
Schneider: It Is LICIT For Men To Enter PiusX Seminaries

The Society of PiusX is not schismatic, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told the Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima (January 13, video below). He explains that the Vatican stated several times that PiusX …More
The Society of PiusX is not schismatic, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told the Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima (January 13, video below).
He explains that the Vatican stated several times that PiusX is not schismatic but only in an "irregular canonical situation" - as if the Vatican would care about Canon Law.
Cardinal Ladaria, Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith, said in a recent interview that PiusX “is not outside of the Church.” Schneider calls this an “affirmation of a high official of the Vatican.”
A visible sign of communion is for him that PiusX names Francis and the local bishop during Mass. It is only due to the “extreme, extraordinary crisis” that PiusX cannot submit itself under the Vatican’s full control, “They had not the guarantee to live fully, integrally the Catholic Faith and Liturgy” as the Ecclesia Communities have now “no full guarantee how to continue.”
The crisis expresses itself in the ambiguous texts of Vatican II, in practices of the Holy See …More
sam yeager
JPII never said sspx was in formal schism. He said it was a schismatic act. Disobedience doesn't equate to schism. Cardinal Hoyos has stated more than once the society was never in schism.
So now it's "licit" to become schismatics? :P Pope John Paul II explicitly contradicted such claims. He called Abp. Lefebvre's movement, "the schism" (direct quote) and cautioned that (quote) "Everyone should be aware that formal adherence to the schism is a grave offence against God and carries the penalty of excommunication decreed by the Church's law."
Studying at a schismatic seminary …More
So now it's "licit" to become schismatics? :P Pope John Paul II explicitly contradicted such claims. He called Abp. Lefebvre's movement, "the schism" (direct quote) and cautioned that (quote) "Everyone should be aware that formal adherence to the schism is a grave offence against God and carries the penalty of excommunication decreed by the Church's law."

Studying at a schismatic seminary certainly qualifies as "formal adherence", yes? But what does the JP II know, eh? He was only the Pope and writing head of the Catholic Church. He's dead now so everything he ever wrote doesn't count anymoar, amirite? :P Because that's how our "sacred patrimony" and "Church Magisterium" work, ami-still-rite? Fine. Cardinal Burke says the SSPX is in schism, and a Cardinal outranks a bishop. :P
Uh oh... my Schism Sense is... tingling. That means they are coming...GTV's Team of SSPX Super-Avengers: Loads O' Bold... CAPS-LOCK... Yammering Yellow... Ranty Red... and when all else fails, AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! :D
Actually I was laughing because this was not the only administrative mistake that Saint John Paul II made. Don't even get me started on Maciel, McCarick and Koran kissing. Bishop Scheider is aware that Apostolic letters are not infallible, and that JP II, himself when he was a bishop in Poland ordained a few bishops without consulting or seeking permission from the Pope. Interestingly, he was given …More
Actually I was laughing because this was not the only administrative mistake that Saint John Paul II made. Don't even get me started on Maciel, McCarick and Koran kissing. Bishop Scheider is aware that Apostolic letters are not infallible, and that JP II, himself when he was a bishop in Poland ordained a few bishops without consulting or seeking permission from the Pope. Interestingly, he was given a free pass.
"Apostolic letters are not infallible..." But the Pope WAS speaking as the Head of The Catholic Church on a matter of Faith and Morals.
Your move. @philosopher ;-) Before replying, please remember Pope Francis also wrote an Apostolic Letter (Misericordia et misera ) to allow the SSPX certain faculties. So, if you want to argue "administrative mistake," the same could be proposed for Francis.
I …More
"Apostolic letters are not infallible..." But the Pope WAS speaking as the Head of The Catholic Church on a matter of Faith and Morals.

Your move. @philosopher ;-) Before replying, please remember Pope Francis also wrote an Apostolic Letter (Misericordia et misera ) to allow the SSPX certain faculties. So, if you want to argue "administrative mistake," the same could be proposed for Francis.

I promise not to get you started on Saint JP II's Quran kissing. After all, Benedict XVI prayed in a mosque with the Muslims. Maybe that invalidates him lifting the excommunication of Abp. Lefebvre and his flunkies. The Papal Pachamama farce might also void Francis' ability to grant any faculties to a bunch of schismatics as well. Yes, let's NOT apply that line of argument.

...because for Catholics, that isn't how The Church works. An Apostolic Letter doesn't become null and void simply because schismatics point out it isn't infallible. Not being infallible doesn't mean it's wrong, especially in this context of my first sentence. How're those chuckles holdin' up, amigo? ;-)
Andreas Hockey shares this
Ave Crux
Thank you, Bishop Schneider, for yet again providing these facts. As though it were ever illicit from the time of Christ on to refuse to collaborate with God's enemies in the deconstruction of the Catholic Church, the trashing of Her Sacred Patrimony, and its replacement with insidious error, betrayal, sacrilege and heterodoxy. Defense of God's truth above all else began with the rebuke of Saint …More
Thank you, Bishop Schneider, for yet again providing these facts. As though it were ever illicit from the time of Christ on to refuse to collaborate with God's enemies in the deconstruction of the Catholic Church, the trashing of Her Sacred Patrimony, and its replacement with insidious error, betrayal, sacrilege and heterodoxy. Defense of God's truth above all else began with the rebuke of Saint Peter by Saint Paul....and God willed that rebuke and correction of Saint Peter be recorded in the Sacred Scriptures for our instruction.
Joyce Day shares this
Due to the altered attitude towards religious Liberty since Vatican II, Satanism is on the rise and gaining power. Calling itself a Religion in its own right, able now to be practised on an equal footing with all other religions. It is now gaining power and strength and considered a religion in its own right.
King Solomon's descent into the practise of spiritual adultery (when he allowed His subjects …More
Due to the altered attitude towards religious Liberty since Vatican II, Satanism is on the rise and gaining power. Calling itself a Religion in its own right, able now to be practised on an equal footing with all other religions. It is now gaining power and strength and considered a religion in its own right.

King Solomon's descent into the practise of spiritual adultery (when he allowed His subjects Religious Liberty) angered the Lord so much that He permitted the Kings enemies to prosper over him and Solomon lost control of the majority of his Kingdom. Likewise in the case of Louis XVI. He abrogated the policies of those Kings that had reigned so successfully before him, such as Louis XIV 🙂 who had honoured the Lord during his entire reign always insisting that France must remain exclusively Catholic. During the reign of King Louis XVI however, that unfortunate Monarch decided (in a similar way to every Pope since 1962) to permit freedom of Religion within France only to see his enemies gain such power within his realms that they overthrew him and called for his assassination.

As people pre to Vatican II knew, Jesus Christ does not like, nor at any period in history has He ever wished for - Freedom of Religion to be practised. He calls for His Kingdom to be made manifest on earth, for us to see that he is served throughout the Nations. He wants us to go forth into the world, to preach, admonish, convert and Baptise. He would prefer to reign exclusively over ALL Nations (without Satan claiming authority here and there when some of us permit apostasy to be practised) What the Popes and the Governments have permitted since Vatican II is the practice of spiritual adultery within Domains that were previously solely Christs. Whenever this occurs in History, it does not end well - and likewise, those content for it to happen today can await the time when God's Mercy is exhausted and He strikes everyone who has confused Him with Satan with a Chastisement. It will be A punishment to all who gave permission for Him to be judged as one among equals. This punishment could result in a punishment like that which was permitted to fall on King Louis XVI as appears to have been forewarned in a message given to Sr Lucia of Fatima in 1929

The Apparition at Rianjo (1931) - The Fatima Center

If you haven't done so already - Please take time to sign these petitions 😲 These are the REAL fruits of permitting "religious Liberty" It has just been exposed for what it is - a lie straight from the Devil created to undermine the Kingship of Christ. May He reign unhindered in our Schools shortly!

Urge Jane Addams Elementary School to End Satanic After School Club --
Urge Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly: Cancel Satanic Invocation!
Koza Nutria
Hmmm PiusX is building their kingdom now. What about " Church will survive small and poor"?
I always say ,I don't want to be called Trads or Modern IAM CATHOLIC. I love Latin mass but...I can clearly see that PiusX is a big winner in this current situation.
I also can clearly see that running to the PiusX is dropping the Cross. I think with time that will be more and more visible.
Why Francis is …More
Hmmm PiusX is building their kingdom now. What about " Church will survive small and poor"?
I always say ,I don't want to be called Trads or Modern IAM CATHOLIC. I love Latin mass but...I can clearly see that PiusX is a big winner in this current situation.

I also can clearly see that running to the PiusX is dropping the Cross. I think with time that will be more and more visible.
Why Francis is after all others but not after FSSPX? He seems to left them alone. I think is because that will be a ghetto for all "trads" where they will be under control. Can't you see guys that PiusX is more and more like a sect?
For long time I was big fan of them not anymore.
@Koza Nutria
Some good observations you make.
I think "Trads" so called are just Catholics practicing the Catholic Faith. I don't care what title they put on that, and neither will Heaven I suspect.
I too Love The Latin Mass, not sentimentally but because it is Catholic worship and a Gift from God. How the traditional societies(Catholic societies) and Lay Catholics respond to the attack on the Faith …More
@Koza Nutria
Some good observations you make.
I think "Trads" so called are just Catholics practicing the Catholic Faith. I don't care what title they put on that, and neither will Heaven I suspect.
I too Love The Latin Mass, not sentimentally but because it is Catholic worship and a Gift from God. How the traditional societies(Catholic societies) and Lay Catholics respond to the attack on the Faith presently being played out before us, will partly show who is going to flee from the cross.
Dropping the Cross? 🤔 Maybe? time will tell. At Present I subscribe to your view, but much less than I used too. These past couple years have been very educational for me regarding the SSPX and how they kept their churches open, to save and minister to souls.
For me, I am starting to see them less and less like a sect, and more and more Catholic.
With respect to Francis/Bergoglio all bets are off as to where his head is at. It appears to me he has nothing but contempt for The Catholic Faith as our forefathers practiced and loved it.
Heaven Help us.
Our Lady of Good Success Pray for us. Amen
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The SSPX is not a sect or a cult. It is true Catholicism. What would you have us do, profess loyalty to a heretic pope like Francis, and suffer thru the protestantized Novus Ordo every Sunday. My family and me are originally from Japan till 2010. I still remember going to Mass there to the Novus Ordo where the Jesuit priest in his 70's had a statue of Buddha on a side table, past the altar. It was …More
The SSPX is not a sect or a cult. It is true Catholicism. What would you have us do, profess loyalty to a heretic pope like Francis, and suffer thru the protestantized Novus Ordo every Sunday. My family and me are originally from Japan till 2010. I still remember going to Mass there to the Novus Ordo where the Jesuit priest in his 70's had a statue of Buddha on a side table, past the altar. It was there according to him so that anyone who came into the church could pray......to anything. That's why CAtholics in Japan have gone down, not up or stable. Priests stopped being missionaries in Japan. INstead they are now welcoming all faiths into church.
I would much rather follow the SSPX, and hope they grow, rather than sumit to Francis and "Traditiones Custodes" and all his other agenda and interests (Pachamamma devotion, etc.)
SSPX yes!! Pope Francis and his version of Catholicism, NO!!
Koza Nutria
Thank you for your comments.
Why do you think that only PiusX priests are true priests? Many,so called Novus,priests are against segregation, their kept open churches, are against vax and doesn't like this what Francis is doing. My parish priest is an example. Why Pius is trying so hard to tell us all that they are only salvation. Sorry guys but for me that's sect.
I know personally people who came …More
Thank you for your comments.

Why do you think that only PiusX priests are true priests? Many,so called Novus,priests are against segregation, their kept open churches, are against vax and doesn't like this what Francis is doing. My parish priest is an example. Why Pius is trying so hard to tell us all that they are only salvation. Sorry guys but for me that's sect.

I know personally people who came to my parish in tears that they can't come to our masses as PiusX said so.
My parish priest loves " old" mass but he is celebrating both with love and dignity. Is no music band in our church,we pray rosary before masses and kneel for communion and FSSPX simply just puted us into trash. But don't worry our Bishop done the same.

In last days church will be crucify like our Lord. Hmmm who will be that church? Growing Pius or us,people who stayed to the end?
Yes,the time will show.
God bless
@Koza Nutria Perhaps your not responding to my comment, but to be clear I never said SSPX priests were the only true priests. My Pastor is a saintly Priest and I have been blessed to know many wonderfuly holy and good Catholic Priests. I don't attend the SSPX Chapels, but I don't think they are a sect or should be compared with the protestant revolt.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
When the Vatican returns to Catholic tradition, which may be sooner than some think, they will thank the SSPX for not following the lead of the "Novus Ordo" Vatican when the " Vatican II reforms were the norm". Demographic wise, the Novus Ordo church of Vatican II is a dead church across the world. On the other hand, whereever the TLM is (including SSPX), the Church is alive and well. IN the "last …More
When the Vatican returns to Catholic tradition, which may be sooner than some think, they will thank the SSPX for not following the lead of the "Novus Ordo" Vatican when the " Vatican II reforms were the norm". Demographic wise, the Novus Ordo church of Vatican II is a dead church across the world. On the other hand, whereever the TLM is (including SSPX), the Church is alive and well. IN the "last days", it won't be the Vatican II Novus Church left standing. By then, there will be no need for an SSPX to keep the light of the Faith going seperatly. They will be fully part of the Church again, so there'll be no need to think of them as sects.
Koza Nutria
This are your wishes.
Church is not dead and never will be. Like our Lord was dead but still alive ,this same is with Church.
Yes,is more and more people in FSSPX but soon will be even more clearer that is something wrong there.
What church is prosecuted now? FSSPX ? Not. That should give people a lot to think about.
Prosecuted are faithful priests in tje Church structure. FSSPX build the big walls …More
This are your wishes.
Church is not dead and never will be. Like our Lord was dead but still alive ,this same is with Church.
Yes,is more and more people in FSSPX but soon will be even more clearer that is something wrong there.
What church is prosecuted now? FSSPX ? Not. That should give people a lot to think about.
Prosecuted are faithful priests in tje Church structure. FSSPX build the big walls and palaces and they harvest now when Church is in agony....please think about it.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The Church is in agony because of Vatican II, it's abuses, and demonic popes like Francis and all of his associates and appointments.
Koza Nutria
Yes,but that doesn't the thing.
Jesus was betrayed by His own nation, His own disciples. Only one was under the cross with Mary.
Thank you Bishop Schneider
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The SSPX seminaries wherever then are (Swiss, German, Australian, French, or USA are quickly becoming the most popular, and enrollment wise the biggest seminaries in each country. The USA seminary has in the high 90's, Germany in the high 50's, Swiss and France in the 70's, and Australia in the high 30's. None of the Vatican II seminaries can match their enrollments. IN a few years, the SSPX and …More
The SSPX seminaries wherever then are (Swiss, German, Australian, French, or USA are quickly becoming the most popular, and enrollment wise the biggest seminaries in each country. The USA seminary has in the high 90's, Germany in the high 50's, Swiss and France in the 70's, and Australia in the high 30's. None of the Vatican II seminaries can match their enrollments. IN a few years, the SSPX and the ICRSP seminaries will be the biggest in the world.
I always think these VAtican II/Novus Ordo cheerleaders , Francis and his troll cardinals and bishops are laughable. IN Ireland there were 1,200 seminarians pre-Vatican II. Today there are barely 20 for the whole country! In France there were 7,000, today less than 1,000. In the USA there were 48,000!!!!! Today, less than 3,000. The number of Roman Catholic seminarians was 211,000 at the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 and stayed around the same under the 4 1/2 years of John XXIII. It declined to about 175,000 immediatly after Vatican II in 1965, and by the time of Paul VI's death in 1978, it was 75,000 ( decline accelerated with the Novus Ordo introduction in 1969. ) Under JPII and his supposed "conservatism" enrollment climbed slowly till at his death it was 117,000 again, increasing to 128,000 under the 8 years of Benedict. Bt now, after 9 years of heretic Francis, it's at 110,000 ( loss of 18,000 in 8 1/2 years), and continued to plunge.
Albert Morris
The Australian seminary just closed.
Darice Henriques
Albert Morris The Holy Cross Seminary did close in July of 2021. But this is not due to lack of vocations. The Seminary is responsible for formation of seminarians from Australia as well as the Asia Pacific region. The number of Australian candidates is proportionately smaller as compared to overseas seminarians, obviously. Because of the pandemic, there were extremely rigid entry regulations for …More
Albert Morris The Holy Cross Seminary did close in July of 2021. But this is not due to lack of vocations. The Seminary is responsible for formation of seminarians from Australia as well as the Asia Pacific region. The number of Australian candidates is proportionately smaller as compared to overseas seminarians, obviously. Because of the pandemic, there were extremely rigid entry regulations for international arrivals. Most non-Australian seminarians or those entering the seminary could not enter/return to Australia. And it was not viable to keep the seminary open with only Australian seminarians. That's why they temporarily closed and relocated their seminarians. You can find the explanation here. fsspx.org/sites/sspx/files/media/hcs_closing_notice.pdf
가입을 원합니다
4 Koreans in SSPX Seminary , Australia.
In order for regularization to occur, they would need a guarantee that they could continue with no restrictions on the TLM, and the freedom to critique the Council (a critique does not imply a rejection of Vat 2 or concluding its invalidity) and no required fealty to the new theology. These conditions are unlikely to be met under the present pontificate bar a miracle or Divine intervention.
John A Cassani
The only way that this can happen, no matter the state of things in Rome, is for Trads to own the real estate that they use. This is the bind that the FSSP is in, as they don’t own much beyond the seminary in Nebraska. The Melkites and Maronites don’t have to fear any intervention by Rome, because the local Latin Rite bishop doesn’t own any of their property. They are a “parallel church.” The …More
The only way that this can happen, no matter the state of things in Rome, is for Trads to own the real estate that they use. This is the bind that the FSSP is in, as they don’t own much beyond the seminary in Nebraska. The Melkites and Maronites don’t have to fear any intervention by Rome, because the local Latin Rite bishop doesn’t own any of their property. They are a “parallel church.” The abrogation of Summorum Pontificum, after only 14 years, is, to me, proof positive that this is necessary for there to be a lasting peace between Trads and Rome. Many people won’t like it, but I see no way around it.
Many religious orders that are regularized, such as the Jesuits, Franciscans, Benedictines, Rosminians and Eastern rites as you mentioned own their own properties. IMHO setting up a "parallel church" can only lead to schism. An order's Catholic property ownership doesn't hinder unity. Unity is found in the orthodox belief, Apostolic Creed and prayers for the Pope and bishops.
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Well someone tell Mr Voris please... 😇
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Watch out for Voris and his "Church Militant". They are against Catholic traditon. They ran a story about the supposed abuses at the one and only cloistered Carmelite monastery for men in the USA in Wyoming, and had some young guy, obviously a plant, on camera saying how bad it was, and all the abuses. when he was there. He came out of the monasteyr, and supposedly has a website for people to learn …More
Watch out for Voris and his "Church Militant". They are against Catholic traditon. They ran a story about the supposed abuses at the one and only cloistered Carmelite monastery for men in the USA in Wyoming, and had some young guy, obviously a plant, on camera saying how bad it was, and all the abuses. when he was there. He came out of the monasteyr, and supposedly has a website for people to learn more, but on the section which prompts a reader to "ask a question", that function is disabled. The young man supposedly was there for a few months as a postulant. But I believe he entered solely to form his own opinions, so he could come out and trash the place. Very suspicious that Viris and company have always been against the TLM and the SSPX, and now highlight this story in a deliberate attempt to trash this flourishing monastery. Their outlook is in line with Francis' "Traditiones Custodes", which answers everything anyone would want to know about "CHurch Militant"
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