
Benedict Resigned Because He Saw "No Danger For The Church"

Benedict XVI didn't resign in 2013 because of problems in the Church, his secretary Archbishop Gänswein told EWTN.com (November 30).

Benedict said several times, “I can go now because there is no danger for the Church (sic!). When a wolf comes, the shepherd cannot leave. There is no danger. I can [go].” According to Gänswein, Benedict has never regretted his decision.

Benedict XVI never commented on Francis’ controversial synods of bishops. Gänswein respected his silence and never asked.

When Benedict heard about Francis' Traditionis custodes, he was “very, very sad.” Gänswein told Benedict in 2021 that TC would cause many problems. Benedict replied, “I hope God will help us.”


D Paul
What is going on? Can the beloved B16 be that naive. It is possible since the saintly JPII was very naive. --- I have strong doubts but don't know. Benedict removed Archbishop Burke from St. Louis in 2008. I attended his farewell Mass. I have emails from the chancery to verify it.
As in Novus Ordo danger ?
Novena - Oremus shares this
“I hope God will help us.” Pope Benedict upon learning that Pope Francis had restricted the Traditional Latin Mass.
“I hope God will help us”….man, has there ever been more impotent, weak, despairing, forlorn words spoken by one who, at one time, held the full power and authority of Heaven on earth as the Vicar of Christ Himself? It grieves my heart deeply to hear and learn of it, and to know of the painful depths of Pope Benedict’s brokenness, especially at the end of his long life. He did not deserve it. May …More
“I hope God will help us”….man, has there ever been more impotent, weak, despairing, forlorn words spoken by one who, at one time, held the full power and authority of Heaven on earth as the Vicar of Christ Himself? It grieves my heart deeply to hear and learn of it, and to know of the painful depths of Pope Benedict’s brokenness, especially at the end of his long life. He did not deserve it. May he find the peace in eternity that he never found in his journey as Supreme Pontiff and Chief Shepherd of Holy Mother Church.
Jan Joseph
Ons mooie Rooms Katholieke geloof is al tienduizenden jaren oud, voortgekomen uit het Jodendom. Maria was een Joods meisje, een jodin. Jozef was een jood en Jezus was ook een jood. Sterker nog tot het jaar 72 konden alleen joden lid worden van de nieuwe Katholieke kerk. Joden en Katholieken zijn door de eeuwen heen altijd vervolgd en onderdrukt geweest. De eerste Katholieken werden door de Romeinse …More
Ons mooie Rooms Katholieke geloof is al tienduizenden jaren oud, voortgekomen uit het Jodendom. Maria was een Joods meisje, een jodin. Jozef was een jood en Jezus was ook een jood. Sterker nog tot het jaar 72 konden alleen joden lid worden van de nieuwe Katholieke kerk. Joden en Katholieken zijn door de eeuwen heen altijd vervolgd en onderdrukt geweest. De eerste Katholieken werden door de Romeinse overheersers letterlijk voor de leeuwen gegooid, hieruit zijn veel martelaren en Heiligen voortgekomen. In 1584 na de hervormingen werd in Nederland het Rooms Katholieke geloof door de regering, de hervormers, de protestanten, de Calvinisten verboden. De Katholieke gelovigen moesten meer 300 jaar meer dan 30 generaties lang hun geloof in schuilkerken belijden, zonder contact met het Vaticaan. De Rooms Katholieke kerk is in een grote ernstige crisis terechtgekomen. De organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk, de grootste vrijwilligersorganisatie ter wereld met meer dan 500.000 vrijwilligers heeft al veel vaker diverse vormen van crisissen meegemaakt. Maar altijd was het niet de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk die de crisis oploste, maar de gelovigen die het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof trouw bleven belijden. De Romeinen en de Protestanten zorgden eerder voor een crisis in de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk, maar doordat de gelovigen het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof trouw bleven werd de crisis overwonnen. Ook op dit moment verkeert de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk in een ernstige crisis doordat het het Europese socialisme en communisme de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk in een ernstige crisis hebben gebracht. Het begon met het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie waar het Rooms Katholieke geloof werd overgedragen aan Protestanten, met als gevolg dat het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof stapje voor stapje werd vernietigd. Veel gelovige priesters en gelovige leken verlieten de Rooms Katholieke kerk, op dit moment gelooft nog slechts 25% van de priesters en 1% van de gelovigen in God. Nu 60 jaar na het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie worden veel kerken gesloten, over tien jaar zal het aantal Rooms Katholieke kerken slechts 1% zijn van het aantal Rooms Katholieke kerken van 60 jaar geleden. De laatste 1% van de kerken verdwijnt binnen 20 jaar. Maar het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof is nog springlevend. De Sint Pius X broederschap en de Sint Petrus broederschap, beide broederschappen zijn Traditionele broederschappen die met veel succes het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof verkondigen met haar Prachtige Tridentijnse Liturgie. Het gevolg hiervan is een snel groeiende groep gelovigen met veel zeer jonge gelovigen die zich bekeerd hebben tot het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof. Veel van deze gelovigen hebben thuis huiskapellen waar door gelovige priesters regelmatig de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis wordt opgedragen, met als gevolg een snel stijgend aantal gelovigen en een nog sneller stijgend aantal priesterstudenten, seminaristen, en priesters. Door de Traditionis custodes worden de gelovigen die het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden en op zondag de kerken van de Sint Pius X en Sint Petrus broederschap bezoeken door paus Fransiscus vervolgd om hun geloof en buiten de kerk gezet. Paus Franciscus is door een staatsgreep van de socialisten en communisten aan de macht gekomen en paus Franciscus wil van het mooie Rooms Katholieke geloof een natuurgeloof maken, waar heidenen in geloven, en paus Franciscus vindt dat het geloof in God is achterhaald, niet meer van deze tijd is. Omdat Paus Franciscus van mening is dat God niet bestaat en dat het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof niet bestaat. Paus Franciscus vindt dat Gods wetten niets mogen verbieden, moraliteit moet plaats maken voor liefde en Woke. Seksuele moraal is onzin. De crisis in de Rooms Katholieke kerk verdiept en versnelt zich door deze ontwikkeling op dit moment. Het gevolg van die verdieping en versnelling is dat bij het volgende Conclaaf dat binnen enkele weken maanden realiteit kan zijn, de Rooms Katholieke kerk in duizenden stukjes uiteen zal vallen. Maar het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof zal door de Sint Pius X en Sint Petrus broederschap blijven bestaan. De Vijanden van het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof zullen altijd blijven bestaan.
Maar ook het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof zal altijd blijven bestaan.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Benedict XVI: It Is The Time Of Antichrist"---Benedict XVI was correct, and the Antichrist is POPE FRANCIS, assisted by his army of homo-loving goons in the Vatican, and as bishops in dioceses. Perhaps Benedict XVI resigned to make way for the anti-Christ, to fufill the prophecy. Then when the anti-Christ is dead, the Church will be resurrected and restored by a new, traditional and orthodox Pope. …More
"Benedict XVI: It Is The Time Of Antichrist"---Benedict XVI was correct, and the Antichrist is POPE FRANCIS, assisted by his army of homo-loving goons in the Vatican, and as bishops in dioceses. Perhaps Benedict XVI resigned to make way for the anti-Christ, to fufill the prophecy. Then when the anti-Christ is dead, the Church will be resurrected and restored by a new, traditional and orthodox Pope.
I read an article on another Catholic site where the author said that by hs vicious persecution of traditionalist Catholics, bishops, and now Cardinal Burke, that Pope Francis is unwittingly making it certain that either Cardinal Burke, or a like minded, traditional loving, orthodox Cardinal is elected as the successor to Pope Francis. The author of the article stated that it is highly unlikely that another "Pope Francis" will be elected, because in addition to the remaining JPII and Benedict XVI Cardinals, Francis has also (perhaps unwittingly), elevated to the Sacred College of Cardinals many men who are (according to the author), "boring conservatives"...who will vote for a traditional, orthodox Pope before they would ever vote for a "Francis II".
That would be great if true.
Pt Murphy
Q level wishful thinking
D Paul
Echoing, "great if true". Also echoing, "wishful thinking".
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I already know that I'm not sticking with the Catholic Church, if after Francis is dead, they elect one of his ardent supporters from among his hand-picked cardinals.
Live Mike
"No danger"...?! Is that so, Your Excellecy?
On 11 May 2010 - In answer to the question [pre-selected by Pope Benedict XVI], if the abuses were part of the pain included in the vision of the Third Secret released on the 26 June 2000? Pope Benedict XVI (traveling on the plane to Fatima, Portugal) replied, [...] Consequently, I would say that, here too, beyond this great vision of the suffering of …More
"No danger"...?! Is that so, Your Excellecy?

On 11 May 2010 - In answer to the question [pre-selected by Pope Benedict XVI], if the abuses were part of the pain included in the vision of the Third Secret released on the 26 June 2000? Pope Benedict XVI (traveling on the plane to Fatima, Portugal) replied, [...] Consequently, I would say that, here too, beyond this great vision of the suffering of the Pope, which we can in the first place refer to Pope John Paul II, an indication is given of realities involving the future of the Church, which are gradually taking shape and becoming evident. So it is true that, in addition to moment indicated in the vision, there is mention of, there is seen, the need for a passion of the Church, which naturally is reflected in the person of the Pope, yet the Pope stands for the Church and thus it is sufferings of the Church that are announced. The Lord told us that the Church would constantly be suffering, in different ways, until the end of the world. The important thing is that the message, the response of Fatima, in substance is not directed to particular devotions, but precisely to the fundamental response, that is, to ongoing conversion, penance, prayer, and the three theological virtues: faith, hope and charity. Thus we see here the true, fundamental response which the Church must give – which we, every one of us, must give in this situation. As for the new things which we can find in this message today, there is also the fact that attacks on the Pope and the Church come not only from without, but the sufferings of the Church come precisely from within the Church, from the sin existing within the Church. This too is something that we have always known, but today we are seeing it in a really terrifying way: that the greatest persecution of the Church comes not from her enemies without, but arises from sin within the Church, and that the Church thus has a deep need to relearn penance, to accept purification, to learn forgiveness on the one hand, but also the need for justice. Forgiveness does not replace justice. In a word, we need to relearn precisely this essential: conversion, prayer, penance and the theological virtues. This is our response, we are realists in expecting that evil always attacks, attacks from within and without, yet that the forces of good are also ever present and that, in the end, the Lord is more powerful than evil and Our Lady is for us the visible, motherly guarantee of God’s goodness, which is always the last word in history. Apostolic Journey to Portugal on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Beatification of Jacinta and Francisco: Meeting of His Holiness Benedict XVI with journalists during the flight to Lisbon (Papal Flight, 11 May 2010) | BENEDICT XVI

He deceives himself who thinks that the prophetic mission of Fatima is concluded.”[ …] “May the seven years which separate us from the centenary of the apparitions hasten the fulfillment of the prophecy of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity.” - Pope Benedict XVI Homily at Fatima on 13 May 2010 13 de maio de 2010: Viagem Apostólica a Portugal no 10º aniversário da beatificação de Jacinta e Francisco, pastorinhos de Fátima - Santa Missa na Esplanada do Santuário de Nossa Senhora de Fátima | Bento XVI

"The very future of the world is at stake." - Pope Benedict XVI, 20 December 2010
"...as the Roman Empire was in decline. The disintegration of the key principles of law and of the fundamental moral attitudes underpinning them burst open the dams which until that time had protected peaceful coexistence among peoples. The sun was setting over an entire world. Frequent natural disasters further increased this sense of insecurity. There was no power in sight that could put a stop to this decline."
"Today, [...] For all its new hopes and possibilities, our world is at the same time troubled by the sense that moral consensus is collapsing, consensus without which juridical and political structures cannot function. Consequently the forces mobilized for the defence of such structures seem doomed to failure."
"Alexis de Tocqueville, in his day, observed that democracy in America had become possible and had worked because there existed a fundamental moral consensus which, transcending individual denominations, united everyone. Only if there is such a consensus on the essentials can constitutions and law function. This fundamental consensus derived from the Christian heritage is at risk wherever its place, the place of moral reasoning, is taken by the purely instrumental rationality of which I spoke earlier. In reality, this makes reason blind to what is essential. To resist this eclipse of reason and to preserve its capacity for seeing the essential, for seeing God and man, for seeing what is good and what is true, is the common interest that must unite all people of good will. The very future of the world is at stake."
- From an Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI on the Occasion of Christmas Greetings to the Roman Curia on 20 December 2010
Christmas greetings to Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Directors of the Governorate of Vatican City State (December 20, 2010) | BENEDICT XVI

Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed the need for a “Year of Faith” that seeks to awaken humanity at a critical moment. In vast areas of the earth the faith risks being extinguished, like a flame without fuel,” the pope warned, “We are facing a profound crisis of faith, a loss of a religious sense which represents one of the greatest challenges for the Church today … The renewal of faith must, then, be a priority for the entire Church in our time.” - Pope Benedict XVI, Vatican City, 27 January 2012 from his address to the participants in the plenary session of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
To participants in the Plenary Meeting of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (January 27, 2012) | BENEDICT XVI

"One can only see the power of Antichrist spreading, and one can only pray that the Lord will give us powerful shepherds to defend His Church against the power of evil in this hour of need." - Pope Benedict XVI from a letter to Catholic statesman Vladimir Palko in 2015
"When he was still a young theologian, Joseph Ratzinger studied the thinking of Tyconius, a theologian of the fourth century, who said that the body of the Church is divided into a dark and evil church and a righteous one. In the present state, the two bodies of the Church are inseparably commingled, but they will divide at the end of time." - Giorgio Agamben, philosopher
"The Church is until the Last Judgment both the Church of Christ and the Church of the Antichrist: “The Antichrist belongs to the Church, grows in it and with it up to the great separation, which will be introduced by the ultimate revelation.” - Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, the future pope, in 1956
Benedict XVI: It Is The Time Of Antichrist
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Ganswein lied what he did on EWTN because he knows that Francis and his homosexual spies, informants and advisors are listening. I'm sure Francis put a watch on him. So Ganswein lied about Benedict. This line in particular "Benedict said several times, “I can go now because there is no danger for the Church (sic!). When a wolf comes, the shepherd cannot leave. There is no danger. I can [go].” …More
Ganswein lied what he did on EWTN because he knows that Francis and his homosexual spies, informants and advisors are listening. I'm sure Francis put a watch on him. So Ganswein lied about Benedict. This line in particular "Benedict said several times, “I can go now because there is no danger for the Church (sic!). When a wolf comes, the shepherd cannot leave. There is no danger. I can [go].” According to Gänswein, Benedict has never regretted his decision." is very disturbing. Either it's a lie/fabrication of Ganswein to please Francis and his homo company, or (and I don't mean to be disrespectful to the memoriy of a basically good Pope), but if Benedict XVI actually BELIEVED this, he was either senile/delusional, unbelievably trusting and naive, or evil himself to open the door to the likes of Bergoglio/Francis/the St. Gallen Mafia to destroy the Church. Which Francis and company have been doing since 2013.
Sometimes I speculate that perhaps Benedict XVI tempted the Holy Spirit thinking that a "conclave" to select an "active member of the papal ministry [while he himself would retain a contemplative role 'in the enclosure of St. Peter' his own words] would right all the crises in the modern Church... well we see the result, and it isn't pretty!
Once a Modernist always a Modernist!
Yes, he lifted the illegal excommunications of Archbishop Lefebvre, re-instated the TLM, and indirectly, gave the FSSPX a green light. For those actions I am very thankful.
But many of my relatives have abandoned the faith because of the demonically-inspired Second Vatican Council of which he played a critical role as a peritus.
He conveniently forgets, therefore …More
Once a Modernist always a Modernist!

Yes, he lifted the illegal excommunications of Archbishop Lefebvre, re-instated the TLM, and indirectly, gave the FSSPX a green light. For those actions I am very thankful.

But many of my relatives have abandoned the faith because of the demonically-inspired Second Vatican Council of which he played a critical role as a peritus.

He conveniently forgets, therefore, that he was part of the evil pack that created the problems in the first place. For that reason he is every bit as responsible as anyone else for bringing the Church to her knees.

We pray for his immortal soul and hopefully he asked Jesus Christ for His forgiveness before He faced Him at his Immediate Judgment.
Pure codswallop!!! Ganswein cannot be trusted.
Defeat Modernism
Benedict XVI was a modernist heretic wolf himself. He was an enemy of the Catholic Church. He was head of the Novus Ordo Sect and not the pope of the Catholic Church.
English Catholic
Wow. I find that hard to swallow. According to an article in Christian Order, Benedict XVI was taken down by the SWIFT banking system run by the globalist oligarchs. The Vatican was unable to receive or send payments as it had been banned from doing so. The ban was lifted as soon as the resignation of Benedict XVI was announced: Was SWIFT the 'Beast' of the Apocalypse?
Re-writing the narrative... Remember we were first told that Benedict "resigned" because he was too frail & in poor health to travel to WYD. Now aged and sickly Francis pouts if he can't go to all the globalist pow-wows & shin-digs. WE'RE BEING GASLIT YET AGAIN!!!
English Catholic
@Orthocat Yes, you're right, I recall the original reason given was frailty and illness and here's a UK newspaper article which shows that: Pope Benedict XVI resigns owing to age and declining health Nothing was said that he was going because he was leaving the Church in a safe pair of hands.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I remember reading an article, probably about 2 years before Pope Benedict XVI died, where he claimed the reason why he resigned was due to increasing, incurable insomnia. He calimed that he started having almost daily insomnia a few years after he became Pope ( 2010-11), and that the drug therapy meant to help him relax in time did not work as well as it should, though it gave some relief. So he …More
I remember reading an article, probably about 2 years before Pope Benedict XVI died, where he claimed the reason why he resigned was due to increasing, incurable insomnia. He calimed that he started having almost daily insomnia a few years after he became Pope ( 2010-11), and that the drug therapy meant to help him relax in time did not work as well as it should, though it gave some relief. So he decided for overall health reasons to abdicate/resign.
I wish Pope Francis would abdicate/resign.........or something else.😂