
Why Does Francis Keep Silent? Vaccinated Nuncio Dies from Covid

Archbishop Aldo Giordano, 67, whom Francis made only in May the Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union, died on December 2 from Covid after a long stay in hospital in Leuven, Belgium.

Giordano fell ill with Covid in September and had been in intensive care since October, assisted to the last by his family. His health gradually worsened.

When Cardinal Burke fell ill of Covid, Francis didn’t hide his schadenfreude indirectly pointing out that Burke was not “vaccinated.” Nevertheless, Cardinal Burke recovered.

Giordano was likely fully vaccinated, died from Covid and Francis keeps silent.


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Hodie Mihi Cras Tibi , Vaccinated or Not.
...because Francis probably isn't vaccinated and, like many of us who aren't, has little concern for those who are.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Msgr. Giordano assumed that he had contracted the disease on September 15 in the Slovak National Shrine of Mary Castle Hill in Šaštín - when he accompanied Francis. That very day - hours later - Francis made fun of Cardinal Burke's illness on his flight back to Rome.
Pope Francis does not say anything because its against his narrative
la verdad prevalece
Wilma Lopez comenta en Gloria TV: Mons. Giordano asumió que había contraído la enfermedad el 15 de septiembre en el Santuario Nacional Eslovaco de Mary Castle Hill en Šaštín, cuando acompañó a Francisco. Ese mismo día, horas después, Francisco se burló de la enfermedad del cardenal Burke en su vuelo de regreso a Roma.
la verdad prevalece
Marxist Aldo Giordano: "It seems providential - he added - to celebrate the beatification of a doctor in the midst of a pandemic that affects all of humanity.... May Blessed José Gregorio intercede so that access to vaccines can be achieved, together, without divisions, without resistance".
Roberto 55
Jan Joseph
Ja natuurlijk maar paus Franciscus is de Duivel in hoogst eigen persoon.
Live Mike
Why would we bring attention to any report that might hamper our main objective of achieving a 100% "vaccination rate" over the global population?
Angelo Santelli
What in God's name is fat, well fed, Jorge doing getting involved with vaccines? And still he is allowed to squat on his throne in St Peter's with no one seeking to remove him and his filth.
Live Mike
Let's both pray for him