
Curia Cardinal: From Homosex Liaison “No" Sinfulness Can Be Derived

The Church is subject to God's will regarding homosexual "blessings" and cannot legislate according to expediency like a state, Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, the prefect of the Congregation for the Causes …More
The Church is subject to God's will regarding homosexual "blessings" and cannot legislate according to expediency like a state, Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, the prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, told Corriere.it (March 17).
Semeraro has long been known for his advocacy of homosexualimus. LaNuovaBq.it even accused him of having a relationship with a priest.
Homo-"blessings" are as impossible as women-priestly ordinations, Semeraro said: "We are bound by the Holy Scriptures, by the Word of God."
In open contradiction to this statement, Semeraro then claimed that one cannot deduce from a homosex liaison whether a person is "sinful". That, he said, had to do with the "inner situation" of the individual. With this assertion, Semeraro implies that homosexual liaisons could be "blessed" after all.
Accordingly, he also spoke in favour of state homosex [pseudo] marriages. According to the testimony of the Bible, homosexual acts are an abomination for God.
"Lies always contain a small amount of truth." @John A Cassani No they don't. Example. If I falsely accuse you of molesting children, is there a "small amount of truth" to that lie?
John A Cassani
In the sense that children have been molested, then yes. Also, in the sense that you used real words in presenting the lie. If you just put a string of gibberish, that you intended to be a lie, God would know you were lying, but I wouldn’t. This is the sense I am speaking of. This is what makes lies so horrible
John A Cassani
After thinking about your retort, I must say that you should be ashamed of yourself for even mentioning such a horror, particularly since I comment here under my true name. Liars are wont to twist such things, and if such were to happen, you would be an accessory to a horrible calumny.
"In the sense that children have been molested, then yes."
That isn't the example I gave, so my question stands. If I lie and falsely accuse you of molesting children, is there a small element of truth in that lie? Do you or do you not molest children? That's a yes or no question.
If you do not then, your original claim "Lies always contain a small amount of truth." is false. If you do, then …More
"In the sense that children have been molested, then yes."

That isn't the example I gave, so my question stands. If I lie and falsely accuse you of molesting children, is there a small element of truth in that lie? Do you or do you not molest children? That's a yes or no question.

If you do not then, your original claim "Lies always contain a small amount of truth." is false. If you do, then my example is faulty and I need to come up up with a better one. ;-)

"If you just put a string of gibberish, that you intended to be a lie..."

...except I did no such thing. I asked a simple and very clear question about, what I hope, is a hypothetical lie.

The subject of children getting molested regularly turns up on GTV, with alleged clergy as the abusers, not to mention a host of other deviancies involving or targeting children, I have no reason to be ashamed.

If you choose to post under your true name, that's your business. I asked a hypothetical question and that's not the same as an accusation. The distinction is quite clear.

I wrote, "If I falsely accuse you of..." instead of "If I accuse you of..." and did so for a reason. I anticipated such a concern about your reputation and took care to additionally underscore that everything following "of" was clearly false (hence the adverb, "falsely").
All these clergy are all speaking out and seeming like offended ladies ,what about speaking out on the abortion killings ?????
John A Cassani
Lies always contain a small amount of truth. I suppose that it is possible that a sodomite could be so screwed up that the act of sodomy might not impute the guilt of mortal sin. It’s extremely unlikely, given how viscereally disgusting an act it is, but it is possible. This is why a person’s sins are dealt with in the “internal forum,” that is, the confessional.
However, if one notoriously commits …More
Lies always contain a small amount of truth. I suppose that it is possible that a sodomite could be so screwed up that the act of sodomy might not impute the guilt of mortal sin. It’s extremely unlikely, given how viscereally disgusting an act it is, but it is possible. This is why a person’s sins are dealt with in the “internal forum,” that is, the confessional.

However, if one notoriously commits acts which are bad by reason of their object, or “intrinsically evil,” to use a more modern term, the Church declares that such a person may not approach the Sacraments, lest scandal be given to others. This distinction between public and private sin has been lost in the V II church. It is one of many problems that needs to be dealt with, and it can only be solved with God’s help.
Sodomites like semanaro farrell martin etc are furious bergoglio didnot please them
Defeat Modernism
he saints have many times condemned the sin of homosexuality. Our Lord to St. Catherine of Siena said the homos cause him nausea.
The Saints against the SodomitesMore
he saints have many times condemned the sin of homosexuality. Our Lord to St. Catherine of Siena said the homos cause him nausea.

The Saints against the Sodomites
"When we believe we can improve on Jesus by eliminating the 'hard teachings' or downplaying prayer, faith, the cross etc then we should not be surprised that people leave or do not join. A religion that is too easy is a FALSE RELIGION.
What do some of the reform forces in the Church want to change? They never put all their cards on the table....Catholic unity is around the APOSTOLIC TRADITION. The …More
"When we believe we can improve on Jesus by eliminating the 'hard teachings' or downplaying prayer, faith, the cross etc then we should not be surprised that people leave or do not join. A religion that is too easy is a FALSE RELIGION.
What do some of the reform forces in the Church want to change? They never put all their cards on the table....Catholic unity is around the APOSTOLIC TRADITION. The alternative is CERTAIN DECLINE".
--Cardinal George Pell, Prison Journal, p. 56-57.
Defeat Modernism
How much do you want to bet this fraud cardinal is a sodomite himself? These men are not Catholics. They dress up in the garb but most don't have the Faith or are even validly ordained. Flee the Novus Ordo Vatican II Sect. It is Judeo-Masonic and therefore Satanic.