
Francis: Wishy Washy About Celibacy

“Celibacy is a gift that the Latin (sic!) Church preserves, yet it is a gift that, to be lived as a means of sanctification, calls for healthy relationships,” Francis said in a February 17 speech to …More
“Celibacy is a gift that the Latin (sic!) Church preserves, yet it is a gift that, to be lived as a means of sanctification, calls for healthy relationships,” Francis said in a February 17 speech to 400 bishops and priests at a three-day Vatican conference on the priesthood.
Without friends and without prayer [notice the order], celibacy can become an unbearable burden and a counter-witness to the very beauty of the priesthood, Francis went on. His remarks come after leading European bishops like Munich Cardinal Marx called on abolishing celibacy.
For Francis, as for any politician or liar, words mean nothing and his "celibacy-is-gift" could mean anything.
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Paul VI Audience Hall
바티칸의 바오로 6세(가짜 교황) 알현실
Reminds.. The Devil's Advocate , 1997More
Paul VI Audience Hall
바티칸의 바오로 6세(가짜 교황) 알현실

Reminds.. The Devil's Advocate , 1997
Jan Joseph
Einde celibaat is het einde van de organisatie van het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie Rooms Katholieke kerk.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglians “rethinking” the priesthood
St. John Eudes pray for us. Amen
The pre Vatican II Church was always crystal clear in it's statement so as to avoid any confusion. The Vat II so called church is the polar opposite
Hound of Heaven
"Revelation 3: 15 I know about your activities: how you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other,
16 but since you are neither hot nor cold, but only lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth."More
"Revelation 3: 15 I know about your activities: how you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other,

16 but since you are neither hot nor cold, but only lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth."
John A Cassani
As long as priests are, day in and day out, working with women (at least a few of whom are single and attractive, not that it makes it better if they’re not), I will not believe that anyone in authority actually cares about maintaining the gift of celibacy. Priests need to socialize, almost exclusively, with other priests, meeting with lay people either completely out in the open, or in a proper …More
As long as priests are, day in and day out, working with women (at least a few of whom are single and attractive, not that it makes it better if they’re not), I will not believe that anyone in authority actually cares about maintaining the gift of celibacy. Priests need to socialize, almost exclusively, with other priests, meeting with lay people either completely out in the open, or in a proper confessional. The fact that ordination confers a priestly character that is different both in kind and degree means that the priest is a different class of person, who should not normally fraternize with those outside of that class.
Paul VI audience hall is really indescribably straight out of a horror movie
Louis IX
The next pope needs to bulldoze that hideous monstrosity. The whole building and not just the satan rising from hell sculpture.
chris griffin
Louis IX-I second that emotion!
Defeat Modernism
Pope Gregory XVI already exposed the conspiracy against celibacy by these perverse modernists like Francis in his encyclical, Mirari Vos. The entire encyclical destroys modern liberalism and perverse men like Francis. I will quote from his words on celibacy below and include a link to the entire document. It is a great, eye opening read!
"11. Now, however, We want you to rally to combat the abominable …More
Pope Gregory XVI already exposed the conspiracy against celibacy by these perverse modernists like Francis in his encyclical, Mirari Vos. The entire encyclical destroys modern liberalism and perverse men like Francis. I will quote from his words on celibacy below and include a link to the entire document. It is a great, eye opening read!

"11. Now, however, We want you to rally to combat the abominable conspiracy against clerical celibacy. This conspiracy spreads daily and is promoted by profligate philosophers, some even from the clerical order. They have forgotten their person and office, and have been carried away by the enticements of pleasure. They have even dared to make repeated public demands to the princes for the abolition of that most holy discipline. But it is disgusting to dwell on these evil attempts at length. Rather, We ask that you strive with all your might to justify and to defend the law of clerical celibacy as prescribed by the sacred canons, against which the arrows of the lascivious are directed from every side."
Mirari Vos - Papal Encyclicals
chris griffin
Excellent, thank you.
Francis on the relationship between priests and bishops: “Obedience can also be discussion, attentive listening, and in some cases tension…It likewise demands that bishops demonstrate humility, an ability to listen, to be self-critical, and to let themselves be helped.”
“Who’s going to save our Church? It’s not our bishops, it’s not our priests and it is not the religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that the P act like P, your B act like B”
A. Fulton SheenMore
“Who’s going to save our Church? It’s not our bishops, it’s not our priests and it is not the religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that the P act like P, your B act like B”

A. Fulton Sheen
The Venerable Sheen forgot that we the laity are not part of its administrative hiearchy, except at the very bottom. None of us, no matter what our wealth or fame or political power, have the eccesiastical authority to reprimand the meanest, most erring clergy on behalf of The Church.