
Kindergarten: Francis Admiring Harley Davidson Socks

Francis' lack of earnestness was again on display, when during an Ad Limina visit of US bishops he "admired" the Harley-Davidson socks of the embarrassing Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski, 69. Wenski …More
Francis' lack of earnestness was again on display, when during an Ad Limina visit of US bishops he "admired" the Harley-Davidson socks of the embarrassing Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski, 69.
Wenski reported this himself on Twitter (February 14). The other prelate interested in Wenski's socks is Venice Bishop Dewane, Florida.
In 2015, it was reported that a picture of Wenski's Harley Davidson is on his cellphone cover. Wenski has been riding motorcycles for more than ten years and wants everybody to know this.
la verdad prevalece
The apostate Thomas Wenski, went to visit Bergoglio on an Ad Limina visit where the bishops are supposed to give an account of their actions to the Pope and it turns out that this apostate when to be confirmed by Bergoglio in his apostasy.
la verdad prevalece
What we can see here is that Bergoglio is determined to continue ridiculing the Papacy. The accomplice, and the adulterous Marxist friend of Bergoglio Clelia Luro said that all acts of Bergoglio are calculated. "Bergoglio is a man of gestures" Note that Bergoglio is standing in front of the cameras and the partners are also facing the camera. That is why Bergoglio himself when he embraces the Muslim …More
What we can see here is that Bergoglio is determined to continue ridiculing the Papacy. The accomplice, and the adulterous Marxist friend of Bergoglio Clelia Luro said that all acts of Bergoglio are calculated. "Bergoglio is a man of gestures" Note that Bergoglio is standing in front of the cameras and the partners are also facing the camera. That is why Bergoglio himself when he embraces the Muslim who advocates the murder of Muslims who convert to christianity said that the meeting was the message.
Wichita Knight
A century ago photographs were only taken on special occasions, and you had to stay perfectly still for 3 seconds. Now that everyone has a cell phone with a camera a lot more pictures wii arise. I don 't think Francis has done anything that hasn't been done by dozens of Popes before him. Only now is someone around with a camera to record every second of what goes on.
Which is worse; The cardinal wearing the socks or the pope admiring it?
The Antichrist being an old sock with a hole in it, we can understand his infatuation for socks! Very important, isn't it?
"None of them ever ridiculed the Catholic Faith." Thors Catholic Hammer never read some of Bendict XVI's more "inspired" writings.
"None of them ever ridiculed the Catholic Faith." Thors Catholic Hammer never read some of Bendict XVI's more "inspired" writings.

Thors Catholic Hammer
There have been antipopes before in the Roman Catholic Church. They were men mired in error even heresy.
None of them ever ridiculed the Catholic Faith.
Bergoglio is the first antipope to do so.
But millions of Catholics still think antiChrist Bergoglio is an actual pope.
J G Tasan
😀 😁
J G Tasan
February 6, 2020 (Thursday): Mark 6: 8 - 9
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February 6, 2020 (Thursday): Mark 6: 8 - 9

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la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio mocks our Catholic Faith. This man does not confirm anyone in the Catholic faith. He acts maliciously to ridicule our faith.
A man looking at anothers man's legs is not gay at all.....
Wichita Knight
He's not looking at his legs. He is looking at his SOCKS. I buy 'novelty' socks all the time but I do not think anyone else who looks at them is gay.