
Rigid Archbishop "Forbids" Seminarians To Wear Cassock

Toulouse Archbishop Guy de Kerimel, 70, France - who threw a rugby ball around during his induction eucharist - has visited his seminary and saw that some of the seminarians were wearing cassocks. …More
Toulouse Archbishop Guy de Kerimel, 70, France - who threw a rugby ball around during his induction eucharist - has visited his seminary and saw that some of the seminarians were wearing cassocks.
Toulouse is the place where St Dominic founded his order and St Thomas Aquinas is buried.
Kerimel went home and wrote a patronising June 2 email to the seminarians (below) complaining that "you did not quite understand my speech and, above all, what I was asking you." He added, "I therefore specify my desire: the wearing of the cassock is not permitted in the seminary."
Then he revealed his leftwing rigidity, "This is the law in force. I ask that this law be applied outside the seminary in the diocese of Toulouse, including for deacons." This arbitrary imposition opposes Church customs.
Kerimel is a hater of the Roman Mass.
Picture: © Lawrence Lew OP, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsNwphvxigrx
"my defense of SSPX is absolutely without any motive except the defense of truth" Here's the "truth", @Ave Crux deleted, for obvious reasons.
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"A lie will fly around the whole world while the truth is getting its boots on." -Mark Twain. ;-)
Ave Crux
As a matter of public record -- since it's clear I am a regular defender of SSPX, to whom the Church owes an enormous debt of gratitude -- it should also be known that my defense of SSPX is absolutely without any motive except the defense of truth, justice and Tradition, since I am decades-long, registered member of a thriving FSSP Chapel located in my area along with my family.
Ave Crux
And, as far as empty seminaries, fortunately both those of FSSP and SSPX are full. In fact, SSPX had to build an even larger seminary in Virginia. Only the Diocesan seminaries are empty.
Ave Crux
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I know two young men about to enter the seminary. Both are entering traditional orders. Both are outstanding young men.
I pray our Bishops regain their sanity, and or courage and support the Return to Tradition, or Orthodoxy or more simply; The Catholic Faith.
Credo .
"O Lord" grant us many holy religious vocations. Saint. Pius X Ora pro nobis.
"Priest must wear cassock to be recognized as a priest, we must see him and recognize him in the street" - Robert Cardinal Sarah
"And that's why seminaries are empty..." @Ave Crux --Maybe yours are. *FSSP smirk*
Weer een bewijs dat de Traditionele Katholieken niets meer in de Rooms Katholieke kerk te zoeken hebben.
John A Cassani
I would say that the seminarians affected should seek new dioceses or orders to join, but, after recent events elsewhere in France, any bishop who would take them in would be risking being forbidden to confer Holy Orders, as a likely prelude to his being sent into early retirement. I just hope that men in formation move through with their eyes open. If you love tradition, you will need to love it …More
I would say that the seminarians affected should seek new dioceses or orders to join, but, after recent events elsewhere in France, any bishop who would take them in would be risking being forbidden to confer Holy Orders, as a likely prelude to his being sent into early retirement. I just hope that men in formation move through with their eyes open. If you love tradition, you will need to love it privately. Your bishop, and many of your fellow priests will hold it against you.
Credo .
Better early retirement than a cowardly lukewarm "traditionalist" who will eventually loose the faith. 🤮
This wolf in sheep's clothing has shown through this ridiculous decree that he is not a Catholic, much less a bishop! Time to wake-up and do the right thing in Our Lord's Eyes -- these individual episcopal voices are NOT the magisterium. Magisterial teaching is found in the Scriptures and the unanimous witness/teachings of the Fathers/Doctors of the Church, Saints, and bonafide councils of the …More
This wolf in sheep's clothing has shown through this ridiculous decree that he is not a Catholic, much less a bishop! Time to wake-up and do the right thing in Our Lord's Eyes -- these individual episcopal voices are NOT the magisterium. Magisterial teaching is found in the Scriptures and the unanimous witness/teachings of the Fathers/Doctors of the Church, Saints, and bonafide councils of the Catholic Church.
Ridiculous and wicked Archbishop.
Dr Bobus
Isaac Jogues said the cassock is a sign of celibacy.
Great Saint. Great quote
Wilma Lopez shares this
He added, "I therefore specify my desire: the wearing of the cassock is not permitted in the seminary."
Ave Crux
The Modernists know only how to destroy and tear down in their hatred for Tradition. This Bishop doesn't want Priests who strive to emphasize their priestly identity by wearing a cassock as a witness to their essentially spiritual, consecrated nature as "Other Christs"...Alter Christus.
And that's why seminaries are empty and Dioceses have no vocations....we have Bishops who want to denature, de-…More
The Modernists know only how to destroy and tear down in their hatred for Tradition. This Bishop doesn't want Priests who strive to emphasize their priestly identity by wearing a cassock as a witness to their essentially spiritual, consecrated nature as "Other Christs"...Alter Christus.

And that's why seminaries are empty and Dioceses have no vocations....we have Bishops who want to denature, de-supernaturalize the priestly vocation and make them social workers instead.
Francis forbids many things Catholic. That's why masons love him.
"Francis forbids many things Catholic." @mccallansteve In case you didn't notice, this policy comes from Archbishop Caramel. :D
Credo .
The buck stops with the Pope? and cowardly Bishop. 😡
Just taking his cue from the current Pontiff.
Pope criticizes young traditional priests’ clothes: Cassock suggests ‘moral problems’
“Clericalism has a direct consequence in rigidity,” he said, returning to one of the themes of his pontificate. “Have you never seen young priests all stiff in black cassocks and hats in the shape of the planet Saturn on their heads? Behind all the rigid clericalism …More
Just taking his cue from the current Pontiff.

Pope criticizes young traditional priests’ clothes: Cassock suggests ‘moral problems’

“Clericalism has a direct consequence in rigidity,” he said, returning to one of the themes of his pontificate. “Have you never seen young priests all stiff in black cassocks and hats in the shape of the planet Saturn on their heads? Behind all the rigid clericalism there are serious problems.”