
Again: Francis Takes Phone Call During General Audience (Video)

Francis took an "urgent" phone call during his December 22 General Audience. He signalsed the people waiting for him at the end of the audience that he has to take the call.

This is similar to a very public phone call during a General Audience in August, when Francis spoke to Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, the Substitute for the Secretariat of State. It seems that Francis wants to emphasise his "importance" with such gestures.


Poop Francis is an ignoramus.
Wilma Lopez shares this
It was kind of important. Trust me on this one.
Notice how the "important" people don't need masks and the "little" people (like staffers) do.
It is from his controller, of course it is more important than anything.
Jeffrey Ade
Hold on, I was outbid!
:D That's win! I'm really hoping a.) it's true. 2.) he got sniped 3.) the auction is over. It's always a treat when that eBay "trinity" shows up in the e-mail, usually out of order. :D "Congrats, you won the auction." followed by, "Congrats, you're the high bidder." with "The auction is over" anywhere in the line.
Zapp Rowsdower
God calling time to come home Jorge
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Wishful thinking! In the words of one my neighbors, "from your mouth to God's ears."
Ivan Tomas
Wait!... Mr. Screwtape is calling!
Darrell J Roman
If I was in line, and he answered that phone call, I would have walked away and hope that others would follow... Never did John Paul II or Benedict do anything so, disrespectful or inconsiderate to the faithful.
Does he not have people who can handle such things, or at least call him out of the audience hall for a moment so it's not obvious that he's ghosting people to take a phone call?
Facts Not Lies
Possibly none that he can trust with subversive activities like deconstruction of a faith and society.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Lacking in papal dignity to whip out his cell phone during an audience. No one ever interupted Benedict XVI or JP II with a cell phone call. Then again, they at least has some manners and class, especially Benedict XVI.
Archbishop Vigano is calling him to repent
Facts Not Lies
3) Inconsiderate
If 1 person (a friend or family member) would be waiting for me to handle some event on my phone I may address the digital leash (mobile phone) first.
If 3 would be effected, well that is 3 people interrupted by 1... so, consideration, logic, and simple numbers Dictate that let the leash take a message.
Really... HERE AND NOW are higher priority than the mobile …More
3) Inconsiderate

If 1 person (a friend or family member) would be waiting for me to handle some event on my phone I may address the digital leash (mobile phone) first.
If 3 would be effected, well that is 3 people interrupted by 1... so, consideration, logic, and simple numbers Dictate that let the leash take a message.

Really... HERE AND NOW are higher priority than the mobile which can be handled there and later.

Ahh the days before the bell rang and the populous drooled. (share)
Wilma Lopez
"Holy Father, we found another Latin Mass on a Parish Bulletin!!!"
Hello Austen, a Latin Mass you say? Where are they were having it? I'll send Arthur straight away...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe one of Francis' priest secretaries giving a tip off on another traditional religious Order packed with new vocations that Francis can send his thugs to persecute.
Wilma Lopez
The priest will be hung, drawn and quartered.
Probably the WEF phoning to confirm the script he is to deliver.
3rd Order Postulant
He's just a regular guy, he wants you to know...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe it was his doctor giving him some urgent news? I'm not hoping it was that of course, that would be evil. Just saying it might have been. Otherwise it's just plain rude of him to do that. But is that a surprise?
Most people would call it just plain old rudeness. What ever happened to all that "humbleness" Francis was praised for?
This is not surprising. Perhaps a priest was discovered providing Last Rites or a Traditional Baptism. So many threats to the faith!