
Israeli Army Murdered Two Innocent Catholic Women

An Israeli army sniper murdered on December 16 two innocent Catholic women inside the Holy Family Parish in Gaza. The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem announced that Nahida and her daughter Samar were shot and killed as they walked to the Sister’s convent:

"One was killed as she tried to carry the other to safety. Seven more people were wounded as they tried to protect others inside the church compound. No warning was given, no notification was provided." The crime happened "inside the premises of the Parish, where there are no belligerents."

The Patriarchate also announced that earlier in the morning, an Israeli missile had targeted the convent of the Sisters of Mother Teresa. The convent is home to over 54 disabled persons. The building’s generator and the fuel resources were destroyed. The house was heavily damaged by the resulting explosion and massive fire.


Alfred Gindl
Jan Joseph
Denis Efimov
"Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord" (Rom. 12:19).
Peace will come when the Palestinians love their children more than they hate Jews. 🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱
@sarto2010 Peace will come when the Jews love others as they love themselves!
Naomi Arai
@frawley and @sarto2010 Peace will come when Islam is removed from the face of the Earth.
@Naomi Arai You cannot kill your way to peace, many have tried.
Naomi Arai
@frawley I have no illusions about Islam. It is the "religion of peace" that has the religious book mandating war with anyone non-Muslim. A special book inspired by the former leader of all the angels and his messenger fallen angel who the false prophet feel intense pain.
Credo .
@Caroline03. @philosopher. 😍 God bless Israel, and God bless you and your families this Christmas. 😍
Pt Murphy
Total clown comment.
Blame the victims of the Zionist murderers.
Look up and see what pope Sarto had to say about the Zionism.More
Total clown comment.

Blame the victims of the Zionist murderers.

Look up and see what pope Sarto had to say about the Zionism.
Terrible tragedy that occurs in the fog of war. What is missing in this report is that the IDF had credible information that Hamas was using the church to hide missle launchers. Hamas is known to use human shields and or disguises such as pretending to be women, civilians, even Catholic nuns and priests to fool the IDF. Hamas does not follow the international rules of war or Just War Theory. They …More
Terrible tragedy that occurs in the fog of war. What is missing in this report is that the IDF had credible information that Hamas was using the church to hide missle launchers. Hamas is known to use human shields and or disguises such as pretending to be women, civilians, even Catholic nuns and priests to fool the IDF. Hamas does not follow the international rules of war or Just War Theory. They are treacherous, barbaric, and inhumane. I blame this one on Hamas and their Islamic supremacist ideology.
@philosopher Anyone can claim “credible” information. If it were true they would have shown us the photos of rockets found there. Snipers identify their targets before engaging (I know I spent many years as a sniper and then sniper instructor) Explain how two unarmed women were legitimate military targets? Just like telling us that they are only targeting command posts and weapons caches and then …More
@philosopher Anyone can claim “credible” information. If it were true they would have shown us the photos of rockets found there. Snipers identify their targets before engaging (I know I spent many years as a sniper and then sniper instructor) Explain how two unarmed women were legitimate military targets? Just like telling us that they are only targeting command posts and weapons caches and then conducting thousands of bombing raids and leveling everything! Genocide! The Israelis government has become what they have vowed to never forget.
@frawley I too served in the Army as an MP on a Terrorist Task Force. If you were a sniper with combat experience vs peacetime, you would know that in the fog and chaos of war mistakes are sometimes made and combatants misidentified, regretable but unintended. This, also, happened to us a few times in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are a lot of unknown factors in this report. If it was an intentional …More
@frawley I too served in the Army as an MP on a Terrorist Task Force. If you were a sniper with combat experience vs peacetime, you would know that in the fog and chaos of war mistakes are sometimes made and combatants misidentified, regretable but unintended. This, also, happened to us a few times in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are a lot of unknown factors in this report. If it was an intentional targeting of civilians, then, the IDF like the US military will charge and try them in a military court of law and sentence the offending soldiers to prison. This is what a civilized country such as Israel does. This is not what Hamas does. Hamas not only fails to punish its militants for murder, torture and rape of civilians but order them to do it. In the meantime as the story develops, I will give the IDF the benefit of the doubt!
@philosopher Winners write the rules and the history. How many Americans have been tried for war crimes since WWI? Do you think our soldiers always follow the rules of engagement? I seriously doubt that any Israeli soldier will be held accountable.
Pt Murphy
"civilized country such as Israel does"
Your comment confirms that if you are not in the employ of the Zionist regime, you are a total f****** clown.More
"civilized country such as Israel does"

Your comment confirms that if you are not in the employ of the Zionist regime, you are a total f****** clown.
Credo .
@Pt Murphy. 😡 You should know. You are the biggest clown that's ever been on gloria! What's with the filthy language? Is that the best you can do?
Israel does what it wants cause it's backed 100 percent by the US military
As the US bombed even neutral Vatican during the WWII - nihil novi sub sole I dare to say (the explanation for poor goyim was of course similar like IDF gives and useful idiots are spreading now i.e. a presence of the enemy in the neutral area - of course the Catholic Church vigorously denied it - in both cases in 1944, in Castel Gandolfo and now in the convent of Gaza)
Cornelio Nino Morales
They surely have good reason to believe those women were clandestine Hamas operatives.... Like the journalists they remove. Or something. It's a brutal annexation of the area to recreate a greater Israel. An apartheid, ethnostate
Plus there is oil and gas in Gaza, especially off the coast. Plus they plan to construct a canal!
Mons Lelio Baresi
Israel have fired rockets at Catholic nuns who care for disabled people.
Why would you think you know more than the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem? We are bombarded by Israeli propaganda - almost all media (except Gloria, of course,) are owned by people paid by or at least sympathetic to the Zionist cause, so we really don't get balanced news.
Mons Lelio Baresi
Lord have mercy.
Are they sure that the murders were done by the Israeli Army? I find that unlikely to be honest as there are countless Convents, Monasteries and Churches in Israel that co-exist with the Arab/Israeli Population and no problem has occurred in Israel between them hitherto, apart from a few minor name calling type disagreements.
It isn't just Jews who join the Israeli Army, they have Christians who …More
Are they sure that the murders were done by the Israeli Army? I find that unlikely to be honest as there are countless Convents, Monasteries and Churches in Israel that co-exist with the Arab/Israeli Population and no problem has occurred in Israel between them hitherto, apart from a few minor name calling type disagreements.
It isn't just Jews who join the Israeli Army, they have Christians who serve and many Palestinians who live in Israel and joined up to serve.. Hamas is a terror Organisation, and they are known to target Christians in Gaza. I watched a former Muslim who has become a Christian being interviewed by David Wood on his youtube channel - he said that any Muslims in Gaza who became Christians were hounded out and usually put to death.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Hasidic Jews in Jerusalem spit on Catholic and Orthodox nuns,friars, and monks whenever they get the chance. To them, it is a source of accomplishment to have spit on Catholic nuns.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Yes I know - and spitting on somebody is illegal in Israel - Netanyahu has the spitters arrested.
Five Jews arrested in Jerusalem for attacking, spitting at Christians - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)
Netanyahu is scared that people will be put off going on pilgrimage to Israel if it isn't stamped out. Israel's Tourist trade would be affected. Anyway, Spitting …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Yes I know - and spitting on somebody is illegal in Israel - Netanyahu has the spitters arrested.
Five Jews arrested in Jerusalem for attacking, spitting at Christians - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)
Netanyahu is scared that people will be put off going on pilgrimage to Israel if it isn't stamped out. Israel's Tourist trade would be affected. Anyway, Spitting isn't the same as raping/murdering etc... I honestly don't think that the IDF deliberately targeted the Convent. It would be totally against Israel's standard practice when dealing with Catholics. and Christians as a whole. They are aware that a large portion of Christians give Israel a lot of support - he is not likely to be repaying that support with isolated attacks against Christians. He would be fearful that the USA Christians would stop giving Israel it's high level of support.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Caroline03 -No offense, but you are too supportive of Israel/Jews. I don't hate Jews of course, but I don't support Israel either. I don't support either side, Israel or Hamas.
I'm a highschool teacher. I'm 29, and maybe I'm too naive, but I thought I could get along with all my fellow teachers at the school.....and 95% I do. But there are 4 teachers, all female and all Jewish, who have given me …More
@Caroline03 -No offense, but you are too supportive of Israel/Jews. I don't hate Jews of course, but I don't support Israel either. I don't support either side, Israel or Hamas.
I'm a highschool teacher. I'm 29, and maybe I'm too naive, but I thought I could get along with all my fellow teachers at the school.....and 95% I do. But there are 4 teachers, all female and all Jewish, who have given me a hard time last year and this year again for a number of reasons.
1) I can't help, of course, the way I look. I also like to look good in my position as a teacher, and for students to like/respect me. But these four have taken it upon themselves to insult me behind my back, calling me "the model", or "pretty boy", or "Eye Candy Man", to fellow teachers, expressions of which I hate, but they think is funny.
2) I didn't want to sign a card celebrating "Gay Appreciation Day" which was at the beginning of this term. I was one of about 10 teachers who declined to participate/sign.
3). I went to Mass on "All Souls Day" at lunchtime, rather to a birthday party for one of the secretaries on campus who has been on staff for 40 years. When one of these Jewish teachers asked me where I was and I told her, she made a string of subtle insulting remarks about Mass to the effect that I'm not a member of the "school family" because I didn't show appropriate appreciation to staff.
4) Two of them have made insulting comments about the Catholic Church's past and correct teachings on homosexuality and on supposed persecution of just about every group of people there is, especially Jews. Which is false.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't report them for these remarks. I laugh it off, assuming that they are just rude, ignorant people. Dealing with them every week, it's not hard to imagine why so many people hate Jews......even though I don't.😂
"Are they sure that the murders were done by the Israeli Army? I find that unlikely to be honest..."
Thank you for your honesty.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Sounds like you were harrased by 4 gay teachers who happened to be from Jewish families and more than likely are not religious b/c orthodox and reformed Judaism teaches (from the Torah) that homosexual behavior is a sin. These guys like Soros and other globalists, and Communists are Jewish in name only, not religious Jews. They do not represent Judaism.
@philosopher Judaism rejects Jesus Christ in any form, secular or religious.
@foward. Yes, but it is God's will that they, our Elder bretheren, be preserved and protected as they will convert in the end times, and is stated in the Apocalypse (New Testament) and foretold in the (Torah) Old Testament. The younger brother (Catholics) are their elder brothers (Jews) keepers until that time by God's grace they convert and the two brothers reconciled like Aaron and Moses. This is …More
@foward. Yes, but it is God's will that they, our Elder bretheren, be preserved and protected as they will convert in the end times, and is stated in the Apocalypse (New Testament) and foretold in the (Torah) Old Testament. The younger brother (Catholics) are their elder brothers (Jews) keepers until that time by God's grace they convert and the two brothers reconciled like Aaron and Moses. This is why, as pointed out by @Caroline03 that many Arab Catholics join the IDF and fight for Israel. Moreover, during the Lebanese Civil War the Maronite Catholic militias fought with the IDF against Hezbolah and Islamic militants.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@philosopher -Thank you for your post. Funny thing is that these 4 women who happen to be Jewish are not gay....I don't think. I think all 4 are married. At least 1 has a son at our school. I know none of them are religious because talking with them from time to time I know that two of them at least don't go to synagogue, and one made a remark when I asked if she kept the Shabbat on Fridan nights.…More
@philosopher -Thank you for your post. Funny thing is that these 4 women who happen to be Jewish are not gay....I don't think. I think all 4 are married. At least 1 has a son at our school. I know none of them are religious because talking with them from time to time I know that two of them at least don't go to synagogue, and one made a remark when I asked if she kept the Shabbat on Fridan nights. She said basically " After teaching all day, you have to be kidding ..." Which I thought was funny...her belittling her own religion.
But they are all 4 very liberal, very pro-LGBTQ's and BLM type issues. You'd think that these 4, all of whom must be close to 55-60 wouldn't act "catty" or be "gossips", but they do. And they don't really tolerate people who think different than them.
They think I am a good teacher, and I appreciate that at least. But they don't like me because of the way I look. I can tolerate their occasional nasty remarks about how I shouldn't waste my time as a teacher and give someone else a chance, when I could make tons more as a model. That's embarrassing because I love teaching. I did modeling thru college I hated the environment but the photo shoots, that was fun). My Mom and Dad were proud of me for those jobs...because I surprised them by giving them a ton of money to help pay for my college, and two other siblings just starting out.....but I would never trade teaching for modeling. I hope to teach College level one day. Hopefully that's not a pipedream.
It's a good think though, that they only make comments about the way I look...I ignore that. But if they got down and dirty making remarks about me being Japanese/American....I think I'd report them for that. They might regret that real fast!😂
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I understand that is how it looks from your point of view, but the situation regarding the land of Israel is unconnected with your plight. Every day prior to October 7, thousands of Palestinians crossed the border into Israel to go to work.
However, every single Jew who were living in the Arab States (hundreds of thousands of them) were forced to go and live elsewhere. Where …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I understand that is how it looks from your point of view, but the situation regarding the land of Israel is unconnected with your plight. Every day prior to October 7, thousands of Palestinians crossed the border into Israel to go to work.
However, every single Jew who were living in the Arab States (hundreds of thousands of them) were forced to go and live elsewhere. Where do they go? Israel, and throughout the world, they have ONLY that ONE area of land to call theirs. Yet, that is not GOOD enough for the billionaire Muslim war lords. Islam have over 50 Nations which they can live in that practice Sharia Law, but STILL they wage war against Israel simply because they want THEIR land as well. If I chose to visit Israel, tomorrow, I would be able to stay in a Hotel and visit the Shrines of Jerusalem and walk around freely. Yet, if I were to go to Palestine (which was named after the Philistines - if you look at a Biblical map, the area now called Gaza was Philistia during the period of the Old Testament) I would be hated, murdered or potentially kidnapped for my Catholic Faith. The truth is, God means to convert as many people as He can. Despite their not having found the real Messiah,

God alloted them a patch of land in the Book of Genesis, "From the River Euphrates to the Egyptian Sea Coast" Genesis 15 - and it really is a bit scandalous that Islam are so incensed with Yahweh being the real God that they want to wipe that entire area free of Jews.

As I said, it's not down to whether Jews are sinners or not. It's about a Covenant Yahweh has made within our Bible. Which is mocked. They have an area FAR smaller than the original territory given them - over which King Solomon reigned, and as long as they are left in it, the normal people are prepared to make do with less. God does not like people who steal someone else's ONLY possession. He became very hostile to King David when, despite owning everything and lacking for nothing, he stole a poor soldiers one prized possession in the entire world. Well the Muslims have conquered the Middle-East, most of those lands had been Christianized due to Constantine. So, we have allowed it and don't appear to punish them, but strictly speaking, They really have no right to envy the Jews for their ONLY allotted piece of land. Yes in rejecting Jesus, they in the majority inadvertently sin against Christ, but God is fair, why should they give up the only piece of land they possess just because Islam insists on wiping them out and proving their Jew hating and Christian despising Allah is more powerful? God is not full of hate, yet the likes of Hamas ARE.

Have you seen this? It really is remarkable. A similar thing happened on the night when Ireland had a referendum to decriminalise abortion - a referendum forced on them by the Globalists.. 50,000 Lightning strikes punished Ireland the very same night that the ban on abortion was overturned.

Warning to America, STOP Before It’s Too Late…

Also these others give a clearer view of why there is always fighting and why Islam aren' t prepared to accept that two-state solution, they want to conquer the entire land where Israelis walk.. David Wood a Christian Apologist interviews a former Muslim

Who Does the Land Belong to Israelis or Palestinians? (youtube.com)
Why Are Muslims Obsessed with Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem? (youtube.com)

God Bless Israel and God bless you and your family this Christmas.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori thanks for the clarification. I figured they were pro LGBT and secularists. Take care my friend and enjoy your Christmas break. Ours begins next Friday after finals.
@Caroline03 Very well said! I agree it's about true Biblical inheritance. However, unfortunately there are far too many, mostly in the traditional Catholic community that are antisemetic. Beneath downplaying the numbers of deaths during the Holocaust, Jewish world domination conspiracy theories, hyperbolic and extreme criticisms of Israel, denials and skepticism about news reports by Israeli …More
@Caroline03 Very well said! I agree it's about true Biblical inheritance. However, unfortunately there are far too many, mostly in the traditional Catholic community that are antisemetic. Beneath downplaying the numbers of deaths during the Holocaust, Jewish world domination conspiracy theories, hyperbolic and extreme criticisms of Israel, denials and skepticism about news reports by Israeli journalists and media, the attempted theological separation theory of 1st Temple Judaism of Christ and the Apostles with 2nd temple Talmudic Judaism, and amplifing Hamas and Islamist narratives and talking points, all points to an underlying hostility and prejudice against Jews. A hostility rooted in the fear and false belief that the Jewish people are a threat to Catholics.
Aaron Aukema
The idea of " Biblical inheritance " is a late 19th Century invention of Zionists, traced to the infamous "Scofield Bible", a project funded by Zionist Talmudists with the express intention of creating a Christian call for an Talmudist state in Palestine.
The bottom line is that "Judaism" ended at Calvary, and those self-titled Jews actually follow a blasphemous text called the Talmud, which calls …More
The idea of " Biblical inheritance " is a late 19th Century invention of Zionists, traced to the infamous "Scofield Bible", a project funded by Zionist Talmudists with the express intention of creating a Christian call for an Talmudist state in Palestine.

The bottom line is that "Judaism" ended at Calvary, and those self-titled Jews actually follow a blasphemous text called the Talmud, which calls for the extermination of Christianity, and is borderline Satanic. The Talmud is so vile, it has been on the Index of Forbidden Books for centuries. Popes have likewise been against the idea of a Zionist state, as their covenant ended with Christ, and the only way for Talmudists to enter into the Saving Covenant is to abjure their errors, be baptized.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@philosopher -Thank you for the kind Christmas wishes. Happy Christmas to you too. My Christmas break starts on this coming Thursday. Finals (Semester) finish out on Wednesday, but the finals for my students are Monday and Tuesday. THursday we have an all day holiday party , but students can leave at 1:00 if they wish....which most do after lunch. It's a big catered affair, and hopefully as pleasant …More
@philosopher -Thank you for the kind Christmas wishes. Happy Christmas to you too. My Christmas break starts on this coming Thursday. Finals (Semester) finish out on Wednesday, but the finals for my students are Monday and Tuesday. THursday we have an all day holiday party , but students can leave at 1:00 if they wish....which most do after lunch. It's a big catered affair, and hopefully as pleasant as last year. Then, we're off until January 3rd. Nice break!!
So far, I got 60 Christmas cards from my students, and even from some I don't teach...which is more than last year. I'm glad 99.9% of the students like me, even the kids I'm tough on because they don't contribute in class or follow thru with assignments🤪. But there's only a handful of them.
Also, thank you for your good comments about the Israeli issues. Very interesting. But with regards to them, I have a feeling that if it came to the worst, Israel would come whinning to the USA to "save us, save us!!", and the USA would be pretty stupid to be roped into a war fighting for the survival of Israel. They can fight for themselves, win or lose. But I don't support Hamas either. Both sides are bad, and there's no excuse for what Israel has done comstant bombing of Gaza, etc. On the other hand, if Hamas hadn't started it Oct. 7, nothing would have happened.
Still, it's Israel's issue....not the USA. Regardless of what I always hear on FOXNEWS..😂
@Aaron Aukema Have you read the Bible? Gods promise to Abraham and His seed (Isaac. Jacob etc..) that He will "Bless those who BLESS you and Curse those who CURSE you" is indeed forever. The chant "From the river to the sea" is a deliberate mockery of the Covenant that the Holy Trinity made with Abraham and his heirs that the land from the Euphrates River to the Egyptian Nile Coast is eternally …More
@Aaron Aukema Have you read the Bible? Gods promise to Abraham and His seed (Isaac. Jacob etc..) that He will "Bless those who BLESS you and Curse those who CURSE you" is indeed forever. The chant "From the river to the sea" is a deliberate mockery of the Covenant that the Holy Trinity made with Abraham and his heirs that the land from the Euphrates River to the Egyptian Nile Coast is eternally given them. (Genesis 15) PERIOD. What God has predicted and foretold He is FOREVER faithful to whether the Nations (incl. the Jews) Trust in Him or Believe in Him or not.
God tells Abraham that the entire world will be blessed through his line of descent (- which the Bible later confirms to be the line of descent through Isaac and Jacob (who was later renamed "Israel" by God) Our Lord fulfilled His promise, since He blessed all Nations through the incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Who was born as a direct descendant OF Jacob (aka Israel). because Our Lady was herself a direct descendant of King David's son, Nathan. The whole world HAS INDEED been blessed through Abraham's seed - this promise/oath. has given us our Salvation because of the Birth of the Son of God.

Give them what Our Lord has sworn they would possess - and don't begrudge them it - or God will wage war against us. He will not be mocked. Of course, Yahweh's Old Covenant Religion and it's method of sin atonement was brought to a halt, or rather, beautifully, transformed by the Sacrifice of Christ, but He promised that land to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Israel and no-one has a right to insist that He breaks an oath. Just because you are scared, don't misread the Bible. It is tantamount to wishing that Our Lord would break an oath
He made an oath to them, and it will be kept whether they believe in Him or not. Would you want Christ to thoroughly cast US off, when we break an oath to Him or refuse to be obedient?
Allow the Lord to be Merciful to the ones who do not believe or who do not KNOW! Many Jewish Bible translations have been altered so that the clear prophecies of Jesus are no longer so apparent. Some Jews come to Faith in Our Lord after reading the Dead Sea Scrolls version of Isaiah 53 or Psalm 22 which is a lot different in THEIR Tanakh today. It is not the fault of the normal, everyday Jews that they are betrayed by their spiritual leaders deliberately mistranslating the words of God. Anymore than it is OUR fault as Catholics that our OWN Shepherds are deliberately acting/teaching against Christ and dumbing down our OWN Bible Translations to alter our own perception of the Holy Trinity.
May Christ continue to forgive us and have Mercy - and may He convert the Jews and those Muslims who may be His sheep but have been indoctrinated into the wrong army.
See the video links I've posted above. God really IS punishing the Secularist Governments who are trying to force a two-state solution on Israel. I don't like the fact that they don't accept Christ either - but we need to pray that they realise before it's too late. Proper translations of their Tanakh would assist them to recognise that Our Lord IS described in the Old Testament as being the long awaited Messiah, Son of David, Son of a Virgin, Son of God.
Warning to America, STOP Before It’s Too Late…

Who Does the Land Belong to Israelis or Palestinians? (youtube.com)
Why Are Muslims Obsessed with Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem? (youtube.com)
Aaron Aukema
You are on a Catholic site, so I presume you are Catholic. The Church teaches that the "new Israel" is the Catholic Church. Why? Because the Church is the heir of Abraham by faith. Didn't Our Lord explicitly tell the Pharisees that He could raise of "children of Abraham" from rocks because of their unbelief? This is why the great Doctors of the Church were able to explain that the promise of Abraham …More
You are on a Catholic site, so I presume you are Catholic. The Church teaches that the "new Israel" is the Catholic Church. Why? Because the Church is the heir of Abraham by faith. Didn't Our Lord explicitly tell the Pharisees that He could raise of "children of Abraham" from rocks because of their unbelief? This is why the great Doctors of the Church were able to explain that the promise of Abraham is to his children in faith, not blood. It is also why Pope St. Pius X refused to support a Jewish state in Palestine: they deny Christ, and thus have separated themselves from the promises of God. Palestine doesn't, by right, belong to the Jews, but the Successor of Peter, the visible Head of the Church on Earth, which is the New Israel.

The notion that somehow a political entity for Jews is an eternal promise is relatively new in Scriptural hermeneutic, supported first by anti-Catholic Protestants (Scofield was a Protestant), but also occult Satanists (his assistant was into Satanism). It is not supported by any sound Catholic theology at all. To believe that somehow, pefidious Jews have a still valid covenant, despite their perfidy, is blasphemy to Our Lord.
@Aaron Aukema Goodness me aren't you proud? If you take a look at my Channel - I've been writing on Gloria TV news as a Traditional RC since 2013. What happened historically to the People of the Old Covenant tends to be re-enacted uncannily on the people of Christ's NEW Covenant Church.
Vatican II & Novus Ordo Prefigured in the Old Testament
I stand by what I've written above. I can't stand those …More
@Aaron Aukema Goodness me aren't you proud? If you take a look at my Channel - I've been writing on Gloria TV news as a Traditional RC since 2013. What happened historically to the People of the Old Covenant tends to be re-enacted uncannily on the people of Christ's NEW Covenant Church.
Vatican II & Novus Ordo Prefigured in the Old Testament

I stand by what I've written above. I can't stand those who treat Jews with contempt!. Irrespective of whether people believe Jesus is the Messiah or not, they are all people formed in the image and likeness of God and worthy of friendship and compassion ESPECIALLY if they haven't a clue about our Faith or have been taught a lot of lies by their "religious leaders". For instance many Jews don't even know that Christ was Jewish! Neither do they realize apparently that the New Testament was written by Jewish Disciples. In modern Jewish Scriptures Psalm 22 says "Like a lion (they are at) my hands and feet" instead of "They pierced My hands and feet."
the Dead Sea Scrolls says "They pierced My hands and feet" of course like Christians Bibles do.

Faith comes to all through Divine Grace! It is A gift from God! So, perhaps we should disrespect NOBODY even though they view things differently to ourselves knowing that Faith comes through GRACE and when viewing others it's a case of "There but for the grace of God go I" before viewing them with contempt and imagining that God does too!

Read Luke 18 10-14 and remember Pope St Pius X was a Holy Pope. You are apparently guilty of a lay man's pride which is your sin but was never a fault of Holy Pope Pius X.

Pius XII was in favour of the Jews being given their own land. He gave the State of Israel his support. I think you'll find that when Pius X spoke against a State for Israel, it was because politically, powerful, wealthy Jews were keen on the idea which led to the Balfour Agreement. under the control of the British Monarchy. So, during the Pontificate of Pius X, it was a totally different situation to that which befell the Jews during the reign of Pope Pius XII 20 years later, appalling atrocities happened, all witnessed by Pope Pius XII. Circumstances had changed and Pope Pius XII wanted them to be given a home-land where they could be secure.

Documents: Pius XII Favored a Jewish Homeland in Palestine | EWTN

Isaiah 66:8 Fulfilled when the State of Israel was born in a single day in 1948

Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment? For as soon as Zion was in labor she brought forth her children.

Ezekiel 11:17
Therefore say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: I will gather you from the peoples and assemble you out of the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel.’