
Francis: Colon Cancer?

The best-informed voices have no doubt that Francis, 85, is battling colon cancer, Specola (InfoVaticana.com, January 28) writes,

“We see him limping noticeably and for a few days now his difficulty in walking has been evident, the images from the last audience are terrible.

Francis himself explained this as problems with his knees.

According to Specola, there are important cardinals who predict that “the next Christmas sweets will be eaten with another Pope.”


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Although I'm not waiting gleefully for Bergoglio to croak, I do think it's very soon. I would not do a dance to celebrate, like some would, I would be just relieved, and hopeful that next time we get a Catholic who likes tradition....which isn't so impossible, considering the wreck Bergoglio the radical progressivist has made of the Church. I'm betting we get a CAtholic, at least favorable to Catholic …More
Although I'm not waiting gleefully for Bergoglio to croak, I do think it's very soon. I would not do a dance to celebrate, like some would, I would be just relieved, and hopeful that next time we get a Catholic who likes tradition....which isn't so impossible, considering the wreck Bergoglio the radical progressivist has made of the Church. I'm betting we get a CAtholic, at least favorable to Catholic tradition......like Sarah, Burke, Piacenza, and Eijk, Erdo, and maybe a dozen or so others. Not Zuppi, especially not Tagle, etc.
Henryk Lahola
The return of the church to normality after Francis ' death will be much harder than you think. More than two-thirds of the current Cardinals have been named by this heretical Pope Francis...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I suppose all this "speculation" is just gossip. If it's just his knee, that means were still plagued with his agenda for the Church indefinitly. Along with his troll cardinals and bishops and other scum appointees.
I hope this isn't from the same "well-informed source" who predicted papal delegates would be sent to all Roman Rite communites before the end of last year. Because that didn't happen even though, as GTV claimed, he'd "published accurate reports and predictions in the past."
May this poor man convert and be saved.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I was half expecting this report today to be true, not hoping, just expecting. But it was more of the same. They didn't even say definite he was seriously ill, just that he was limping. Who cares? Everyone when they get old limp and have knee pain. It'll be treated. Big deal. Posting these pieces every week that "FRANCIS COLON CANCER?????!!!!!" with no real proof is just childish gossip. And they …More
I was half expecting this report today to be true, not hoping, just expecting. But it was more of the same. They didn't even say definite he was seriously ill, just that he was limping. Who cares? Everyone when they get old limp and have knee pain. It'll be treated. Big deal. Posting these pieces every week that "FRANCIS COLON CANCER?????!!!!!" with no real proof is just childish gossip. And they mention high Vatican officials wh have been repeating this.....but never of course mention names. Maybe if they did if could be verified. Or they are lying and there really are no cardinals saying this.
I'm not going to bother getting interested about headlines like this any more unless its proven 100% true. I read the "Specolo" article. They go on and on saying how terrible he looks, but in the end wind up the report with " oh, maybe its just his knee". A bad knee? Boo hoo.
What do we gain in speculating that the Pope has cancer or not ,Better pray for his conversion
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I read this "Specola" whole article, and there's nothing definite about Francis being severely ill....just the usuall gossip. But they do say he has knee problems. That's nothing.
Les Crispi
One would hope if he's really this ill he suddenly comes back to the Jesus he first met as a child and then abandoned so quickly.
andreas adi
good candidate for 'assisted suicide'🏃🏃🏃
atreverse pensar
"JUST IN - Pope Francis: Spreading "disinformation" on vaccines and COVID-19 is a violation of human rights. In a speech Friday, he praised "fact-checking" and urged "truth.""
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Yes, metastases. My uncle is a cardiologist (heart doctor), but he also of course knows about this. it can sread from the colon, to the pancreas, liver, spleen etc. and in advanced cases , into the pelvis and bones. Perhaps that is why he is limping (spread into pelvis, etc). Anyway, he looked to me terrible at the last two Masses he presided at, and at the audience. I don't want anyone to suffer,…More
Yes, metastases. My uncle is a cardiologist (heart doctor), but he also of course knows about this. it can sread from the colon, to the pancreas, liver, spleen etc. and in advanced cases , into the pelvis and bones. Perhaps that is why he is limping (spread into pelvis, etc). Anyway, he looked to me terrible at the last two Masses he presided at, and at the audience. I don't want anyone to suffer, but I hope he goes to his reward very very soon, and the College of Cardinals elect a CATHOLIC pope, someone who likes, or at least tolerates, the TLM and Catholic tradition....someone who looks and dresses and acts like a real Pope....like Benedict XVI. Not another Francis or JPII or Paul VI. I would not be surprised if the Cardinals actually see what type of pontificate does NOT WORK (Francis), and in fact choose a cardinal (or bishop or Patriarch), who actually loves Catholic tradition and the Church in general.
However........I have not seen these reports on the secular press. But "Specola" is a secular Italian rag.
Henryk Lahola
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori - The return of the church to normality after Francis ' death will be much harder than you think. More than two-thirds of the current Cardinals have been named by this heretical Pope Francis...
José Lindomar Soares
Last week wasn't a panchreas cancer?
De Profundis
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Henryk Lahola
The return of the church to normality after Francis ' death will be much harder than you think. More than two-thirds of the current Cardinals have been named by this heretical Pope Francis!!!