
Did Archbishop Cordileone Lose Control Over His Archdiocese?

The San Francisco Catholic Charities [other countries: Caritas] posted several Tweets "honouring" homosexuals and gay events promoting homosexual fornication.

After JosephSciambra.com (June 9) exposed this the Tweets were scrubbed.

This has been the fourth time that Sciambra reported about gay-propaganda on social media accounts within San Francisco Archdiocese.

It seems that "conservative" Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, 64, is helpless. The depraved postings are taken down, while the culprits remain in place.

Cordileone may be fearful that Francis who has put in place an extensive gay-network in the Vatican, will remove him, if he touches the omnipotent gay lobby.

Picture: Salvatore Cordileone, © American Life League, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsMjejjxahyk

Arthur McGowan
No question that Cordileone believes it is better to remain in that job than to have someone much worse appointed. But the fact is that no Catholic can be archbishop of SF, because a Catholic would have to shut down Most Holy Redeemer and several other parishes--precisely for the purpose of driving the sodomites away from the Church. But the Prime Directive of the Ape Church is that the sodomites …More
No question that Cordileone believes it is better to remain in that job than to have someone much worse appointed. But the fact is that no Catholic can be archbishop of SF, because a Catholic would have to shut down Most Holy Redeemer and several other parishes--precisely for the purpose of driving the sodomites away from the Church. But the Prime Directive of the Ape Church is that the sodomites must be maintained as ACTIVE PARISHIONERS at all costs. Cordileone has said that more than half his priests are gay, and would mutiny if he did anything to rein them in.
Alex A
@Arthur McGowan> Thank you for the insight regarding the difficulties that Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is faced with. Truly, may God be with him.
Blessed Mother, please protect Abp. Cordileone form Francis Gaystapo.
Dr Bobus
Running the Archdiocese of San Francisco is an impossible job--it's doubtful that he ever had control of it.
May God protect Abp.
Too bad he is not willing To support God for fear of loosing his job. He end up supporting sodomy.
Catholic Church departs into catacombs underground in as much as apocaliptic herlot arrives on the surface aboveground. : And the woman fled into the wilderness.
"I have always condemned Liberal Catholicism and I will condemn it again forty times over if it be necessary." - Pope Pius IX