Another Spanish Jesuit Abused More Than 100 Indigenous Girls in Bolivia

Between 1994 and 2005, the Spanish Jesuit Luis María Roma Pedrosa, photographed, filmed and sexually molested more than 100 girls while he was a "missionary" in Bolivia, reports (June 18). …More
Between 1994 and 2005, the Spanish Jesuit Luis María Roma Pedrosa, photographed, filmed and sexually molested more than 100 girls while he was a "missionary" in Bolivia, reports (June 18).
At least seventy of his victims, most of them from the indigenous Guaraní population, are identified by name in Roma’s diary.
It is the second diary of a pedophile Jesuit in Bolivia, following that of fellow Spaniard Alfonso Pedrajas. The investigation against Roma began in March 2019 at the request of the Jesuits.
Roma who was confined to a wheelchair died months later in Bolivia on August 6, 2019, at the age of 84. Therefore, the files of the investigation remained unpublished until now.
Before his death, Roma signed a confession before a notary: “I confess, freely and voluntarily, that at the time when I was stationed in the parish of Charagua, from about 1998 to 2002, I allowed myself, in some situations, to be carried away by libidinous acts, inappropriate for a religious person, with …More
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New diary deepens Bolivia abuse crisis 🇧🇴
If 100 is named, then you know it is 2 or 3 times that. By the time they are exposed, it is usually because they have become so empowered that they stop adequately covering their tracks. Dear God I pray He stops the destruction of innocents.
Good point, this guy's sexual-aberration is monstrous.
Naomi Arai
Ew. What filth. It seems the Jesuits, once again, shielded their own. Scandalous to the girls and their families. A prison sentence may have brought about repentance from him, too…and some payment for his sins. God have mercy. I hope he repented.
Tie a millstone around his neck, and throw him from a bridge.
Do we need the salacious, perverted details, GloriaTV? It’s filthy. At least place a warning notice in the headline. The unspeakable depravity described herein is beyond the pale, even for this site and its jaded readers.
Christopher Shahrazade
All Jesuits are heretics and perverts, either homos or not. Their top guy in Rome is too.