
Vicar General, “I Would Have Suspended A Priest Acting Like Pope Francis”

An unnamed vicar general has commented on Pope Francis’ marriage on an airplane, “If he were a priest in my diocese I would ensure he was suspended, and at his age retired from a public liturgical or …More
An unnamed vicar general has commented on Pope Francis’ marriage on an airplane,
“If he were a priest in my diocese I would ensure he was suspended, and at his age retired from a public liturgical or pastoral function.”
Talking to Father Ray Blake (January 19), the vicar general said that he expects that Francis will find followers, priests or deacons, who will marry couples who turn up at their front door, without paperwork, such as proof of freedom to marry, or even of baptism, and without much, if any preparation.
The pope knows all of this yet he doesn't care. That's how tyrants behave.
Iam with you Vicar General .There is a lot of popemania going on
Whatever this man is doing, he is certainly not upholding the Sacred Deposit of Faith
Sit him down in front of a full Tribunal, publicise it, so no errors occur, (lies, distortions etc...) and get him to swear publicly, his permanent fidelity to the Sacred Magestrium as laid down year by year since the time of the Apostles. That is what any TRUE Pope would have done. Borgia took such an oath and …More
Whatever this man is doing, he is certainly not upholding the Sacred Deposit of Faith
Sit him down in front of a full Tribunal, publicise it, so no errors occur, (lies, distortions etc...) and get him to swear publicly, his permanent fidelity to the Sacred Magestrium as laid down year by year since the time of the Apostles. That is what any TRUE Pope would have done. Borgia took such an oath and upheld it too! His private life be as it may perverse, there was never any scandal in regards to his Government of the Sacred Bride of Christ.

Should he refuse to do swear such an oath -, his term is ended. Every Pope has hitherto started their Pontificate signing an oath of allegiance to protect and defend the Church's 2000 year old Teachings from contamination.

All Christ proclaims throughout Scripture to be profane or perverse - this, formally excomunicated Pontiff (who by his own acts has corrupted the Sacred Bride of Christ) upholds as Christian Truth! On the other hand, ALL Truth sent from God via the Holy Spirit, has been ridiculed, oppressed and deliberately cast aside so that HIS personal ideologies can become first and foremost NEW, prohibited Teachings.

Only servants of Satan out to destroy the Church would rejoice in such criminal activities taking place.

I was sent this to read the other day. It's a bit scary, but it needs viewing. Here is a good source of information - view it, and decide whether or not you feel it to be true. It's on the StRobertBellarmine Blogspot - dated 2011

It's written by "Ken Jones" date October 29th, 2011 and is called "How Satan Falsified the 1958 Conclave." the scenario he views as worthy appears about half way down the page.


If it wasn't for the fact that the entire scenario has been doubly obtained - First in 1958, and now again between Pope Benedict & Francis - I would never have placed so much credence in it. I'd appreciate some proper feedback - if it's TRUE we've been lied to.
De Profundis
Where was the marriage preparation requested in Amoris Laetitia?
It's worse. It#s a deception (it was preplanned but made to look spontaneous)
It's a trivialisation of marriage.