
Opus Dei Founder Gone

Lima's Archbishop Carlos Castillo, 72, Peru, has removed a painting of José María Escrivá, the founder of the Opus Dei, from his cathedral, La Cigüeña (InfoVaticana.com, June 29) informs.

Castillo’s predecessor, Cardinal Cipriani, 78, whom Francis quickly retired, was an Opus Dei priest. Castillo became infamous for,

denying that Christ’s death was a sacrifice,

• starting a “beatification process” for a Pachamama activist,

• calling Saint James a “violent man,”,

replacing priests with lay people,

refusing Communion,

• transforming Corpus Christi into a coronavirus-show,

• claiming that Christ “becomes bread”,

• alleging that “nobody converts in front of the tabernacle,”,

• singing a Pachamama hymn during a Eucharist

It is a miracle that Francis has not yet made him a cardinal.


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