
Unique Expression of Bergoglio's Favourite Rite: Two Women Co-Preside

The long-haired, pro-homosex Father Carsten Weidisch (Münster Diocese, Germany) organised a 3 September Eucharist, at a staff party of Caritas Geldern-Kevelaer.

The "Fast Breeder" of Kalkar served as the venue. The building was planned as a particle accelerator, but, half completed, had to give way after the Green Socialists rose to power. Today, the ruins serve as a leisure park.

A photo published on the internet shows two girls in recreational clothing standing next to Weidisch at the Novus-Ordo table, allegedly holding up consecrated species. Caritas called this farce a "worship service of a different kind."

Comment by a local before Gloria.tv: "Weidisch's 'mass' works like a particle accelerator in the rapid loss of faith." And: "This was a meltdown of faith in Münster Diocese."


Alex A
The whole ceremony is invalid! Only a priest[s] can celebrate mass on the altar. Women are not, nor should be, permitted to physically participate in the ceremony at the altar. Therefore, their presence at the altar invalidates the celebration of mass, irrespective of the priests' intentions. Further, the use of a "Butcher's Block" is symbolic of the fundamental shift in Catholic thinking pertaining …More
The whole ceremony is invalid! Only a priest[s] can celebrate mass on the altar. Women are not, nor should be, permitted to physically participate in the ceremony at the altar. Therefore, their presence at the altar invalidates the celebration of mass, irrespective of the priests' intentions. Further, the use of a "Butcher's Block" is symbolic of the fundamental shift in Catholic thinking pertaining to the real presence of Christ in the Blessed Eucharist. Put simply, the Tridentine Mass focuses on the "sacrificial body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ" as distinct from the 'Novus Ordo' mass which primarily focuses on participation in a meal.
Another example of the false church
this is a hypothetical only, I have no idea what this priest is thinking.......... Transubstantiation occurs: if a priest intends "...what the Church intends..." in order to desecrate the Lord, Transubstantiation occurs; or if the priest says to himself, this is hokey but it's what "...the Church intends.." or doubts but confects anyway, we recall the Miracle of Lanciano
Ach diese Weiber 🥵
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
In such masquerade couldn't have happened the Transsubstantiation, because the simple reason of absolute shure missing of a cardinal condition: the "Church's intention"!
Klaus Elmar Müller
I don't see a masquerade. The girls are well dressed. And if the priest wants to consecrate and speaks the words of consecration correctly, this Mass is even still valid! This is what makes feminist propaganda particularly blasphemous.
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
You are wrong, start to learn about the conditions of validity, please!
Klaus Elmar Müller
I have learned that in order for a Holy Mass to be valid, the intention of the priest is to "do what the Church does" and to pronounce the consecration words that are given after St. Thomas Aquinas are only "This is my flesh", "This is my blood". Did you learn something else? By whom?
Klaus Elmar Müller
Please understand me correctly: This fair is outrageous. Why isn't the bishop saying anything? But if the fair were invalid, we wouldn't need to get excited at all.
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Oh, and you are supposing that the "celebrant" fulfills the condition: "do what the Church does"?! If yes, just relax, 'cause suppously you're right...
In addition:
A validly ordained male priest acts literally "in the person of Christ" and it his ordination which gives him the power to confect the Eucharist. Even Angels cannot confect the Eucharist! Similarly, Notitiae (17 [1981] 186) reaffirms …More
Oh, and you are supposing that the "celebrant" fulfills the condition: "do what the Church does"?! If yes, just relax, 'cause suppously you're right...
In addition:
A validly ordained male priest acts literally "in the person of Christ" and it his ordination which gives him the power to confect the Eucharist. Even Angels cannot confect the Eucharist! Similarly, Notitiae (17 [1981] 186) reaffirms that the priest may never invite the congregation to stand around the altar and hold hands during the consecration (i.e. other non-priests at the Altar during the Eucharistic prayer with the intent to "co-consecrate" with the priest will also invalidate the consecration). Several priests con-celebrating is, of course, permitted since they have the priestly powers from their ordination.
The priest must have the intent of doing what the Church does, that being the intent to make Jesus physically present via the miracle of transubstantiation at the consecration. The Council of Trent - a dogmatic council in response to the Protestant heresy - declared against the Protestant view which denies the necessity of the intention of the minister. St. Thomas Aquinas also covers this requirement in Summa Theologica (Third Part, Question 64, Articles 8, 9, 10).
Council of Trent, Seventh Session, March 3, 1547; Canon 11: " If anyone says that in ministers, when they effect and
confer the sacraments, there is not required at least the intention of doing what the Church does, [Eugene IV in the decr. cited.] let him be anathema.
Is Your Mass Valid? Liturgical Abuse
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
@Unam Sanctam SK
This is a different issue, not the case of @Klaus Elmar Müller
Klaus Elmar Müller
Wenn der Priester konsekrieren will und die Wandlungsworte korrekt spricht, ist diese Messe sogar noch gültig! Und gerade dadurch wird ihre feministische Propaganda besonders blasphemisch.
A wzór mszy świętej kościoła katolickiego jest w mszale brak mszału A NA CO??????????????
🤮 🤮 🤮
Piotr Piotr
Synagoga szatana
Poor sweet Jesus, His Sacred Heart needs consoling. Kyrie Eleison