being a public pervert.
Why not? It is not as if the modernists have the Faith and spiritual life. They have fallen and have no intention of rising up and being freed from slavery to Satan. They are spiritually blind and see no problem with this depravity.
Joseph a' Christian
The homosexual priests are now blatant in their promotion of evil. They claimed early on, in their unnatural movement, that queers yearned for love, like all other people.
However, this propaganda photograph promotes lust and death. The lesbians in this satanic statement are in funeral black clothes. The kreature on the left is wearing her undergarments in public, same as a prostitute. They are …More
The homosexual priests are now blatant in their promotion of evil. They claimed early on, in their unnatural movement, that queers yearned for love, like all other people.
However, this propaganda photograph promotes lust and death. The lesbians in this satanic statement are in funeral black clothes. The kreature on the left is wearing her undergarments in public, same as a prostitute. They are engaged in passion, not a loving embrace or kiss.
They are in a decaying dark alley, like a tomb.
However, Jesus proclaimed, be Holy, be the same as your Father in Heaven.
sad times. WHY? WHY?