
Last Conclave: One Vote Was for Cardinal Bertoglio

During the March 2013 conclave that elected Francis, one cardinal voted for “Bertoglio,” a combination of the names of the Cardinals Bertone and Bergoglio. The vote was invalidated according to Antonio …More
During the March 2013 conclave that elected Francis, one cardinal voted for “Bertoglio,” a combination of the names of the Cardinals Bertone and Bergoglio.
The vote was invalidated according to Antonio Grana’s new book “Extra Omnes.”
Immediately after his election, Bergoglio went up to his main contender, Milan Cardinal Angelo Scola, to embrace him. However, later Francis avoided Scola, and sent him quickly into retirement.
Archbishop Angelo Becciu, the Deputy Secretary of State at the time, was waiting at the entrance to the Sistine Chapel where the conclave had taken place, when Cardinal Antonio Maria Vegliò, 82, grasped his arm and asked, "Your Excellency, how did Milan perform last night?".
“It won, Your Eminence", Becciu replied, and asked: "And whom did you elect?"
Grana also knows that at the 2005 conclave which elected Cardinal Ratzinger one ballot was always cast for the Catholic and very eloquent Bologna Cardinal Giacomo Biffi. The ballot was Ratzinger’s.
Remember once and for all that all the conclaves since 1958 are invalid because of the white smoke of October 26, 1958 when a real Pope was elected : novusordowatch.org/…/smoke-signals-w… But what happened then? What St. Paul had foreseen about the Obstacle.
Dernier conclave : Un vote pour le cardinal "Bertoglio"
Lors du conclave de mars 2013 qui a élu François, un cardinal a voté pour « Bertoglio », une combinaison des noms des cardinaux Bertone et Bergoglio.
Le vote a été invalidé selon le nouveau livre d'Antonio Grana "Extra Omnes".
Immédiatement après son élection, Bergoglio s'est approché …More
Dernier conclave : Un vote pour le cardinal "Bertoglio"
Lors du conclave de mars 2013 qui a élu François, un cardinal a voté pour « Bertoglio », une combinaison des noms des cardinaux Bertone et Bergoglio.

Le vote a été invalidé selon le nouveau livre d'Antonio Grana "Extra Omnes".

Immédiatement après son élection, Bergoglio s'est approché de son principal adversaire, le cardinal Angelo Scola de Milan, pour l'embrasser. Mais plus tard, François a évité Scola et l'a rapidement mis à la retraite.

L'archevêque Angelo Becciu, alors secrétaire d'État adjoint, attendait à l'entrée de la chapelle Sixtine où avait eu lieu le conclave, lorsque le cardinal Antonio Maria Vegliò, 82 ans, lui saisit le bras et lui demanda : « Votre Excellence, comment s'est comporté Milan hier soir ? »

« Il a gagné, Votre Éminence », répondit Becciu, et demanda : « Et qui avez-vous élu ? »

Grana sait aussi que lors du conclave de 2005 qui a élu le cardinal Ratzinger, un seul bulletin de vote a toujours été déposé pour le catholique et très éloquent cardinal de Bologne Giacomo Biffi. Le bulletin de vote était celui de Ratzinger.

[Rappelez-vous une bonne fois pour toutes que tous les conclaves depuis 1958 sont invalides à cause de la fumée blanche du 26 octobre 1958 où un vrai Pape fut élu : catholique.forumactif.com/t11-il-y-a-60-a… Mais que s'est-il passé alors ? Ce que saint Paul avait prévu à propos de l'Obstacle.]
Benedict XVI is safely quarantined. 😉
Dr Bobus
Are you a Canon lawyer?
Holy Cannoli
He is a mentally unbalanced individual who is afflicted with OCD and who has likely adopted self-destructive behaviors in the form of alcohol or drug abuse which, in combination, can contribute to his decline into schizophrenia.
In short, he’s a goofball and along with several others with similar constantly negative and vitriolic dispositions have done more to diminish the membership, postings …More
He is a mentally unbalanced individual who is afflicted with OCD and who has likely adopted self-destructive behaviors in the form of alcohol or drug abuse which, in combination, can contribute to his decline into schizophrenia.

In short, he’s a goofball and along with several others with similar constantly negative and vitriolic dispositions have done more to diminish the membership, postings and readership of GTV than any other factor/s.

Why no effort to curtail these kinds of posters has occurred is your guess as well as mine. 😲
"while a sitting pope like Benedict xvi still lives." That would be true except Benedict XVI resigned. Crackers lies through repetition.
If the resignation was under duress, which is the case; and the will was expressed with defects as is attested by two intervention, one of B-XVI himself and one by Ganswein, both of which conssist in saying that he was trying to expand the Petrine minister, by adding the two popes, one in active and the other in contemplative exercise..... You might say that there is no distinction between munus …More
If the resignation was under duress, which is the case; and the will was expressed with defects as is attested by two intervention, one of B-XVI himself and one by Ganswein, both of which conssist in saying that he was trying to expand the Petrine minister, by adding the two popes, one in active and the other in contemplative exercise..... You might say that there is no distinction between munus and the active execise, but that's not what they, THEMSELVES, say, and what many cannon lawyers say... maybe, they are no match to your fallacy bkabber by which you avoid to address the arguments of others. Ah, and if you say that the duress thing isn't real, because he hasn't say anything like that, of course, if the situation persists, he isn't able to let YOU know. And evidence of duress are all around, even if you try to smear me... I tell you all of this in good faith, sending you sincere blessings, as a brother
"If the resignation was under duress, which is the case..." Wrong. Unless you're calling Benedict a liar.
"For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome..." -Benedict XVI.
"The only condition for the validity of my resignation is the complete freedom of my decision. …More
"If the resignation was under duress, which is the case..." Wrong. Unless you're calling Benedict a liar.

"For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome..." -Benedict XVI.

"The only condition for the validity of my resignation is the complete freedom of my decision. Speculations regarding its validity are simply absurd." -Pope Emeritus Benedict.


"You might say that there is no distinction between munus and the active execise, but that's not what they, THEMSELVES, say, and what many cannon lawyers say..."

I 'might" say that and I "might not". Let's be clear I didn't say that and you did. Also, you gave zero citations proving any of your claims. Your say-so is nice, but hardly proof.

All too often, people claim "canon law says" or some experts say, and when I check, canon law says no such thing and the experts didn't either..

"they are no match to your fallacy bkabber by which you avoid to address the arguments of others"

Actually, exposing fallacies in the arguments of others is a refutation, not avoidance. It's a nice way of saying you're wrong and proving it at the same time.
If he was under duress, that is, threatened in any way, he won'g tell you, that's the point
So you are calling Benedict a liar, yes? That is a yes or no question.
No, I'm calling him a man against the wall. You, probably, can't understand that. Maybe, it's to deep; maybe, you live in a crystal bubble; naybe, it's both. But I'm certain, by now, that you can't grasp the concept
"No, I'm calling him a man against the wall."
No does not need a qualification that implies the opposite. Yes or no, means Yes or No, It doesn't mean No, I'm going to imply Yes".
If you say No, then Benedict was telling the truth that he resigned freely.
I understand perfectly what you are saying, eticacasanova . You want to call Benedict a liar but you're not man enough, not Catholic enough …More
"No, I'm calling him a man against the wall."

No does not need a qualification that implies the opposite. Yes or no, means Yes or No, It doesn't mean No, I'm going to imply Yes".

If you say No, then Benedict was telling the truth that he resigned freely.

I understand perfectly what you are saying, eticacasanova . You want to call Benedict a liar but you're not man enough, not Catholic enough to speak the truth you believe. Instead you turn on me for holding up a mirror to your hypocrisy. "It's too deep", "crystal bubble," etc. etc.
Thors Catholic Hammer
That 2013 conclave was invalid.
Under canon law no conclave purporting to elect a pope is valid while a sitting pope like Benedict xvi still lives.
Despite some outward statements Pope Benedict xvi has not, repeat not, relinquished the Papal Primacy.