
Insidious Rumours: Neo-Cardinal Had A Gay Relationship With A Priest?

Neo-Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, the Neo-Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, has turned Albano Diocese into the Italian capital of the "Catholic-gay movement," Riccardo Cacioli writes on LaNuovaBq.it (October 29).

Albano hosts an annual “Forum of Italian LGBT Christians” promoting the acceptance of active homosexuality in the Church.

Semeraro wrote the preface to Possible Love a homosex-book by the homosex-activist Aristide Fumagalli, who coincidentally is a priest.

After Francis’ endorsement of homosex civil unions, Semeraro supported them as well. He did so already in January 2016.

John Paul II made Semeraro first Bishop of Oria (1998), then of Albano (2004) “despite insidious rumours about a relationship with a priest,” LaNuovaBq.it writes.

Francis and Semeraro worked closely together during the 2001 Synod. Semeraro’s power inside the Vatican grew enormously when Francis appointed him as the Secretary of the Council of Cardinals in April 2013.

Picture: Marcello Semeraro © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsAgymnsazfq

@mccallansteve An ancient achivement. The homosexuals have been gloating about "their" Popes for some time now.
Satan's crowning achievement; Homo priests
Those active sodomites are the ones bergoglio prefers the most. As it happened with zuppi tolentino edgar peña james martin cocopalmerio.
F M Shyanguya
“John Paul II made Semeraro first Bishop of Oria (1998), then of Albano (2004) “despite insidious rumours about a relationship with a priest,” LaNuovaBq.it writes.”
F M Shyanguya
The pope does not operate in a vacuum. There is a process to these things. Cf Appointing Bishops | USCCB
Long before they seized the papacy, they pretty much had already taken over or had their agents in key area within the rest of the Church, with the exception of the one’s God has kept for himself, those whose knees have not bent before Ba’al nor kissed him.More
The pope does not operate in a vacuum. There is a process to these things. Cf Appointing Bishops | USCCB

Long before they seized the papacy, they pretty much had already taken over or had their agents in key area within the rest of the Church, with the exception of the one’s God has kept for himself, those whose knees have not bent before Ba’al nor kissed him.
F M Shyanguya
“The Illuminati had …a plan …they decided on a most ambitious line of conduct. It would form and control public opinion. It would amalgamate religions by dissolving all the differences of belief and ritual that had kept them apart; and it would take over the Papacy and place an agent of its own in the Chair of Peter.” (p. 7-8)
These Plans were written in 1776.
Later, a member of the Illuminati, …
“The Illuminati had …a plan …they decided on a most ambitious line of conduct. It would form and control public opinion. It would amalgamate religions by dissolving all the differences of belief and ritual that had kept them apart; and it would take over the Papacy and place an agent of its own in the Chair of Peter.” (p. 7-8)
These Plans were written in 1776.
Later, a member of the Illuminati, Nubius, writing in 1818, stated that the goal of the Illuminati, is “the complete annihilation of Catholicism, and even ultimately of Christianity. Were Christianity to survive, even upon the ruins of Rome, it would, a little later on, revive and live.” (p. 13). Later, we will examine the same goals as expressed in the New Age book, “The Occult Conspiracy”. Compton continues to quote Nubius’ explanation of the need for the Illuminati to infiltrate the Papacy:
“The Papacy has been for seventeen hundred years interwoven with the history of Italy. Italy can neither breathe nor move without the leave of the Supreme Pontiff…It is necessary to seek a remedy. Very well, a remedy is at hand. The Pope…will never enter into a secret society. It therefore becomes the duty of the secret societies to make the first advance to the Church and the Pope, with the object of conquering both.” (p.13)
This is nothing more than a call to the Illuminati to infiltrate the Papacy. Thus, the goal from the beginning (1776) was to plant an avowed Illuminist into the Papacy, while the rank and file of the Catholic Church were to be completely unaware that this had occurred. Nubius then recognized that this process may take many, many years. He foresaw the need to invade and take over convents and seminaries,
to win the minds of nuns and especially the priests who rise to become Cardinals. Cardinals elect the Pope. (p. 12-15).
Arthur McGowan
In just a few years, the "canonizations" of Bergoglio will go POOF!
F M Shyanguya
And you have spoken to the future Pope? Because I have. The coming Pontiff met with Pope St John Paul II the Great!