
The Secret Commission Exists Despite Vatican Denials

The blog Anonimi della Croce which broke the story in March, insists that a secret “ecumenical Mass commission” exists despite a Vatican denial. It knows that it is made up of prelates and theologians …More
The blog Anonimi della Croce which broke the story in March, insists that a secret “ecumenical Mass commission” exists despite a Vatican denial.
It knows that it is made up of prelates and theologians from Italy, the U.S., Finland, Sweden and Switzerland.
The blog points out that the denial of the Vatican is playing on words, “Let them call it however they want: confidential commission, working table, research group, working group.”
Picture: © Mazur, catholicchurch.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsVfkexsrwcn
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if this is true and the Vatican is lying to catholics its a disgrace
As I have said before, the Vatican is LYING. The 'Ecumenical Masses' are ALREADY ONGOING in some places, for cryin out loud!!! It's horrible that consecrated souls LIE to us on a regular basis, not to speak of the other horrendous atrocities that go on inside the Vatican!!