
Crazy Germans: Monstrance In A Beauty Salon

Munich Archdiocese led by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, promotes on FaceBook.com a “project” of two of their employees, the two lay assistants Michael Raz and Johannes van Kruijsbergen. They made a website …More
Munich Archdiocese led by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, promotes on FaceBook.com a “project” of two of their employees, the two lay assistants Michael Raz and Johannes van Kruijsbergen.
They made a website called “God – in the middle of the world” (www.MittenDrin.World) where they published photos of a monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament placed in different circumstances:
on a park bench
under a climbing frame
in a soccer goal
on a cupboard
in a police car
on a passenger seat under the seat belt at a bakery in the arms of a child on the seesaw in a beauty salon above a cash dispenser on a crosswalk in a classroom. #newsTvrlsxqbtl
My Jesus Mercy! How clear can you be that you have no belief in the real presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist? Our Blessed Mother said we would be chastised because of our living sinful lives, not praying, and not having reverence for the Blessed Sacrament!
As I keep saying, the Germans cannot be trusted. Should've never been converted. They created Protestantism, atheism, secularism, modern humanism, Marxism, and by extension the USSR, China, the warnings of Fatima and globalism. Good people!
You repeated these same lies a couple days ago, Jimbo. Except now it's certain you know they're lies since I corrected them. Those Germans also gave The Church a recent saint. Bigots are bad, hypocrite bigots are worse. You were, after all, denouncing someone as an "anti Semitic nutjob". Blaming :"the Germans" is just as bigoted as blaming "the Jews". You're just a different brand of stupid.
@Ultraviolet you didn't "correct" me. You keep calling me stupid, but look at what the Germans produced over the past 500 years and look at what they're doing now. Even Ratzinger , who is actually a modernist, threw the papacy into disarray because he thought he could create two popes, or an expanded ministry of the papacy. He's the reason the church is being led by Bergolio. And he's German. Don't …More
@Ultraviolet you didn't "correct" me. You keep calling me stupid, but look at what the Germans produced over the past 500 years and look at what they're doing now. Even Ratzinger , who is actually a modernist, threw the papacy into disarray because he thought he could create two popes, or an expanded ministry of the papacy. He's the reason the church is being led by Bergolio. And he's German. Don't worry, though, I'm not going to create camps in an effort to exterminate Germans. After all, that's another terrible German idea!
"you didn't "correct" me." Oh really? Seems I need to refresh your memory.
"Luther... begat German philosophies of humanism,"
...and that's wrong. Humanism, specifically Western European Humanism, emerged during the Italian Renaissance. It's worth clarifying that point since you're apparently unaware humanist philosophies have appeared in many parts of the world beyond simply Europe. Historians …More
"you didn't "correct" me." Oh really? Seems I need to refresh your memory.

"Luther... begat German philosophies of humanism,"

...and that's wrong. Humanism, specifically Western European Humanism, emerged during the Italian Renaissance. It's worth clarifying that point since you're apparently unaware humanist philosophies have appeared in many parts of the world beyond simply Europe. Historians identify Francesco Petrarca as one of the earliest European humanists and he was dead over a century before Martin Luther was even born.

I corrected you then, most of this is copy-pasta and now you're claimng I didn't.

You also claimed that German Humanism "begat atheism and Marxism."

...and that's wrong as well. Atheism has appared all over the world, long before Martin Luther. The Arab philosopher Al-Ma'arri wrote that religion was "a fable invented by the ancients" . He died in 1057, several centuries before the birth of Martin Luther.

So I corrected you there as well and now you're claiming I didn't. Really Jimbo, for shame.

German humanism did not "begat" Marxism, either. Marxism's philosophical roots are "commonly explained as derived from three sources: English political economy, French republicanism and radicalism, and German idealist philosophy."

Humanism (what you claimed) is not idealism, German or otherwise.

...and that's wrong too.

So here I am correcting you again, (after you back-edited your comment after my reply, I see) and you're still wrong even after the back-edit!

You also blamed Germany for "some of the most destructive wars in human history"

...and history shows that's wrong, just like all your other ignorance.

As I told you before, you need to learn the difference between the Axis and Germany. You also need to learn "human history" covers a bit more ground than 20th century Europe. WW II may hold the top spot in the modern era for the death toll. But that's it. The second, third, fourth, and fifth major conflicts (in terms of death tolls) didn't see Germany as a participant.

If you're wondering, those are (in order) the Manchu Conquest Of China, the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, the Taiping Rebellion, and the Second Sino-Japanese War. Yes, all of those had a greater death toll than WW I.

So while Germany participated in "some" of the most destructive wars in human history (technically two in your context), MOST of them didn't involve Germany at all. Meaning your claim is deliberately overly narrow and thus both misleading and inherently inaccurate.

It's true I keep calling you stupid. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge, stupidity is choosing to remain ignorant by preference..

You've earned the adjective "stupid" for your willful ignorance, your sloppy and inept "back-edits," the huge gaps in your education, and all of them coupled with a bigot's natural opinionated views on subjects he knows little about.

But the facts remain, I did correct you and I am correcting you and you ARE stupid.

"but look at what the Germans produced over the past 500 years and look at what they're doing now."

They've produced numerous scientific advances and have a world-wide reputation for fine craftsmanship. What they're doing now, culturally, is being stupid. Well... you're in no position to criticize anyone for that! :D

"Even Ratzinger , who is actually a modernist, threw the papacy into disarray because he thought..."

You're not pychic, Jimbo. So you don't get to tell anyone what Pope Benedict XVI "thought". Not unless you're quoting the man directly where he's expressing what he thought

"he could create two popes, or an expanded ministry of the papacy. "

He didn't try to do anything of the sort. He resigned and Benedict's Francis-hating fan-boys started shoving claims into the man's mouth faster than he could spit them out.

The only resignation they will ever accept is the one Benedict doesn't make. Eveything else gets "reinterpreted" as some crypto-continuation of his supposed papacy.

"He's the reason the church is being led by Bergolio."

No, you can thank the Curia for appointing Benedict's replacement.

"And he's German."

I've known veterans who fought in the European Theater. They came back with a chest full of medals, all kinds of neat stuff they yanked off dead SS officers and those were some bad hombres. Those old timers still didn't come back hating Germans the way you do.

I'd like to shake the hand of whichever German put such a deep fear of them into you. I'm impressed and, I say this in all seriousness, it takes a lot to impress me. Whatever that German did to you, it must have been legendary.

"Don't worry, though, I'm not going to create camps in an effort to exterminate Germans."

I'm not worried at all. I'm not German and a clown like you couldn't figure out how to organize a keg-party in a brewery.

"After all, that's another terrible German idea!"

Is it now? ;-) I'm going to say it again. yes, I am...

...and that's wrong too.

It wasn't a German idea at all.

The British, Spanish and ths Soviets operated such camps LONG before the Germans even came to power.


This is me correcting you again, because you don't know what you're talking about again.

Educated hatred is a formidable thing, your variety is neither.
Hegelian humanism specifically. It inspired the progressives and Marx. Also others. You're out of your depth. Good luck.
Are you going to keep re-adjusting your original claim after every subsequent correction, Jimbo? :D
First you claimed Luther begat "humanism" which begat "Marxism"
...and that was wrong.
Then you back-edited your post to claim it was "German Humanism" that begat "Marxism"
..and that was still wrong.
Now it's "Hegelian humanism specifically".
Specfically eh? ;-) Then why AREN'T you being specificMore
Are you going to keep re-adjusting your original claim after every subsequent correction, Jimbo? :D

First you claimed Luther begat "humanism" which begat "Marxism"

...and that was wrong.

Then you back-edited your post to claim it was "German Humanism" that begat "Marxism"

..and that was still wrong.

Now it's "Hegelian humanism specifically".

Specfically eh? ;-) Then why AREN'T you being specific, Jimbo?

Which kind of Hegelian humanism? Traditional Hegelian or the so-called Young Hegelian "Junghegelianer"? If you were being specific, you would have drawn a distinction between the two, "specifically".

You didn't because you don't know what you're talking about. It's funny. Sometimes just by your "changes" I can tell what searches you're running and what results were coming up after you got corrected again. -like I just did. :D

No, I'm not out my depth. You are. If you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't need to keep adjusting your original claim. Google is a tool, Jimbo. It's not a substitute for a second-rate education and a third-rate intellect.

Protip:Every time you "adjust" your original claim, you're admitting you didn't get it right the first time.

Sloppy scholarship, Jimbo, and all it's doing is backing equally sloppy reasoning.

Since you've dropped supporting all your other erroneous claims, apparently you're conceding they were, in fact, wrong... thus proving my orignal claim.

If you're wondering, no, I'm not going to let you save face, even this last point you're clinging to. You need to learn your place here.. :D
All modern progressives ideology, including Marxism/Socialism/Communism comes from Germany's humanistic philosophies which were born from Luther. Indeed, Germany was where all the theories currently ruining the world were born. This is a fact. Idk why you have such an affinity for evil, but here we are. Good luck! Ps. What we call humanism can be traced to Ancient Greece. But only the Germans' …More
All modern progressives ideology, including Marxism/Socialism/Communism comes from Germany's humanistic philosophies which were born from Luther. Indeed, Germany was where all the theories currently ruining the world were born. This is a fact. Idk why you have such an affinity for evil, but here we are. Good luck! Ps. What we call humanism can be traced to Ancient Greece. But only the Germans' theories have lasted to ruin the world. Whatever you're smoking in NH, stop.
"All modern progressives ideology, including Marxism/Socialism/Communism comes from Germany's humanistic philosophies which were born from Luther."
I love the citataions you never supply supporting any of your claims. Is there a name for this kind of "invent it as you go" arguing style?
Have you decided which form of Hegelianism you "specifically" meant yet? Or are you still working on that? :DMore
"All modern progressives ideology, including Marxism/Socialism/Communism comes from Germany's humanistic philosophies which were born from Luther."

I love the citataions you never supply supporting any of your claims. Is there a name for this kind of "invent it as you go" arguing style?

Have you decided which form of Hegelianism you "specifically" meant yet? Or are you still working on that? :D

"Indeed, Germany was where all the theories currently ruining the world were born. This is a fact."

...and that's wrong too.

Islamic theories of governance were not born in Germany. So your "fact" goes into the same trash-bin of discredited claims with rest of your nonsense.

"Idk why you have such an affinity for evil, but here we are."

Apply your question to your obvious anti-German bigotry. After all, if hating people who are Jewish is wrong, why is hating people who are German right? ;-)

Protip: demonstrating your errors doesn't show support for evil -or- good. All they show is you're running your big dumb mouth.

"But only the Germans' theories have lasted to ruin the world."

Islam proves otherwise. Repeating your previous error doesn't make it right.

Oh, and ad hominem on the reference to me "smoking" durr hurr.
Trudeau, Canada commits $8.9M to international abortion orgs that largely target babies of color
Well, I guess they need those aborted babies' tiny little bodies to put in the vaccine! By the way, Mr. Trudeau, this is not your money to give away as you please, it is our money! You've been elected to represent us.
"...this is not your money to give away as you please, it is our money! You've been elected to represent us." Suggesting that seriously to a leftist...
...."the stench of their dead bodies shall come up; and the mountains shall be melted with their blood".
It follows an established pattern of secularizing the Divine, making it commonplace and mundane. Literally "descralizing" God Himself. Compare this to the reverence given to the UN Earth Charter. The fancy box even has its own faux-religious title, "the Ark Of Hope" Modernists understand perfectly well why "respect" isan essential component of authority. That's why they work so hard to underimine …More
It follows an established pattern of secularizing the Divine, making it commonplace and mundane. Literally "descralizing" God Himself. Compare this to the reverence given to the UN Earth Charter. The fancy box even has its own faux-religious title, "the Ark Of Hope" Modernists understand perfectly well why "respect" isan essential component of authority. That's why they work so hard to underimine any respect given to God, His Mass, His places of worship, the Sacraments and so on.
[citation needed] @Rafał_Ordure Simply put, a claim like that needs some factual support.
German language Consecration formula is erroneously translated from Latin.
Novella Nurney
So these utter faithless, arrogant, pompous twits have the audacity to play " Flat Stanley" with Our Holy Eucharistic Lord ? They must be mad as a hatter. Dear Lord forgive them , they know not what they do. If they did ...they would die in horror.
“If anything could shake my faith in the Eucharist, it would not be the doubt as to how bread and wine could become flesh… because I should answer that God can do everything; but if I ask myself how could He love us much as to make Himself our food, I can only answer that this is mystery of faith above my comprehension, and that the love of Jesus cannot be understood.” -- St. Alphonsus Liguori
That's beautiful, thank you, Tesa, and St. Alphonsus.