
Congregation for Religious: Token Woman Becomes Secretary

Francis has appointed Sister Simona Brambilla as secretary (number two) of the Dicastery for the Destruction of Religious Life. The post was previously held by an archbishop. Brambilla has a degree in …More
Francis has appointed Sister Simona Brambilla as secretary (number two) of the Dicastery for the Destruction of Religious Life.
The post was previously held by an archbishop. Brambilla has a degree in psychology from the Gregorian University and is the former superior general of the Consolata Sisters.
Francis got rid of her controversial predecessor, Archbishop Carballo, by appointing him to Spain in September.
Sally Dorman shares this
The Vatican Press Office announced on Saturday, October 7th, that Pope Francis has appointed Sister Simona Brambilla as the new Secretary of the dicastery responsible for governing religious worldwide.
True Mass
Nu Church
Wilma Lopez shares this
Sr Simona Brambilla has been appointed the no.2 role at the Vatican office for religious life, another appointment by Francis of a woman to a senior role in the Vatican
We are supposed to be united in the ONE TRUE FAITH. That is what makes us Catholic (universal). Jesus said evangelize the whole world in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, NOT in culture or race or technology or anything else.
We are seeking superficial “diversity” while ignoring the eternal unity which is God. The truths which have been revealed are timeless because God is timeless. Actual truths do not arise from human experience or intuition (so called, “vital immanence”) because whatever we experience or think is passing away. To “modernize” the church is actually to move backwards, to the time before the Apostles …More
We are seeking superficial “diversity” while ignoring the eternal unity which is God. The truths which have been revealed are timeless because God is timeless. Actual truths do not arise from human experience or intuition (so called, “vital immanence”) because whatever we experience or think is passing away. To “modernize” the church is actually to move backwards, to the time before the Apostles and even Christ. It seems, to the times of Sodom.
Sally Dorman
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Archbishop Carballo, was/is an evil man. He and Bras de Aviz are filth. Amazing that Benedict XVI appointed Braz de Aviz to replace a great Prefect, Cardinal Rode, who wanted to investigate the radical USA nuns. That was brushed under the rug under Braz de Aviz, and cancelled under Francis. Naturally.