Francesco I

Pope Francis Awards Architect of Safe-Abortion Fund with Pontifical Honor

On January 12, reports began surfacing on Twitter that Lilianne Ploumen, former Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in the Netherlands, was honored by Pope Francis with the title of …More
On January 12, reports began surfacing on Twitter that Lilianne Ploumen, former Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in the Netherlands, was honored by Pope Francis with the title of Commander in the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great. The Lepanto Institute was able to confirm from a December 22, 2017 Dutch radio broadcast that Ploumen indeed received the honor. In a brief video clip promoting the broadcast, Ploumen displays the medal while saying that she received it from the Pope.
Here is the video:
Here is a crude translation of the exchange:
BNR – And this is the umpteenth prize that Lilianne Ploumen observes, won in 2017 and from whom they came.
Ploumen – Yes, it is a high distinction from the Vatican; from the pope.
BNR – From the pope.
Ploumen – Beautiful.
BNR – Yes. Ploumen – It is Commander in the order of St. Gregory. BNR – And that despite that you are pro-abortion. Ploumen – Yes you can check. To say that Lilianne Ploumen is “pro-abortion …More
Francesco I and one more user link to this post
paul grech
What do you expect of a heretic and a spawn of satan?
Sam Gamgee
What meaning has this award in Bergoglio's mind ?
Safe abortion? Oxymoron. Obviously, Francis cares little if at all for the unborn. His loyalties are elsewhere.
Has he honoured any pro-lifers at all?
Joseph a' Christian
Bergoglio is destruction. He is allowed to destroy because not enough Catholics proclaim the obvious: Bergoglio is not the pope, because he is not a Christian.
Faithful Catholics must unite, i offer that we unite as The Catholic Brotherhood of the Holy Word. Jesus teaches us that the man who hears His Holy Word and lives by this, is a man who will not be overcome, destroyed by any of the storms of …More
Bergoglio is destruction. He is allowed to destroy because not enough Catholics proclaim the obvious: Bergoglio is not the pope, because he is not a Christian.
Faithful Catholics must unite, i offer that we unite as The Catholic Brotherhood of the Holy Word. Jesus teaches us that the man who hears His Holy Word and lives by this, is a man who will not be overcome, destroyed by any of the storms of this evil world.
Bergoglio and many priests, such as bishop Barron who states that hell probably does not exist, but if it does it is probably empty, must be listed/exposed so that all Catholics who are faithful to our Holy Giver Of Life, Jesus, can be warned to avoid these worldy unfaithful creatures.

The Holy Word Is Nourishment for we Christians.
Even the interviewers question that Ploumen was given this "honour" considering she is pro-abortion. And we are uptight, rigid and closed in on ourselves for pointing out the same thing? And so they call this gesture, "beautiful"...