
Bishop Fellay Criticises Changes Which Produced 1962 Missal (Video)

PiusX Bishop Bernard Fellay ordained on January 6 three priests in the U.S. seminary, Father Philip Mujic, Father Mikali Del Rosario, and Father James Hewko. In his homily he criticised the liturgy …More
PiusX Bishop Bernard Fellay ordained on January 6 three priests in the U.S. seminary, Father Philip Mujic, Father Mikali Del Rosario, and Father James Hewko.
In his homily he criticised the liturgy changes leading to the 1962 Missal. “Already in the reform of ‘62, that is under John XXIII, a lot of elements of this feast [of the Epiphany] have been... We could say they have degraded the feast. They have taken away its vigil, they have taken away its octave, they have made it a lower feast than Christmas.”
Fellay is the former superior general of the Society of St Pius X who, during his tenure, strictly forbad the use of missals prior to 1962.
However, Gloria.tv knows that some SSPX priests celebrate with older missals without the "official" knowledge of their superiors.
@V.R.S. You're welcome. Apologies for the length, I had other things to discuss besides your incompetence. You fail at linking GTV users, too. :D
Thank you for providing information about a typo. Usually people are able to do it in one sentence.
Some FSSP priests do the right thing and just get permission from their bishop to include the pre-1954 form. Catholics follow the rules. Schismatics break them and then complain. @V.R.S.Please link a copy of the liturgy from before 195 A.D. This should be interesting. Yes, I do know what you "meant".
Censored Speech
FSSP will soon say the Novus Ordo
When @Mathathias Maccabeus is right, he's right and I'll be the first one to support him because of it. The same applies to his comment below V.R.S.
@Cat Smith There is only one Catholic Church. You're either part of it or you're not. Even if you don't like it, and I don't, The Church has instituted two forms of the Mass. In terms of total history, it's an incredibly recent innovation and, based …More
When @Mathathias Maccabeus is right, he's right and I'll be the first one to support him because of it. The same applies to his comment below V.R.S.

@Cat Smith There is only one Catholic Church. You're either part of it or you're not. Even if you don't like it, and I don't, The Church has instituted two forms of the Mass. In terms of total history, it's an incredibly recent innovation and, based on that same time-frame, hopefully an equally short-lived one. But for now it still remains a part of The (as in one and only one) Church.
Some "gallican" sedevacantists also celebrate pre-1955 liturgy.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I would rather be in union with "Gallican" (do you mean Gallicians?) sedevacantists than with the papacy and Vatican of Pachamamma Papa Francis.
Jan Joseph
Het wordt dus tijd dat de oudere missalen van voor 1962 weer worden ingevoerd.
@Jan Joseph In "Summorum Pontificum" Pope Benedict stated that there could be widespread use of the 1962 Missal. He did not say there could be widespread use of the Tridentine Rite of Mass, because he would have been aware that the Sacred Magesterium of the Church has previously commanded that the Missal of Pope St Pius V MUST be used by every Priest eternally, since it IS the Missal of the Roman …More
@Jan Joseph In "Summorum Pontificum" Pope Benedict stated that there could be widespread use of the 1962 Missal. He did not say there could be widespread use of the Tridentine Rite of Mass, because he would have been aware that the Sacred Magesterium of the Church has previously commanded that the Missal of Pope St Pius V MUST be used by every Priest eternally, since it IS the Missal of the Roman Catholic Church and it is THAT Missal that is forever protected by both the Sacred Council of Trent AND the Papal Bull "Quo Primum"

"Quo Primum" states that the Missal promulgated by Pope St Pius AND NO OTHER MUST BE USED BY EVERY PRIEST until the end of time.

When Francis issued HIS recent decree, he ALSO, made no mention of prohibiting the Latin Rite of Mass, (he clearly chose his words carefully as he must know that he has no authority to prohibit it as long as it is said in accordance with the Decree in "Quo Primum") instead he said "No" to the use of the 1962 Missal.

The Sacred Magesterium permits him to withdraw use of the 1962 Missal as it is quite a few pages shorter than the original specified Missal of Pope St Pius V. No-one has any authority to stop any Priest celebrating the Mass according to the Missal of Pope St Pius V. Trent named it Tridentine as it was codified at "Tridentum" which is the Latinised form of saying Trent! According to the text of "Quo Primum" anybody whomsoever that dares to abrogate, prohibit, refuse permission to say etc....the Missal of Pope St Pius V is (according to the text) anathematized (damned, eternally to be burned ie about to receive a just punishment when they find themselves face to face with Our Lord)

PS If Francis disagrees with any of these words - he is anathematized and is clearly a false Shepherd who is promoting and running a new schismatic Church (as the prophecies of Blessed Anne Katherine Emmerich and Marie Julie Jahenny forewarn)!. He will have intentionally forced Priests to disobey a Dogmatic pronouncement of a former Pope, and sought to replace the TRUE Mass of the Church with an invalid Rite, that is not even permitted by Church Law.

Quo Primum - Papal Encyclicals
General Council of Trent: Twenty-Second Session - Papal Encyclicals

See also this - It limits the number of Cardinals to 70 forever. John XXIII was the first Pope to disobey the Decree.

Jan Joseph
Goed nieuws, hartelijk dank voor deze formatie.
Your Eminence here is we’re the fight is TODAY This is IMPORTANT - our kids are in danger | Reignite Democracy Australia
Bit late for that Your Eminence. You won’t have an SSPX if you don’t change your vaccine stance! Bishop Athanasius Schneider has it correct. youtu.be/Y8G0JrGOdxE
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If the Roman Catholic Church was as it should be, at the time of the great St. Pope Pius X, Fellay would probably have been a Cardinal.....but he is the former Superior General of the SSPX, and is a Bishop, not a CArdinal. So the title Your Eminience is not right. I think it should be, "Your Excellency". My uncle who is still in Japan is a monsignor, and his title I think is Rt. Reverend.......but …More
If the Roman Catholic Church was as it should be, at the time of the great St. Pope Pius X, Fellay would probably have been a Cardinal.....but he is the former Superior General of the SSPX, and is a Bishop, not a CArdinal. So the title Your Eminience is not right. I think it should be, "Your Excellency". My uncle who is still in Japan is a monsignor, and his title I think is Rt. Reverend.......but he gets named "Your Excellency", or sometimes when he goes to England, "Your Lordship" . Both wrong. 🤪
Mary K Jones
I believe you are correct, Kenjiro.