Serious sin must meet three conditions

There is no internal act of idolatry when it is not conscious and purposeful, (1 Corinthians 8, 1-13), therefore the accusations against Saint John Paul II are completely false, absurd and insolent, …More
There is no internal act of idolatry when it is not conscious and purposeful, (1 Corinthians 8, 1-13), therefore the accusations against Saint John Paul II are completely false, absurd and insolent, and even sinful.
The accusations against Pope Francis are serious, but one cannot forget that only God knows the hidden intentions. The document from Abu Dhabi is not fully and sufficiently evidence to accuse the Pope of conscious and voluntary perseverance in heresy and idolatry, because Francis in a conversation with Bishop A. Schneider corrected this erroneous claim. Nevertheless, we are dealing with a great scandal (1 Corinthians 8, 1-13).
It should not be forgotten that for many Indians - who believe in God the Creator - Pachamama is a symbol and expression of God's providence.
In this case there is no idolatry but a bad understanding of faith.
Others treat Pachamama like a goddess. In this case, we are dealing with the worship of a false god, and the gods of the pagans are demons.
W obronie Tradycji Kościoła
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
The Church has the power to judge a person both interiorly and exteriorly. To deny that is heresy. This ability comes from the fact that exteriorly the acts of certain crimes are self evident in their deviation from the moral law. And so in exterior things every human intellect can also judge such acts when it knows the moral law correctly. The thesis you propose serves the Lavender Mafia and is a …More
The Church has the power to judge a person both interiorly and exteriorly. To deny that is heresy. This ability comes from the fact that exteriorly the acts of certain crimes are self evident in their deviation from the moral law. And so in exterior things every human intellect can also judge such acts when it knows the moral law correctly. The thesis you propose serves the Lavender Mafia and is a type of mind control practiced by marxists who want the narrative to move in the direction of their agenda. Sorry. I think you should be ashamed of yourself.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Bergoglio has no power or authority in the Church as he is public idolater and excommunicated ipso facto by canon 1364. By sustaining that he is not an idolater and sustaining he can do what he did, you are risking excommunication under canon 1329. I highly recommend you shut up if you have any concern for your immortal soul.
W obronie Tradycji Kościoła
Only God is omniscient and knows the hidden intentions of people (1 Corinthians 8, 1-13).,
Ps. Moral theology teaches that one should seek presumption of good intentions (Mattew 7, 1).More
Only God is omniscient and knows the hidden intentions of people (1 Corinthians 8, 1-13).,

Ps. Moral theology teaches that one should seek presumption of good intentions (Mattew 7, 1).
W obronie Tradycji Kościoła
We can only speak of a big scandal, so we must protest.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
You are confusing the disernment which a private person should employ about ambiguous acts with the evaluation of a public act according to the norm of law, which presumes culpability. cf. canons 1364, 1365, 1367, 1389, 15 §2
Seriously, are you saying we can receive mark of the beast just to save our life and not be condemn? That certainly not what the scripture says.
What or who are you exactly defending? The pagan idolatrous act was a fact, a visible happening. Even IF the intention was not there, where is the apology from Bergoglio and friends that it was allowed to happen at all? Instead we get an apology to the Pachamama idolators, adding insult to injury. None so blind as those who close their eyes wide shut.
I believe that scripture shows us that God will judge us by our act not by our intentions at heart. Adam may not have intention to disobey God, all he did was follow his wife's lead to gain knowledge.
The ceremony in the garden of Vatican and in the church was prepared by some officials not by Pope. Pope Francis didn't agree with it but he had to attend, Because everything is ready made.
@pravit What nonsense are you talking about? Francis said he fished the pagan idols out of the Tiber. Which they obviously didn't. They just replaced them with other ones. One of them a different size. He full participated in the pagan rituals. He put a pot of dirt on the altar. There was a procession. If you don't agree with something, you don't do it. Was someone holding his hand behind his back …More
@pravit What nonsense are you talking about? Francis said he fished the pagan idols out of the Tiber. Which they obviously didn't. They just replaced them with other ones. One of them a different size. He full participated in the pagan rituals. He put a pot of dirt on the altar. There was a procession. If you don't agree with something, you don't do it. Was someone holding his hand behind his back for all these events? He's the "pope".
Another one who bends backward to defend the indefensible, risking breaking his back.
Novella Nurney
If the " intention" as opposed to only the outward sign mattered, do you think we would have so many martyrs? If a pinch of incense to Caesar would have saved a person's life, because TO THEM they were offering the incense to the One True God , how many more would have lived? Intention, Form, and Proper Matter form the basis of the sacraments AND worship.
Don Reto Nay
You cannot reduce acts to "intentions" because this is intentionalism which is a heresy.
W obronie Tradycji Kościoła
Only God is omniscient and knows the hidden intentions of people (1 Corinthians 8, 1-13).,
According to the traditional teaching of the Church, grave sin must meet three conditions:
concern serious matter,
be committed with full awareness
and with total freedom
We can only speak of a big scandal, so we must protest.More
Only God is omniscient and knows the hidden intentions of people (1 Corinthians 8, 1-13).,

According to the traditional teaching of the Church, grave sin must meet three conditions:

concern serious matter,

be committed with full awareness

and with total freedom

We can only speak of a big scandal, so we must protest.
@W obronie Tradycji Kościoła You also don't know Francis's or JPII's hearts either, so you can't say they didn't commit mortal sin.
W obronie Tradycji Kościoła
When Leo X in a solemn procession went on to take the papal throne, one of the inscriptions proclaimed that with him the ancient goddess Athena was ruled in Rome, just like Venus under Alexander VI, and Mars under Julius II.
You're confusing judgement of someone's soul vs their behavior. Those ignorant of their heresy are still material heretics. Francis remains silent to his charges. By his silence he is giving consent.
Do you have a source for the inscription?More
You're confusing judgement of someone's soul vs their behavior. Those ignorant of their heresy are still material heretics. Francis remains silent to his charges. By his silence he is giving consent.

Do you have a source for the inscription?
Don Reto Nay
We must suppose that JPII was compos mentis, the facts speak for themselves. Do you want to say that JPII did not know what he was doing?
W obronie Tradycji Kościoła
There is no doubt that Saint John Paul II never knowingly betrayed Christ. However, saints often made mistakes believing that they were doing God's will (St. Thomas Aquinas fought the truth about the Immaculate Conception of Mary, and St. Pius X believed that Muslims believe in the true God).
What about kissing the koran or putting a buddha statue on top of the tabernacle?
Buddhist monks did that in the Assisi church of St Peter, but JP2 did pray alongside a host of schismatics, heretics and pagans, and I don't think Bergoglio was there.
W obronie Tradycji Kościoła
Saint John Paul II also preached Christ in Assisi. There is evidence of this (…/4). As for Muslims, well ... Pius X taught that Muslims believe in the true God: Those popes started it...
Do you want to remove (in your mind) the sanctity of John Paul II? Ok ... but only if you do the same with Pius X ; )More
Saint John Paul II also preached Christ in Assisi. There is evidence of this (…/4). As for Muslims, well ... Pius X taught that Muslims believe in the true God: Those popes started it...

Do you want to remove (in your mind) the sanctity of John Paul II? Ok ... but only if you do the same with Pius X ; )
It is true about St. Pius X catechism. That catechism also taught baptism of desire/blood. These unchecked errors of fallible teachings by Popes from the last century have helped guide future prelates in a bad direction.