
UK Regime Interrogates Priest For Praying

Father Sean Gough was interrogated and charged for praying and holding a sign with the message “Praying for Free Speech.” He stood outside an abortion clinic in Birmingham.

Gough was charged under the repressive "Public Spaces Protection Order" that forbids prayer and pro-life campaigns outside abortion clinics.

Later, the charges were dropped by the regime, according to Alliance Defending Freedom, a legal advocacy group.

“I pray wherever I go, inside my head for the people around me. How can it be a crime for a priest to pray?” Father Sean asked.

In December, March for Life UK director Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested in Birmingham for praying silently outside an abortion clinic.

This month the charges against her were dropped - but nobody pays for the legal expenses, emotional distress, and considerable loss of time.

Picture: adf.uk, #newsAglnwoljpl

Sandy Barrett shares this
Britain criminalises *thinking silently* in abortion bubblezone.
John A Cassani
As perverse as what the UK is doing truly is, they are testifying to the power of prayer. Also, atheists don’t consider silent prayer to be threatening, but demons do, and demons hold a lot of sway these days.
The "free" Western World.
Freedom for speach... for good things. Not liberal message, please
Where are the Bishops ? i can hear crickets
Shuffling paper. It seems to be what they do.
Sandy Barrett
Sean Gough: “There is no other group in our society whose rights are so disregarded and disrespected as the unborn, even to the extent that they can be lawfully killed. And so this is truly the most important social justice issue of our time”
Novena - Oremus
Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke
Cardinal Burke: “Abortion is a matter of natural moral law which is written on every human heart. One cannot, as a Catholic politician, excuse oneself from the question of abortion by claiming that one should not bring one’s Catholicism into the political realm.”More
Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke

Cardinal Burke: “Abortion is a matter of natural moral law which is written on every human heart. One cannot, as a Catholic politician, excuse oneself from the question of abortion by claiming that one should not bring one’s Catholicism into the political realm.”
God willing, England WILL revert! Catholicism has been blossoming there since the mass exodus from Anglicanism a decade ago. Be prepared to stand your ground. Catholicism is already the most practised denomination, and even members of the Royal Family are Catholic.
English Catholic
@DefendTruth I hate to disagree with you, but living in England as I do, I can't see this blossoming of Catholicism, as you put it. I am aware that a certain English journalist and broadcaster - also known in the USA - is always misleading people by claiming that England is in a 'new springtime' but I'm afraid this is delusional, as has been demonstrated many times.
In fact, most of England is a …More
@DefendTruth I hate to disagree with you, but living in England as I do, I can't see this blossoming of Catholicism, as you put it. I am aware that a certain English journalist and broadcaster - also known in the USA - is always misleading people by claiming that England is in a 'new springtime' but I'm afraid this is delusional, as has been demonstrated many times.

In fact, most of England is a spiritual desert, with little pockets of orthodoxy and Tradition here and there. There was no 'mass exodus' from Anglicanism a decade ago. A tiny minority left and joined the Ordinariate - set up under Benedict XVI for Anglicans wanting to be in full communion with Rome, but these people are numerically insignificant, and appear to have a bunker mentality and have made no real impact on the Church at large.

There may be quite a few people who call themselves Catholic, but when it comes to the practise of the Faith, this survey revealed that: "Around three-in-ten Catholics reported attending Mass on (at least) a weekly basis (31%). Within this group, 25% attended every week, with 3% apiece attending 3-4 times a week or on a daily basis." Catholics in Britain and weekly Mass attendance – Catholics in Britain As well as not attending Mass every week, many who call themselves Catholic - including clergy - do not accept various aspects of Catholic teaching on faith and morals, as has been demonstrated over and over again. It has long been known and accepted that over 90% of Catholic school leavers lapse.

The only Royals that come to mind who are Catholic, are the Duchess of Kent, Princess Michael of Kent and Lord Nicholas Windsor. Conversely, the Royal Family is known to harbour high-ranking Freemasons within its ranks, such as the Duke of Kent. Also, some Catholics marrying into the Royal Family still apostatize - the most recent example I can think of is Autumn Philips, who renounced her faith shortly before her wedding to Peter Phillips (Princess Anne's son), so her husband-to-be did not have to give up his claim to the throne. And they ended up divorcing.

No, England is in a sorry state, I'm afraid. But we must have hope for the future. Pope Leo XIII once prophecied, around 1893, that "When England returns to Walsingham (the National Shrine of Our Lady), Our Lady will return to England"

Please pray for England.
Croí Láidir
St. George, pray for the conversion of England back to Holy Roman Catholicism! Amen.