
Back from Africa: Francis Insinuates Benedict Supported Pseudo-Marriages

On his February 5 return flight from Juba, South Sudan, Francis accused critics of exploiting Benedict XVI’s death but didn't mention Archbishop Gänswein by name.

“Benedict's death has been instrumentalised by people who want to add grist to their mill. Those who exploit such a good man, so close to God… these people are unethical, they are people of a political party, not of the Church,” he ranted.

Then, Francis took himself advantage of Benedict by insisting that rumours about Benedict's dissatisfaction with some of his decisions [such as forbidding Mass] were “false." When he consulted with Benedict, he claimed, Benedict always agreed.

Benedict was someone with whom “I could talk about anything” and easily exchange opinions, “He was always [sic!] by my side" and "if there were some difficulties, he told me, and we talked. There were no problems.”

Francis mentioned "a person who thinks he is a great theologian" who through a friend of Benedict's went to him and made a complaint because of Francis' immoral support of homosex pseudo-marriage.

According to Francis, Benedict called four top theological cardinals and said, "Explain this to me and they explained it." Triumphantly, Francis added, "That's how the story ended" and "this is an anecdote to see how Benedict moved when there was a complaint.”

In reality, Cardinal Ratzinger published a 2003 document strongly condemning homosex pseudo-marriage and "Catholic" politicians who voted for it.

Homosexualist Bergoglio again complained about the fact that homosexual acts are outlawed in many African countries using the false argument that “it is an injustice to criminalise people with a homosexual tendency.” However, these laws don't deal with "tendencies," but with offences.

Francis' next trip will take him to Lisbon, to “Marseilles, not to France” [probably because the colloquial language in Marseilles is Arabic], Mongolia and India.

Picture: Vatican Media, #newsHdjlalqpis

la verdad prevalece
“It’s easier to catch a liar than a lame man”. Pope Benedict links dominance of ‘homosexual marriage...abortion’ to spiritual power of ‘Anti-Christ’ - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)
On December 26, 2011, the Catholic journalist Francisco José de la Cigoña unmasking the mafia network at the service of Bergoglio in Argentina in an article entitled "Bergoglio's pawns" perfectly described his modus …More
“It’s easier to catch a liar than a lame man”. Pope Benedict links dominance of ‘homosexual marriage...abortion’ to spiritual power of ‘Anti-Christ’ - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

On December 26, 2011, the Catholic journalist Francisco José de la Cigoña unmasking the mafia network at the service of Bergoglio in Argentina in an article entitled "Bergoglio's pawns" perfectly described his modus operandi:

“Cardinal Bergoglio known how to tell lies with half-truths -or inflated, or disguised as appropriate in each case. But he does not hesitate, when necessary to lies plain and simple”
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio claims to have counted on the alleged complicity of Pope Benedict to defy Divine Natural Law to support homosexual pseudo-marriages. Jorge Bergoglio accuses critics of exploiting Pope Benedict XVI's death | AP News
Bonnie Louise
Cornholio Bergoglio does not seem to realize no one believes him. Pinnochio rules, for the time being.
Sandy Barrett shares this
Pope Francis sparks pro-LGBT media frenzy with airplane remarks on homosexuality
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He can shove his homos and TRANs where the sun don't shine, which I am sure most of his close associates in the Vatican and many of his own Cardinals and bishops of his thinking do every night anyway.
Sally Dorman shares this
Francis addressed his critics, the criminalization of homosexuality, and his future travels at an in-flight press conference after his six-day trip to Africa.
Ivan Tomas
I wonder if his pilot is always one and the same. I even more wonder is his pilot mandatorily death-jabbed?! 🤔
Wilma Lopez shares this
The pontiff repeated his January 25 assertion that 'the criminalization of homosexuality is a problem that cannot be ignored.'
Wilma Lopez
Sodomy laws criminalize acts, not persons or tendencies.
Hound of Heaven
He really should have chosen BS the first, rather than Francis, for his papal name. The guy is pathological.
Agree. Pathological sociopath. = Pure evil.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I love the comments of Salvatore Bastatti--- they are so honestly blunt and to the point.
Salvatore Bastatti
Sooner he is dead, the better.
Opera 369
@Tony M he can go as low as... Inferno! He's OK with it anyway!!
Tony M
Bergoglio keeps sinking lower & lower!!!
How low can he go???
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He'll find out, when he's in thedark depths of Hell.
J G Tasan
John Fritz Logan
I felt once again sick reading this. He suggests that Ganswein lied and that the book Ganswein had mostly finished before Benedict died was filled with lies. I am already working on my own response article.
Benedict himself left writings he wanted published after his death did he not? Didn't Benedict write letters off support to the FSSP after Traditionis Custodes?
Are we supposed to forget Francis …More
I felt once again sick reading this. He suggests that Ganswein lied and that the book Ganswein had mostly finished before Benedict died was filled with lies. I am already working on my own response article.

Benedict himself left writings he wanted published after his death did he not? Didn't Benedict write letters off support to the FSSP after Traditionis Custodes?

Are we supposed to forget Francis behaviour before and during the funeral?

I have distrusted Ganswein for years. I suspect he was originally more of a neocon who didn't want to risk an open confliuct with the swamp. Maybe out of pragmatism he indeed tried to shield Benedict from receiving information from people like Vigano. Then under Francis he had to play a difficult double game, but it does seem that eventually at least he really came to care for Benedict and that with Benedict's death he wanted to preserve his legacy.

Thankfully he has been supported by prelates like Muller, Pell, Zen and others!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I'd love to wake up one morning and hear/see on the television that Pope Francis has unexpectedly passed.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Perhaps it is wise to share this in prayer with God but always saying that His will me succeed and not ours.
Perhaps he must unexpectedly convert, perhaps we need to endure tribulation longer.
Let's pray, let's remain Catholic, loyal to the faith once delivered to the saints. To the Chair of Saint Peter and her legitimate occupants!
Let's strengthen our brethren!More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Perhaps it is wise to share this in prayer with God but always saying that His will me succeed and not ours.

Perhaps he must unexpectedly convert, perhaps we need to endure tribulation longer.

Let's pray, let's remain Catholic, loyal to the faith once delivered to the saints. To the Chair of Saint Peter and her legitimate occupants!

Let's strengthen our brethren!
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori this crazy Old mas said much exactly destroying to our Orthodox teachings!!!! he want most area of African church, some area of Asia, Latin America Churches, all Western's orthodox area's churches are following to LGBT Ideologies....ah..so horrible!! be cause they strongly saying about our orthodox teachings....Holy Father Pope Saint John Paul II, Benedict XVI against to this …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori this crazy Old mas said much exactly destroying to our Orthodox teachings!!!! he want most area of African church, some area of Asia, Latin America Churches, all Western's orthodox area's churches are following to LGBT Ideologies....ah..so horrible!! be cause they strongly saying about our orthodox teachings....Holy Father Pope Saint John Paul II, Benedict XVI against to this wrong Ideologies..so much horrible....after Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI gone to heaven....Bergoglio going to horrible way...and all Bergoglian using to Gaslighting...most catholic people are support, love to Bergoglio...just few people against him...ah..make me so angry...this horrible man want staying to papacy much longer...maybe this man dose not have retire...and want staying longer...this mean Holy Catholic church will have much huge damages....I told you before....Orthodox Cardinals will must have action!!! need to Abdication!!! this man lost himself to Papacy!!!!! any more to Pope!!! just crazy Tyrant!! we don't need any more this Tyrant!!! Orthodox Cardinals will remove him....even though I am not sure...and very hard...but I really hope it..and Orthodox Catholic People are must saying about Abdication!!!! we don't need any more pray for this crazy Tyrant!! we must saying about Tyrant's Abdication of Bergoglio!!!! it's very hard....so I think we are preparing to Underground Church too....like Japan, Korean Martyrs Saints...I know...Lord's Light must win...but going to victory...so hard. ..much pray it...many talking sorry....our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family...all lovely people...Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us...specially Great Martyrs Saints of Japan and Korea...pray for us...Amen...take care...have a great day..Kenjiro..always I see your comment..very happy..learning a lot..