
Powerless Traditionis Custodes: Roman Mass Celebrated On Top Of Africa (Pictures)

Father Corwin Low, OP, an electro engineer and computer scientist, celebrated a February 16 Mass in the Dominican Rite at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Low belongs to the Western Dominican …More
Father Corwin Low, OP, an electro engineer and computer scientist, celebrated a February 16 Mass in the Dominican Rite at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
Low belongs to the Western Dominican Province, USA. The expedition started on February 5 and brought a Catholic group to the top of the mountain.
The proceeds of the trip will go to Dominican students preparing for the priesthood.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Sorry, I posted about Pope Francis labeling an undeserving individual as Cardinal Pironio as "Venerable" here only because I had just read it on Twitter, and posted it as news. Sorry if it was the wrong place to put it. Also, this young priest didn't say the TLM on toop of the mountain as a stunt, or to bring fame to himself, but just to celebrate the TRUE MASS in a beautiful location. Atop mountains …More
Sorry, I posted about Pope Francis labeling an undeserving individual as Cardinal Pironio as "Venerable" here only because I had just read it on Twitter, and posted it as news. Sorry if it was the wrong place to put it. Also, this young priest didn't say the TLM on toop of the mountain as a stunt, or to bring fame to himself, but just to celebrate the TRUE MASS in a beautiful location. Atop mountains has always been seen as being closer to God, especially in Asian/Chinese belief (Taoism,Buddhism) Japanese Shinto, and of course Catholicism. Even in ancient Judaism. (Not to mention ancient Greece and Rome 😊
Jeffrey Ade
Nice altar! A portable one from St. Joseph's Apprentice! Made here in beautiful Northern Idaho! A vital part of any properly stocked bug out bag!
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori This post is about Fr. Cowan Not Pope Francis. Not Cardinal Pironio. GTV needs mods. Post-hijacking is out of control
Cecilia Lopez
In this case it is "hijacking" a post, I agree. Unfortunately, you @Ultraviolet abuse the "this post is about x not y" retort with such broad-stroked frequency, misapplication and presumed finality, that when you actually stumble into using it correctly, the complaint has lost most of its value. IOW, you have devalued its currency through your introducing so many counterfeits into circulation here …More
In this case it is "hijacking" a post, I agree. Unfortunately, you @Ultraviolet abuse the "this post is about x not y" retort with such broad-stroked frequency, misapplication and presumed finality, that when you actually stumble into using it correctly, the complaint has lost most of its value. IOW, you have devalued its currency through your introducing so many counterfeits into circulation here on gloria.tv.
So you concede I'm right and then accuse me of being usually wrong.... elsewhere... without any examples shown. You just discredited yourself. Go buzz off, Cecilia.
Cecilia Lopez
Just give it a day or two, if that. You can't help yourself. If you need me to "buzz off" then you admit that you must be a pile of something that flies like me tend to "buzz" around.
Who said you're a fly? Failed analogy, Cecilia. "Give it a day or two"? Supply some examples now. Back up the claims you're making now. You can't because you don't have any. Like most bigots, your claims are as empty as your head.
Jan Joseph
Hoe meer Romeinse Heilige Missen hoe beter.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Pope Francis just today awarded another radical dissident a high honor, elevating the late, ungreat Cardinal Eduardo Pironio with the title of "Venerable" for his supposed "holy" life.
Wilma Lopez
Not so sure. Fr. Ripperger: “If you find praying annoyingly difficult & you’re not getting any satisfaction out of it, it’s a sign that you have a vice…Once you get really proficient at it, there’s a real delight to it & the person wants to go pray, they want to get away from everything...”
Fitting, returning the Infinite Perfect and Eternal back to the Father. DG
chris griffin
I see this as grandstanding, showboating and improperly using the Mass as a publicity stunt and fundraising gimmick.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It was just anothers beautiful expression of love for God in the most perfect way possible, plus also another rising example of good young Catholic priests and others basically "giving the finger" to both Pope Francis and Archbishop Roche.
chris griffin
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori it was a display of improperly using the Mass as a publicity stunt and fundraising gimmick.
chris griffin
@Liam Ronan yes you are correct, the priest is exulting himself.
@chris griffin Replies to scapular: "improperly using the Mass as a publicity stunt and fundraising gimmick" Replies to Kenjiro. "improperly using the Mass as a publicity stunt and fundraising gimmick".
Pic related. See Chris? This is how you demonstrate a fallacy.
Dear Family how wonderful this Priest understands the importance of the Holy Mass, that there is not a day that he would be without it even on top of a Mountain. How many other Priests would have used this excuse not to say Holy Mass. God’s creation is a fitting back drop, underground Priests are returning to a time without Churches. Besides Calvary was on top of a hill.
chris griffin
@Ultraviolet – that is because different people keep making the same mistake Yours is a flimsy criticism as usual.
"different people keep making the same mistake."
Both Scapular and Kenjiro made entirely different points. Your claim is false.More
"different people keep making the same mistake."

Both Scapular and Kenjiro made entirely different points. Your claim is false.
chris griffin
"Dear Family how wonderful this Priest understands the importance of the Holy Mass, that there is not a day that he would be without it even on top of a Mountain."
"It was just anothers beautiful expression of love for God in the most perfect way possible'

Both people extoled the priest, so they got my reply as they deserved. You bring up useless points and have no discernment whatsoever.More
"Dear Family how wonderful this Priest understands the importance of the Holy Mass, that there is not a day that he would be without it even on top of a Mountain."

"It was just anothers beautiful expression of love for God in the most perfect way possible'

Both people extoled the priest, so they got my reply as they deserved. You bring up useless points and have no discernment whatsoever.
chris griffin
Mathathias Maccabeus - This has all the earmarks of a grandstanding stunt to gain approval from people like you who don’t have any discernment.
The greatest action is to do God’s Will. Up until the fall, Adam conducted the Divine Will in a garden.
"Both people extoled the priest, so they got my reply as they deserved. " @chris griffin
False. Scapular did no such thing. Scapular praised the Mass, not the priest. Kenjiro praised the Mass AND the priest. But your reply was copy-pasta. What they deserved was a reply that addressed the specific points each writer made and you didn't give that. Based on that, it's fair to say it is you who lack …More
"Both people extoled the priest, so they got my reply as they deserved. " @chris griffin

False. Scapular did no such thing. Scapular praised the Mass, not the priest. Kenjiro praised the Mass AND the priest. But your reply was copy-pasta. What they deserved was a reply that addressed the specific points each writer made and you didn't give that. Based on that, it's fair to say it is you who lack discernment, between one comment and another.

Your reply to Matty is another example. He asked you if God granted you the power to know other people's intent. Your reply was to accuse the priest of "grandstanding". That's the same one-size-fits all reply you gave to Scapular who hadn't asked you anything at all! My point is valid: you're a broken record.