
Desperate Cardinal Müller: What Francis Says Is "Irrelevant"

The Church’s enemies have “twisted” Francis support for gay civil unions, Cardinal Gerhard Müller believes. He told LaVerita.info (October 28) that no Catholic may accept the Catholic teaching according …More
The Church’s enemies have “twisted” Francis support for gay civil unions, Cardinal Gerhard Müller believes.
He told LaVerita.info (October 28) that no Catholic may accept the Catholic teaching according to the “interpretation” of the enemies. Therefore, "it is completely irrelevant what [those enemies] report from their conversations with the Pope, or what [the Pope] appears to say in their films and interviews.”
“Private and pastoral conjectures” have no authority for Catholics, even if the Pope says what he says in order to "initiate processes."
Müller explains that the Faith is based on the Revelation, not on a manipulative wording, “Behind the pseudo-intellectual talk of the paradigm shift there is only an undisguised heresy which falsifies the Word of God and turns the wine of the wedding at Cana back into water.”
Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Mazur, CatholicNews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsFgfkwwaiya
F M Shyanguya
However they did it, they have the Pope uttering on film [cf Pope Francis, ‘Yes I said it but ... .’] against Church Teaching [cf Church Teaching that Pope Francis has uttered against] that also lays out the reasoning for the said teaching.
Therefore I don’t see how anyone let alone a Prince of the Church can say Pope Francis’ utterance against Church Teaching can be ignored or is no big deal …More
However they did it, they have the Pope uttering on film [cf Pope Francis, ‘Yes I said it but ... .’] against Church Teaching [cf Church Teaching that Pope Francis has uttered against] that also lays out the reasoning for the said teaching.

Therefore I don’t see how anyone let alone a Prince of the Church can say Pope Francis’ utterance against Church Teaching can be ignored or is no big deal because:

It Is not Magisterial/not Church Teaching/not spoken ex-cathedra.”

Church Teaching is binding on each and every Catholic, the Pope included.

The situation here is very grave. How can the highest authority and leader on earth in the Church be against the teaching of the very Church he purports to lead? Cf Pope Francis, ‘I stood up for that.’ The next logical question ...
Technically, the Cardinal is correct. Francis is not speaking ex cathedra or even presenting his opinion in a Church document. He's running his yap in an interview. In terms of how the Church weighs the context of statements made by the Pope, he's right. It -is- 'irrelevant' even if it is an obvious error and contrary to both Scripture and the prior teachings of the Church.
F M Shyanguya
The Church and the world can’t just ignore:
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Especially when:
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Off topic. Facebooks's Zuckerberg just testified he was "not aware" that the Facebook employee in charge of monitoring election security is a former Biden staffer. In the Church our leaders say "knew nothing".