
Francis: A Very Strange Picture

Enrique Cangas, an Argentinean photographer published a book with pictures he produced over the years with Cardinal Bergoglio. It is called “De padre Jorge a Papa Francisco, el camino de un pastor con …More
Enrique Cangas, an Argentinean photographer published a book with pictures he produced over the years with Cardinal Bergoglio.
It is called “De padre Jorge a Papa Francisco, el camino de un pastor con olor a oveja” (From Father Jorge to Pope Francis, the Way of a Shepherd with the Smell of Sheep).
The article’s picture is taken from the book (AlfaYOmega.es, Januar 9). It is called “The Hug” and shows Bergoglio with his eyes closed leaning against the breast of a young man in Buenos Aires who “prays for him” by putting his arm around Bergoglio’s shoulder.
There there Jorge we'll discuss it when we get home
Claudius Cartapus
After a long day, he falls asleep...
Give us a kiss.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Libor Halik
Bergoglio (Francis) is LGBT. Unfortunatelly.
Little wonder why Pope Francis is so forgiving of homosexual clerics.
Remember Tony Palmer? The pentecostal friend of Francis... Bergoglio was leading in Luna Park Argentina ecumenical "shows" with charismatics and protestants sects all claping hands and many left catholic faith with this kind of experiments here in Buenos Aires .
susan guderjan
Yes and Tony Palmer died suddenly in a motorcycle ac accident. Tony Palmer was working in Texas trying to get all the nondenominational and evangelicals churches to merge with the Catholics. Not to be Catholic but to be united in some way, to pray together ect.
What a disturbing gesture. The shepherd should be the one strengthening the sheep. I definitely won't entrust my spiritual health and growth to this kind of man!
A seriously disturbed individual who craves attention.
Awwww he's soooooo cuddly when he isn't scowling or slapping.
Similar position of this ex-gay priest
susan guderjan
Isn't that interesting?!
Thors Catholic Hammer
Male effeminacy characterises the alleged pontificate of the false "pope" francis.
A singular trait of such being hostility to authentic catholic women.
comfort ye
You mean like, Our Lady?
Thors Catholic Hammer
An idea of antipope francis is to replace the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, with the repulsive pagan icon called Pachamama.
Novella Nurney
The only sheep he smells like are spiritually DEAD sheep.
No slaps, only gentle looks for sodomites.