
Viganò: Bergoglio Presides Over "Infernal Parody" Of Christ’s Church

Archbishop Viganò is scandalised how "the top levels of the hierarchy" are openly placing themselves at the service of the "Prince of this world," adopting demands of the U.N., globalists, Masons, ecologism, and immigrationism.

In a letter to a cloistered nun (MarcoTosatti.com, May 31) Viganò writes that a single world religion without dogmas or morals is being invented.

For him it is "obvious" that Bergoglio, along with those who are behind him and support him, "aspires to preside over this infernal parody of the Church of Christ.”

The "élites" want to impose their tyranny on the peoples with neo-paganism as its religious arm, Viganó explains.

He observes that the Church crisis is the "metastasis of the conciliar cancer” because there is “a causal relationship" between Vatican II and its "logical and necessary" consequences in Liturgy, Faith and Morals.


Arthur McGowan
As always, GTV provides no LINK!!! Maddening. Infuriating. What's the matter with you people? Haven't you yet acquired the needed computer skills?
Perhaps GTV's authors assume their readers have aquired the needed computer skills to compensate for this. Personally, I've never found the lack of links to be much of an inconvenience...
Perhaps GTV's authors assume their readers have aquired the needed computer skills to compensate for this. Personally, I've never found the lack of links to be much of an inconvenience...

The archbishop is a voice crying in the wilderness. Few will listen.
"...also regard Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the Pope." @elbow -As does Archbishop Vigano himself. Your point? ;-)
The point is you experience unusual trouble in getting points 😉
The point I made undermines elbow's point. Up your trollin' or buzz off.
Holy Cannoli
As Catholics, along with the majority of Catholics in the world, as of 2013 we regard Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis) as the duly elected visible head of the Catholic Church. His predecessor (Benedict XVI - now Pope Emeritus) resigned from the position publicly and has since retired from his duties as Pontiff.
To anyone reading the posts made at this website (Gloria.tv) pleased be advised …More
As Catholics, along with the majority of Catholics in the world, as of 2013 we regard Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis) as the duly elected visible head of the Catholic Church. His predecessor (Benedict XVI - now Pope Emeritus) resigned from the position publicly and has since retired from his duties as Pontiff.

To anyone reading the posts made at this website (Gloria.tv) pleased be advised that we are Catholic. However there are several (they are easy to spot) bitter clingers who have infiltrated this Catholic site to post heretical, schismatic or simply their own idiotic rantings.

Ignore those simple minded comments and regard them as “voices from the Polish asylum” which have no value within true Catholicism.
Fideism and ultramontism galore. You are as blind as a bat to the systematic destruction of the Church from the inside that is being perpetrated under Bergoglio. Whether Bergoglio is the real pope or not, he is a bad pope engaged in a demolition job that no real Catholic can ignore or tolerate. Obedience is neither blind nor unconditional, as St Paul showed when he stood up to St Peter.
Holy Cannoli
You are as blind as a bat to the systematic destruction of the Church from the inside (an untrue statement) that is being perpetrated under Bergoglio
Among faithful Catholics (and not disrespectful monkeys) the man is known as Pope Francis.
Whether Bergoglio is the real pope or not, he is a bad pope engaged in a demolition job that no real Catholic can ignore or tolerate
Are you one of the”real …More
You are as blind as a bat to the systematic destruction of the Church from the inside (an untrue statement) that is being perpetrated under Bergoglio

Among faithful Catholics (and not disrespectful monkeys) the man is known as Pope Francis.

Whether Bergoglio is the real pope or not, he is a bad pope engaged in a demolition job that no real Catholic can ignore or tolerate

Are you one of the”real Catholics” will no longer tolerate the current pope? What are you going to do about it, little man? Are you going to kill the Pope? Will you run him over with your tricycle? Will you throw a grape in his eye?

What you and others like you at this website are unable to comprehend is that 40% of the College of Cardinals who will elect another pope - after you enthusiastically remove Pope Francis - have been appointed by Francis himself. Stop and think (as difficult as that might be for a mentally challenged individual) who will this stacked College that elected Jorge Mario Bergoglio, -- many of whom appointed by Francis himself -- elect this time around? Do you think he appointed conservative electors or "progressives"?

? In your foolishness you likely trust that the cardinal electors will elect a traditional man who will uphold the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church. That’s what you think and that’s why you are a mentally challenged individual.

Incidentally, not all Catholics believe as you and some of the other mentally challenged "catholics" who make idiotic posts at this website.

Currently, 84% of American Catholics say they have a “favorable” view of Pope Francis, which is virtually identical to the share who expressed a positive view of the pope after the first year of his pontificate. Furthermore, roughly nine-in-ten U.S. Catholics describe Pope Francis as “compassionate” and “humble.” And though the share of Catholics in the U.S. who think Pope Francis represents a “major change” for the better is down from a high point in 2015, nearly six-in-ten still express this view. www.pewforum.org/…/pope-francis-st…
"Whether Bergoglio is the real pope or not, he is a bad pope engaged in a demolition job that no real Catholic can ignore or tolerate." @Carmine3
I'll be the first one to agree with you Francis is a bad pope. He isn't the first one, though. Do you see yourself as a 'real Catholic'?
I ask, because you haven't been condemning the ecumenical outreach efforts of Saint JP II. Nor have you bitterly …More
"Whether Bergoglio is the real pope or not, he is a bad pope engaged in a demolition job that no real Catholic can ignore or tolerate." @Carmine3

I'll be the first one to agree with you Francis is a bad pope. He isn't the first one, though. Do you see yourself as a 'real Catholic'?

I ask, because you haven't been condemning the ecumenical outreach efforts of Saint JP II. Nor have you bitterly opposed the demolition job done at Vatican Council II, much of it orchestrated by Cardinal Ratzinger. If you ARE a "real" Catholic, then you can and DO ignore and tolerate that "demolition job". You've been ignoring it for the last fifty years or so.

"Question is if he will recognize true pope Benedict XVI?" @Rafał_Ordure

That's a question that's already been answered. "Vigano also passed on to Dr. Moynihan that he also prays for Pope Francis"

That's Archbishop Vigano acknowledging Francis is Pope Now the question is, will you follow his good exmaple? After all, he's the man YOU call "an intelligent analyst of the present global reality"
Abp Vigano is an intelligent analyst of the present global reality powered by the antichrist, false prophet and freemasons. Question is if he will recognize true pope Benedict XVI?